
domingo, enero 24, 2016

Blossom Goodchild - Jan 24th, 2016.

I cannot believe we have got through another week. It went so fast! Perhaps I jumped into a portal since the last channelling and came out a week later! Which segues neatly into that which we said we would speak about this week. You said you would chat about energy moulding … regarding creating one’s own portal … I think! Oh … manners Blossom! Good morning!

Good morning to you also, Dearest Blossom. We can FEEL from you that energetically you are in a fine space and this always pleases us … on your behalf.

Let us get down to business … as you would say in your world. To recap … We suggested that Energy is manipulated in order for one to ‘pass through’ from one space/place to another. This can be done on a personal growth level or, indeed ... on a more ‘general’ tunnel.

So, it is actually a tunnel then?

This is how it would be perceived by the participant travelling … and yet, it is merely A SPACE.

You say it takes moulded energy in order for it to work. Is the energy of/from the actual portal, or, the soul passing through it?

Both. The tunnel is composed of particles of Energy that are ramped up to such a velocity that it becomes in/of itself a vacuum. If you think of it like that … literally that, when you are using a domestic vacuum … that which ‘goes in’ is sucked into somewhere else. This is the only way in ‘laymen’s terms’ that we are able to explain the working of such.

The Energy can be programmed as we said … to ‘arrive’ … or, to take one to a specified destination.

Dare I ask how that is done?

At the risk of ‘blowing your mind’ … Anywhere is Everywhere … Everywhere is Anywhere. There actually is Nowhere.

(On reading this back I felt prompted to write NOW HERE.)

Consider mind Truly blown! So, it is not a matter of plugging in co-ordinates?

Not as humans know co-ordinates on a geographical landscape. A programmed destination … when coming from the individual … moulding Energy and going through … is accomplished completely via ‘Thought programming.’

The other ‘style’ … for it is indeed a ‘different make and model’ is done through computerised components that measure distances in real time and then calculate and estimate distance travelled … how would we say … through ‘air’.

How on Earth can they do that?

By relying on computer intelligence. Hence, why we spoke of a lot of time and money being dedicated to such a project on Earth. There were many faulty procedures and with respect, we would say … that these humanly made ‘worm holes’ are still not 100% accurate.

Let us move on to the ‘self-created’ vortexes. For we feel that is far more useful information for one to consider.

I’m all ears, believe me!

Again, there is nothing other than Energy. Everything is Energy and we will just pop in here … ALL ENERGY IS LOVE BASED.

Yep … a ‘must’ to be mentioned!

Therefore, and this, Dearest Blossom … is requiring of you to concentrate on a different level in order for us to explain …

Oh my! Oh my! I’ll try! I’ll try!!

That which is real … is thought. Your thought creates your reality. So, should one require to be/go elsewhere … in a flash … it would need concentrated thought. First of all on the destination involved. Not only to think about it … To IMAGINE oneself there … To FEEL oneself there … To FEEL THE ENERGY of this place one is going to. So that, with practice … one’s focus of FEELING would shift from where one actually ‘thought’ they were … to that of where they were destined.

This cannot be accomplished overnight. Well, in Truth it can. Yet, we do not wish to get one’s hopes up and be of disappointed disposition. We smilingly say … You cannot run before you can walk. Or, in these terms … you cannot transport before you can trans-thought!

Love it! I won’t interrupt the flow … I’m concentrating too hard!

So, you are aware that one can travel via the mind and this is TRULY achieved via the same fashion. Yet … and that is a big YET … to actually KNOW from the ALL THAT IS TRUTH … from THE ALL THAT IS KNOWING SPACE OF WHO YOU ARE … that your physicality can come to that place with you … is the basic key to how it is done. We say 'basic key' … for that is the foundation. For, if you do not KNOW within every cell, every atom of the Energy that makes up you in your completeness … it could not happen. For, it is indeed, every part, every aspect of you that you take through with you. Otherwise … much damage could be done to both mind and body.

So, is it dangerous to even attempt then?

That is an intriguing question. For we suggest that you ‘study’ this … and we suggest too, that you work on this ‘process’. Yet, as for attempting it … we would say to tap into the intelligence of yourself … before attempting such a feat.

It is those who have been too eager … too unready … that have come to a sticky end … would we say.

Eh … can it be the end? I mean, can one physically encounter death through attempting this?


Far out. Shall we go back to the simplicity of Being Love?

You wanted to know.

Yet, I hadn’t seen that coming.

