
domingo, noviembre 01, 2015

Dianne Robbins - Monthly Channeling - November 2015

Monthly Channeling, Copyright © Dianne Robbins

Where are the Extinct Species of Cetaceans?

We are the Cetaceans who are extinct — or so you think. All species that are extinct are comprised of individuals whose souls are Immortal, thereby enabling them to reincarnate when the time is right. So we aren’t lost or really “extinct,” just our species’ combined group frequency is, but we individuals remain alive in different bodies and on different planets in different dimensions.

We all look different each and every time we embody, but our souls always remain the same. We all come here to learn different experiences necessary for our soul growth, and leave after our les­sons are learned, or when we are killed unexpectedly before we can complete our sojourn here.

It is no different now. You can ask yourselves the same questions, such as, “What was the Earth like when you were here thousands of years ago?” and, “Where are you now?”

Well, thousands of years ago many of you were also here on Earth in different bodies, when the Earth was still pristine and in balance and there was harmony. And where you are now is here again in a different body with a different face, and at a time when the Earth is in chaos and pain. We all recycle time and time again, to start anew again, hoping that “this time” we will complete our incarnational cycle and be able to move on.

The group presence of a specie generates a Light Field that is exponentially magnified by its members. It is this Light Field that is lost to Earth whenever a specie becomes extinct.

So only our species are extinct, but not the individuals who com­prised them. And losing a specie is indeed a tragedy, for the wisdom and beauty of the group frequency they contributed to the Earth is irreplaceable. But we as individuals live on, just as you do now.

Copyright © Dianne Robbins

To order my books, please visit my Website: http://www.diannerobbins.com/
(By ordering directly from me – either through my website or by sending me a check or money order to P.O. Box 844, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067, you are contributing to the support of my work).

Your donations are greatly appreciated and support me in continuing my work: http://www.diannerobbins.com/support.htm
(FREE Message from the Crystal Nation with any contribution PLUS Watch a bonus video of me reading the message!!)

Book Signings: If you are (or plan to be) in the Mount Shasta area, and would like to meet Dianne, she is holding individual and group Book Signings: http://www.diannerobbins.com/meetme.htm
