
lunes, abril 25, 2016

Kara Schallock - Expanding the Divine Feminine - April 25, 2016

While the merging of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine is important for Balance, right now the Divine Feminine requires attention, support and nurturing. Remember that the Divine Feminine is Source and has essences of receiving, being, allowing, flowing and other yin qualities.  As we honor our Divine Feminine, we help to raise our own consciousness and global consciousness, for the vibration and Power of Source/Divine Feminine are increasing and as we focus on being the Divine Feminine, we help to bring Her consciousness onto Earth. Pay attention to who is drawn to you now;  they are responding to your Divine Feminine Source Light and recognize you as carrying the Soul Codes of Source so that they may awaken and/or empower the Codes within themselves. Those who are drawn to you do not battle with you nor resist the connection; there is no push/pull involved. There is no trying, controlling or fear-based emotions involved, for Flow is the way of the Divine Feminine.

A new frequency is being born within all; it is an upgrade of the Divine Feminine. It is why so many are connected to the carriers of the Divine Feminine aspects (Mother Mary, Maria of Magdala, Isis, Laxmi, Kali, Athena and many others from all cultures). There are those whose path is to awaken and empower the Divine Feminine leylines throughout  Earth. Of course, all beings carry the Divine Feminine Source Codes within to certain degrees.
Realize that if you feel depleted and feel done with this work of raising the vibration of Earth, that it is merely an indication that you have entered a new phase. You may feel very in-between and do not know your next steps. This requires you to let go and let it be O.K. to be out of control and directionless. It is the Divine Feminine at work within you. A new, much higher vibration is birthing. When this occurs, which is different for each one, things eventually fall into place and may be nothing you expected. Of course! It is New! We haven’t been here before and it is simply not a continuation or remake of the old. Yet, it can only occur if you fully let go and let be of what is happening (or not happening) currently. Flow; Be. Your intellect does not have your answers; it only knows the past. Separate ego may want to hold onto the old and familiar, so meditate and actively invite the Divine Feminine to you in order to activate and empower any dormant Source Codes within.
Be patient, for as you know, it does not happen instantaneously, for the Divine Feminine does not push. It is slow and gentle like water; and like water it is powerful…gentle and powerful. Anything that does not serve Her will be released, as do relationships that are not aligned with this higher vibration. Your Sensitivity will most likely increase, as well as your Intuition. It is also important for you to take care of yourself. There may certainly be times in which you will not be motivated to do anything. This may certainly bring up emotions of guilt and old rules, especially if “doing” has been hard-wired within you. Can you Be without the inner need to do?
If you feel completely drained and sense there is nothing on Earth for you, realize that this is a prelude to a radical shift. April is another power-packed month. There have been huge influxes of Light, especially during the Full Moon and what we refer to as Earth Day (April 22), when a major Divine Feminine Gateway opened. We have been made aware of what old beliefs and patterns are still operating  in the subconscious. While they may be more difficult to identify, for they are just below the surface, you know them by what life shows you. Whether you can identify them or not, they are still creating in your life. You can release these even if you can’t name them. If you feel depressed, you may be releasing old grief; grief that has been lodged in your cells for lifetimes. As we transform, we are both strong and sensitive. Allowing Vulnerability, which is complete Honesty with and about yourself, your Heart opens more. As your Heart opens more, you strengthen Soul and step more fully into your Authenticity. If you hide who you are, why? You are safe to be you. You do not need outside approval; in fact, if you need to please others by not being you, you might consider letting this go. It does not serve you, nor does it serve others. The Divine Feminine asks you to be All of who you are…openly, honestly and without apology.
As you become strong in the Divine Feminine, you open your Heart and create a space for the Divine Masculine to enter you for support and Balance. Remember, the Divine Masculine is within.
You are ready to receive your own information, and most of you already do. There are those, of course, that affirm what you already know. As always, be selective as to what and who you welcome into your space, for you are the final authority. Discernment is not intellectual; it is a Soul Essence and is felt. What you receive in meditations and dreams and symbols are your own guidance. What may be helpful is to keep a pen and paper near you when you meditate and ask to receive; write or draw your impressions. They may not make sense in the beginning, yet if you continue with this practice, they will become clearer to you.
In this new phase of Ascension, things will be easier as many have let go of struggle and resistance. This is due to your own choices, your release work and is a sign that the Divine Feminine is strong within you. As you flow, things become easier and you become lighter and softer. This is a time to take the path of no resistance, as long as it is not to simply go back into the old comfort. Let go of pushing and having to do something. Allow and Be. In this way, you are led in Grace to where it is best for you to be, even if that is to see what more there is to let go of or to integrate. Trust Grace.
Here is something fun to do…close your eyes and let your arms and hands play in the energy, moved by the energy. They may move to different parts of your body or they may create a beautiful dance. After this, let your body do the same. This is allowing the Light to move you in a physical way and integrates Light codes into your cells. Just play in Freedom and Flow.
In this new phase, consciously realize that you are no longer a part of the old matrix. There may be certain things you still do, like pay bills, yet if you look closely, you see how much has shifted. You see through everything and see/feel the truth or untruth. Your lifestyle has shifted to be more authentic. You know what is good for you; what keeps your vibration high and what doesn’t. You are clearer on what you are creating and are taking fuller responsibility for creating all in your life. You are seeing yourself and others more clearly and are spending more time in the New Now. Yes, you are becoming more and more crystalline (crystal clear) and multidimensional; seeing things from all angles and not just from the limited one dimensional view of the separate ego.
You are becoming more Soul-aligned. You are becoming more compassionate without the need to rescue or attach. You are letting go of needing to understand what, why, where, who or how. You are letting go more of resistance and surrendering to What Is. Remember too that as you rise in Love, any lingering pain (mental, emotional or physical) may feel like it is worsening for a bit; as this is how wholing works (as the old releases, it also brings with it old toxins). Trust and know that everything in your life is for your highest evolution. Trust in Divine Order. As you rise in vibration, you may also have experiences, visions and dreams that you can’t intellectually understand. That’s O.K; you needn’t know the reason behind anything. Simply allow. Observe. By the way, trying is basically the same as resisting. As Yoda says, “You either do or you don’t…”
If you look for evidence of the New out in the old world, you might think that nothing has changed. Oh, but it has and is! Seeing things as negative may show you where you hold judgment and duality within. It all depends on your perspective. As I view “out there” dispassionately, I most definitely see how things are shifting. Remember that when things shift, they must disintegrate first and surely, I am perceiving this in every aspect of Earthly life. When you look closer, you can see what I see; it all depends on what you choose to see. As you focus on Love evolving, that is what you see and create. When you put your energy into what’s dissolving, you get sucked into that vortex. We are creating a higher reality based on Love. Of course, it is your choice to be in fear or to be Love.
I remind you also that if you feel blocked, you can surrender to this quiet time, rather than resisting it, fighting it or judging it. I spoke of this in the last Ascension Note and I sense it is still affecting many. To say you’re blocked is to create more “blockage.” So let it go and let it be. We need not be constantly moving and producing; that is of the old. Be gentle and loving with yourself. Honor where you are and know that amazing things reveal themselves when you are still. There is nothing to do but Be. Do not worry; you won’t be left behind! You are loved and you are Love.
Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.http://www.soulsticerising.com