
domingo, enero 03, 2016

Jahn J Kassl - 2016: NATURE OF REVELATIONS, GOD - January 3, 2016

After I had published my paper 2016: Year of Revelations on 1/1/2016, on the following afternoon I received the following message from GOD

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

The year of revelations has begun and many human
Beings enter the next higher level on the path into
the Light and to perfection. One journey ends,
a new one begins.

I am GOD

Of what nature will the revelations be in this year?
To individual human Beings his way, his assignments and his
place in this world will be unveiled to him. Revelations are ahead,
which occur in silence and which by itself bring fundamental
knowledge to every matured human Being. Now the time has
come when everything is revealed to human Beings on the

Truly, whoever is ready for it, will receive, whoever
suffered from hunger for realization, will be satisfied,
and whoever thirsted for truth will receive it.

The old souls in this world, the Light creatures of this time,
begin now to change back and in a new manner get anchored
on Mother Earth. The wanderer, who pays attention to the way
and orients his sight toward the path and not to the sky, will
not stumble. And thereby their way will be unveiled and their
assignments will be made known to human Beings, who on the
one hand have entered the Light path, yet on account of the
centrifugal forces of this time very often were unsure and
were worn down by doubts.

Therefore do not look at the world of outer appearances,
instead direct your whole attention toward your innermost.

There the miracles occur, which you prepared a long time
for and which you expected wholeheartedly.

The whole world heals in you, the entire Life transforms.

I reveal to you your place in Life and I reveal to you your
assignments in this world. I reveal to you the Light, which
you are and which you shall pass on to your neighbor as a gift.

The Sacred 9

More powerful, more forceful and more penetrating,
as in many years before, a significant number of human

Beings and all Life will be uplifted to a higher level of vibration in the year of the sacred 9, the “Year of
Initiation”. Be ready, remain ready, and it occurs.

So that you may serve Life and the Light, until Heaven
opens its gates also for this world, visible to all.

It is time that you act in wisdom and that you walk
with a loving heart on the path of Life.

And as soon as a soul, to which its way has been
revealed, a human Being, who has entirely devoted
self to God, will become loving.

Burn the Lower

Act like Gods and discard the lower. Burn your false pride,
burn your arrogance and burn your jealousy! Burn everything,
which is owed to the old time and cannot be found in the new

Light warriors, beloved Gods in human Gestalt!
As long as lower motivations mix in with your
light-filled doings, your light-filled doings will
be polluted.

Do not mix bad with good wine, do not add anything
to clear water, instead absorb God’s pure lesson in you
and live accordingly: the lesson of the all-loving presence
of your all-knowing eternal spirit.

I will reveal myself to the pure souls, I will show myself
to the true Light creatures, and to those, who love God,
I prepare Heaven here on earth.

In infinite Love for human Beings.

I am GOD