martes, noviembre 10, 2015
Lisa Transcendence Brown - DELIVERANCE PORTAL - 11/10/2015
These are the words as a HUGE portal opens and energy continues to clear. It's been one whole day since "clearing/cleansing" amped up within the cells from the cosmic upgrades that started moving through our cells for a CELLULAR CONSCIOUSNESS upgrade started.
Intense, energetically, in an understatement... yet we do understand and are consciously moving through realities during it all, moving it all out, sleeping to clear timelines and integrate Light at a "faster pace" and allowing "time away" to ourselves for the unification and POWER UP phase to occur.
These cellular cleansings are huge and they go deep within every fiber, cell, particle of each of us to see what was not visible before, to shine a light on it, so we can see it and where there is stubborn energy, we have to "go through it" in our physical reality world.
Our cells never stop anymore. They move, they charge, they purify, they cleanse, they contract/expand, radiate and emit (literally, photonic emissions, air/gas & liquid comes out of each particle cell now) gravity comes and goes, our heart opens more and more and more... and any little speck that was left... it's going to be purified one way or another.
For me, I will get the energy out, however it has to happen. I will break my own mind, my own fight, go "raw and wide-open" and pull away from all. I will allow the portals inside to open up and for more awesomeness to come forth. I take command of my physical reality, as a higher self aspect. I don't allow the old junk in my world. I maintain the highest states of consciousness. I will also break myself intentionally, so that the outside word doesn't have to. WE can do this energetically, clear the energy, unify inside and expand quickly again.
WE OPEN THE GATEWAYS and I hold them open for all ready to walk through when they are ready. WE don't wait for anyone to do anything for us here... WE are WAYSHOWERS... all of us... WE do it all ourselves....
WE come together with others who hold this inside too. Where we are of the same soul group, we synchronize and work together, where it feels appropriate in-service. Where another need to do their journey their way, we respect this and their need to go do their journey.... WE HOLD OUR SPACE.... that is our responsibility here. One of them, we have many....
Being Love, Being Light, Being Powerful and Being honest, pure and true... not compromising for anything... We do not compromise our soul.
We've activated a DELIVERANCE PORTAL that brings more LIBERATING and FREEDOM for all. We've been clearing "struggle energy" again for since the 11/1 Portal opened and this Initiation Phase started. We've been clearing anything that surfaces to be seen. First it starts in our sleep state and anything in our physical reality that is a physical representation will emerge to deal with then we sleep to resolve and move it out. It's a process of moving through timelines and recognizing them all in present moment and the purposed they serve.
Walking in multiple dimensions in every state is an art. We REMEMBER how, as we activate our own KEYCODES through the activation of LIGHT and we embrace it all as our earthly physical aspect for merging all aspects into one space, in whatever form that may be, in the moment.
Remember, when we clear our own cellular memory programs, when we step up, when we hold the NEW EARTH GRIDWORK in place, we do it for an entire collective... ALL OF US get to EXPERIENCE the magical awesomeness here. ♥
I love you. Mahalo for your presence and for all that you do, are and share in light. ♦
Ángeles de Crystal