
lunes, diciembre 14, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ 12:12 Golden Gateway ~ Solar Christ consciousness, resurrection phase, closure

Blessings Love Tribe

We are in for another form of manifested creation through the potential of the 12:12 Gateway. For a few days now I have been seeing the first glimpses of that gateway which is a Golden Light entering our spheres and our consciousness. A welcomed gift many will appreciate and so will it inspire many of the Love Tribe to continue and hold on to their mission.

The Love Tribe has been going through phases of waking up to certain illusions which have been strongly held before and so a new phase of clarity will show you the way as the Golden Light enters in a new format during the 12:12 gateway.

This implies keeping many things in mind and remembering them as you gaze upon this new wave of Golden fabrics. There is a matrimonial phase held in this gateway passage that holds the unique keys to enlightenment and to the upliftment of mankind's infinity. This means that a resurrection of this Divine infinity shall find a way through all of your skeletal structures, your bones and your bloodstream to infuse them all with this Golden Light.

In other words, this is another gateway of holding the light intent for new structures of Light and crystallizing already existing structures to another platform and different vibration. The intel on this mission is clear and simple: keep things in your minds and in your hearts very clear, to the point, detailed but simple. What you are receiving here is another beautiful opportunity through this gateway to hold your heartfelt intentions and to bring new furniture to your sacred houses. The houses are becoming temples and you are transforming these into Temples.

A further phase will be that even the furniture shall not be needed anymore and that all you will come to bring in will be pure light and consciousness on whatever level you can be by heart.

This Golden Gateway shall point out as an existing force within the matrimonial field of existence into Being. Another level of merging on different Dimensions and therefore one that can only be held by heart and experienced through the heart. That is your role, your mission and your intent once more: to keep things balanced and to give a way for these beautiful forces to come about and be anchored in your world.

Yet what is being added as a message is that those who are willing to do the gate-keeping work shall have new glimpses and adventures of an already new world in the making. This new world is only in the making within your own defined mind but already existing and formed as a fact in your own true heart. Gate-keeping shall be important in this Now and will assist in the closure of this year that has almost come to an end within the planetary cycle of 1 year.

Referring to those who are willing and open to see behind the veils of separation: you will have remarkable changes and new seeds being created within you during this gateway which will lead you onto a path of manifestation of these seeds later on in the next year. Fruition is what comes to mind when I think of it.

This Golden Light is not only amplifying already activated gate-keeping work but will also infuse the light grids with lots of new potential to arise. It only takes the willingness to be open for it and receive. It does not matter when or how this will come to unfold for you, what is important is to stand your ground on Earth and to take it all in while knowing you are one with the Universe.

Golden pillars of Light shall enter your realm and further activate the Solar Christ consciousness within. New formulas of the body cells shall be available and thus the reforming of the physical body continues as the Light body within yourself expands and starts to shine from the inside out.

The Gateway of 12:12 holds you in its womb for a while as it takes you with her for a specific duration of time until it decides to release its hold. This is so because there lies an importance within the creating in the womb of this Gateway itself. It is the Birth of your Solar Christ consciousness within the totality of your Being right here on Earth, and the Golden Light takes you in and through this recreational process. I call it a recreational process because it is a level of consciousness which is experiencing itself and making something different out of this experience. Traveling to new levels which abound in light.

Keep your eyes close to your own body and heart at this time. in other words keep your focus and attention where it is necessary to Be present. The Solar Christ is experienced and only born through you and nothing else. Keeping your eyes elsewhere shall bring you more of the truth of what you already know and just make things clearer then they already are concerning your external world. You already know what is finished and what is not, therefore spend some quality time within you at this time and let it all be found and unfold from within you as the gateway shall speak through you and deliver a song that is best for your heart for this moment.

Having trust in your gate-keeping work is of paramount importance! For you are the crucial builders of this new world and the ones which hold the bridges available and accessible for others to travel over and receive those same glimpses as well. We, all of us together, want to treasure and cherish this moment by heart.

Happy Golden Gateway to you all

Méline Portia Lafont

Méline offers skype sessions, channeled readings, energy work and Tools that can assist you on your path. Are you having questions or are you seeking for more guidance on particular parts of your journey, check out the Reading formats Méline offers and the audio Tools.

For those who are more into the deep diving into SELF, Méline's " Channeling Course" or Course for connecting to SELF is a recommendation for all whom are willing to do the Self work!

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Universal created gift 2012-2015. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned. Méline Portia Lafont www.melinelafont.com