
viernes, enero 15, 2016

Dr. Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Unconditionally Love Yourself ~ Second Chakra

Meditation for Chakra Two

As I focus on my second chakra between my waist and the base of my spine, I feel a rush of emotion from a long forgotten childhood and early life. I embrace these emotions with the power of my Unconditional Love.

With the power of my Unconditional Love, I can Unconditionally Forgive myself for whatever I thought I might have done wrong. I can also Unconditionally Accept that I wrote those episodes of life into my birth plan.

I observe how these gifts of Unconditional Love, Unconditional Acceptance, and Unconditional Acceptance give my inner child the freedom to be reborn into my true Multidimensional Self.

I can now see a stairway that leads from the depths of my deep unconscious child, self that is ever expanding into higher and higher dimensions of consciousness.

I observe and feel this light of my true Multidimensional Self as this light flows down the stairway and into the depths of my Second Chakra to re-set all of my childhood problems into "lessons well learned."

I observe as my inner child shares with me my innate talents that were lost in the process of growing up. I feel the wonder of life, as I perceive it through the eyes of the innocence and hope of my own inner child.

"I am free", I hear myself exclaim as I climb the stairway of light into the "me" that I chose to be before I took this embodiment.

I now view my world through the eyes of the innocence and the innate knowing that I am protected and guided by the higher dimensional frequencies of my own Multidimensional Self.

I now look out into the world through the eyes of innocence and the innate knowing that I am protected. My own inner guides, that are also the higher dimensional versions of my own Multidimensional Self, protect me.

As these higher beings become conscious to my awareness, I feel the Higher Light and Unconditional Love resonating within the core of my being.

I feel this Higher Light and Unconditional Love as it frees me from memories of the past that have lied to me, that have told me that I was only human, that I was not good enough, that I was not smart enough, or good-looking enough.

The words hurt me and made me sad. Therefore, I take these words that somehow became stuck in my second chakra, and I send each word my own Unconditional Love as I say, "I love you, and I love me."

"I AM Unconditional Love. My Unconditional love is

FREE of condition.

My Unconditional Love accepts mistakes, accidents, or reactions."

I feel that Unconditional Love, as it settles into my second chakra.

I feel the Unconditional Love, as it calms me, relaxes me, and assists me to release the emotions of sorrow, pain, and anger.

I feel how this Unconditional Love allows me to rejoice in the emotions of happiness, creativity, acceptance, and forgiveness.

I feel how, through my own second chakra, "I" am being reborn.

I feel how my Multidimensional Self is rebirthing as the newest and most unconditionally loving version of my self.

"I am reborn!

I am the 'me' I was meant to be.

Now I can live my life as being me."

And in this life,

Within this rebirth of this life,

I unconditionally love myself from the core of my being.

I unconditionally forgive myself from the core of my being

I unconditionally accept myself from the core of my being.

And from these fertile fields of Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness and Unconditional Acceptance of MY SELF:

I know that I AM, I WILL, I AM CONTINUING to create "my/our"

New Earth that is based on Unconditional Love

Click the Video Below to Listen to the Second Chakra Meditation

(Practice daily for 1 week)