
domingo, abril 10, 2016

James Tyberonn - Astro View ! The Temporal Angst of April -

There is no question that March was a month of severe intensity. And most are still in the after effect lassitude of its staggering impact. The frequency of the tandem eclipses and super equinox, while beginning to wane a bit, are still quite active, and will be influencing the planet for several more weeks, if not months.

For those of you thinking that April would be easier... take note, there are a few issues & very , important considerations and cautions for the next 2 weeks. The challenges aren't over, and the intensity is still grinding ! It's the temporal angst of April !!!! Take a deep breath !

The present astro gravities are such that any worry, any fear , any anger will be unduly amplified in this energy.... and potentially be blown out of proportion. It is essential to avoid negative focus, keep a positive attitude and make a concerted effort to secure and maintain a balanced & joyful attitude. And that will require wisdom & effort !

The present angst is temporal, it will pass. Take time to enjoy the blossoming flowers and fresh energies of the newly birthed springtime ... or autumn colors if you are in the southern hemisphere !

Energies will begin to lighten in mid-to-late April, but the first fortnight of April, will carry some heavy weights and lingering residues. Keep in mind that Saturn joined Jupiter in retrograde at the end of March, and the intensity of the Equinox and Eclipses of March are still overloading the emotional and mental bodies. Up until the 20th of April, there will be a sense of uncertainty, confusion and a tendency of doubt. It is a time in which logic is somewhat skewed & wrong decisions can seem right. So delay any major decisions until later in the month if possible, and if not possible, think very carefully before you close any doors.

The phase between April 20-26th offers a better window for making important decisions more clearly. A sense of worry and heightened anxiety can lead to feelings of being lost and & confused, especially during the first 2 ½ weeks of April. It is a time in which unwarranted angers can spring up, and unjustified feelings can seem justified. Avoid listening to naysayers, consider the source, and be cautious on whose advice you choose to hear. Be patient and do not force major decisions or burn any bridges!

Take a step back and be aware that people may be testy, and you may be overly argumentative & overly defensive in the present astro gravities.

Obstacles may seem unsurmountable, and fears can be amplified. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 22nd provides an opportunity for better insight, and invites a more balanced appraisal of one's situation.

Make a concerted effort to think positive, exercise and meditate ! Things will look brighter soon !