As we stated … with the greatest of respect for all that IS … this can be accomplished easily for the more advanced soul. Here, upon your planet there is so much density for you to contend with … and this is a major factor in ‘the workings of’ … especially for the self.

Elsewhere … there is a much ‘Lighter’ force field and therefore, this allows for a very different ‘head space’! There is no other physical form that is of the density/weight of that of the human.

(Again when reading back, I felt when it was coming through that they meant … on other planets etc. For indeed, is not a hippo heavier than me? Debateable some days! )

Really? Wow. That’s a rather huge statement.*

That was rather huge Trusting Blossom … for you to continue writing it down as you felt the words come through!

Well, I’m getting better at a lot of things … especially when it comes to chatting with you!

We would confer that perhaps for now … it would be best to concentrate on travelling elsewhere via the mind … and leaving the body ‘at home’. This would be a good place to start.

So, you have told us how to prepare by FEELING we are there etc … then what?

Then … You breathe … as you always do … and yet … whilst FEELING the Vibration of Being elsewhere … you imagine yourself ‘evaporating’.

Literally, visualise your body evaporating … so as, you FEEL ONLY LIGHT.

THE LIGHT OF YOURSELF. Allow then … the Light that you are … to remain ‘above you’ for a while … as you become accustomed to BEING JUST LIGHT. It is best to have practice periods of just this alone … until you feel well-adjusted in doing so.

Once comfortable and content that you have achieved the control of yourself just ‘above’ yourself … then again … VISUALISE … FEEL … VIBRATE on the same Energy as that of the place you wish to visit.

But how do we know what the energy of that place is? How do we know the vibration of that place?

You don’t … to start with. Yet, the more you focus on it … the more you breathe into it … the more you ‘pick up’ on its frequency.

Continue to breathe into that frequency. Think of nothing other than the FEELING OF THE ENERGY WITHIN THAT FREQUENCY. Try to avoid thinking about what you are thinking about!!


Try to let go of the fact that you are doing what you are doing. Trying not to think about WHAT you are doing and how strange a thing it might be … and concentrate on BEING elsewhere. After CONSIDERABLE PRACTICE in these matters … you will begin to pick up little ‘hints’ of that space in which you wish to be.

A flashing moment of a vision of that place … rather like a scene of/in a movie. It may only be a second of it that you catch … yet … you were there.

An easy ‘hole to fall through’ which brings you instantly back home … is the recognition that ‘It has worked’. Or, it is working … which ‘clips’ the thought form ‘back’ into the physical place in which you are. It breaks the link, if you like. This is yet another skill to acquire … in order to remain in the new place for as long as is required. An acceptance of ‘AS IS’ is most helpful. A thought of ‘Whoa! This is Weird’ … is not!

We would mention also … although it is not by any means compulsory … that to have the intent of the journey being for THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND … assists the process/progress … rather than it be for selfish gain. We are not saying it cannot and should not be done for fun. Yet, as in all things … our way of thinking … is … THAT WHICH IS DONE FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL … BENEFITS THE ALL. Therefore, not ONE living thing misses out.

As one awakens deeper into their Truth … they become aware of things that had not seen the Light of day within one’s thought form. The greater one is prepared to free themselves from all that they know … or should we say ... all that they ‘think’ they know … the more they become aware that … would we say … ‘they aint’ seen nothing yet’.

What’s got into you today? You seem so much more human … with all respect.

That is not so, Blossom. We would say that it is you that has become so much more non- human within this communication … that we are merely filtering through your thought waves … in a fashion of great ease and delight.

Disregard all that you ‘think’ you KNOW AS TRUTH and allow yourselves to move into the ‘Unknown so far’. Let this then … become your new way of thinking … resonating on a Higher level of yourself than before.

KNOW THAT EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. There is nothing that is not! For every possible thought that one can think … EVERY thought … can be achieved when you KNOW that thought creates reality … without exception. You just have to KNOW this from the deepest place of yourself … Your TRUTH ... Your YOU!

EXPAND INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN, Dearest Ones. There, lie wonders beyond your wildest imaginings. Yet, once you allow yourselves to go there … your wildest imaginings become the norm … until you, once again … are ready to go beyond that!


And we Love you. In Love and thanks my friends. In so much Love and thanks.

*( I’m not sure that this statement is my Truth right now … Maybe it will become so one day! Just because this is what ‘They’ bring through, doesn’t mean it has to be a Truth for me. I learned that long ago, when sometimes questioning messages coming through from White Cloud and he told me it was ok for me not to agree with all he said!)

End of session.

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.


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