
miércoles, noviembre 25, 2015

Blossom Goodchild - Nov 25th, 2015.

Hello again! I am keen to get back chatting with you after an unexpected fortnight away looking after my grandson! How are you?

Of course, we can be nothing other than supremely well and more than elated to be of service to those who choose to take heed of that which we find necessary to relate, in these very exciting times.

How lovely! I am very keen on talking more about ‘The Illusion’ … something I am trying to grasp more of, as I FEEL it is indeed THE KEY to open any door. However, I wonder if you could address a few matters for readers? Keeping in mind, I am completely unattached these days … for I FEEL the 'time frame’ issue with us has been … and always be … way up the Swanee River without said paddle! So … You have said, that before the year is out there will be massive changes that will be apparent to all and also, more and more Pillars of Light shall appear and some even presenting as rainbow coloured. The end of the year is very near and folk are questioning once again … where are these things you have spoken of?

We thank you for bringing these matters to hand ... for we do not FEEL in any way that we are responsible for that which does or does not ‘appear’ in your skies or anywhere else.

Dearest Friends … The only responsibility that any One Soul has … be they residing on Earth or otherwise … is to BECOME WHO THEY ARE … IN TRUTH. By BEING so … ALL that one is hoping for … expecting … desiring … needing … simply melts away. For when BEING in the fullness of their True Reality … none of these things matter … not one.

Then with all respect … and I say this Light heartedly (as some readers, depending on where they are within themselves, choose to read my words from a different ‘mood’ ) … IF none of it matters … I.e. Pillars of Light … Light ships … The Event etc. … Why are you mentioning them? Was it not you that asked me to send out the Oct 14th 2008 message which got you on the map in the first place?

Yes, indeed. And we shall clarify once again. The Oct 14th message is as True in intent today as it was then. Much took place on many levels and although we/you are still ‘knocked’ for it not taking place … this is done so by those who did not have their hearts open. The abortion of the fullness of that Event HAD to take place as we have explained … yet, so many experienced so much in the way of contact via varied means.

Our point here is not to ‘defend’ … for we have no need to do so Blossom. Yet, we are using this date in your past to show the progression that has been made in the hearts of many over the years. Through this Event … thousands have Awakened to the Love within and set them on the pathway to FREEDOM.

We CHOOSE to speak of LOVE over and over for this is OUR PURPOSE … to assist souls in Awakening from the dream … and as your time moves on … we expand our knowledge through our messages in order to continue the journey we are walking together.

When we speak of ‘Ships in the sky’ … when we speak of ‘Pillars of Light’ and ‘Wonders such as you have never seen or felt’ … we do not do this to keep you … or indeed, ourselves … amused!


Yet apparently, your calendar and ours are on a completely different agenda! Hence, the confusion of folk giving up faith, as nothing seems to come about in fullness. Even though we ‘keep on keeping on’ and ‘hang on in there by a thread’ to witness such phenomena … not necessarily because we NEED it … yet, because YOU have said they are going to take place. This matter REALLY needs clarifying if you would be so kind?

We find it interesting that ratings soar when the factors come in to play regarding The Pillars, The Ships, The Wonders, The Event … and yet, on a more regular basis when we speak over and over of LOVE … the general consensus is for the rating to drop … if we may put it that way?

You may … You did!

Such phenomena WILL occur … and yet, as we have also expressed many times … the degree of wonders can only arise as the level of Vibration AS ONE increases … in order for such to take place. We cannot predict one’s choices … one’s decisions … that allow the overall Vibration to drop … remain the same … or indeed … rise.

In order for ANY creation of thought to manifest there has to be enough Energy ‘through’ it … in order for it to take place. We KNOW such things WILL take place … WHEN there is enough Energy to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Yet … how then, could you have ‘announced’ the Oct 14th Event on that principle … which you said would take place and then was aborted?

We would say without question … that once the message was ‘out there’, there was more than enough Energy to make it happen. Yet, as explained … we had not fully realised to what extent those that did not wish this to take place would go to. Therefore, we made the decision to abort … and yet, we did the best we could for many, many ships to be seen by individuals … which you are aware of.

Yes. I am. So, basically, you are saying that you choose to continue giving us messages of Love and all that entails ( for I know it is not your ‘scene’ to speak of matters of conspiracy and such ) in order for us to understand ourselves … in order for us to KNOW that the more we do (understand ourselves) … the quicker such phenomena will present itself.

Sort of!


It is a little more complex than that.

We can take it … if you would care to go into it a little deeper?

The fact of TRUTH remains Blossom … that unless the residents of your planet ‘buckle down’ to some serious looking into themselves … the less likely these things are to occur within the time frames we have suggested.

Best not to give time frames ... I thought you had sussed that and yet, you did!


I hear the thought transference of ‘hold onto your hats’ … which I think most are a little ‘over’ to be honest!

Yet, Dearest Souls … if ‘most’ were to simply … close their eyes in this very moment of NOW … breathe in a few breaths of LIFE - LOVE - LIGHT in order to touch their TRUTH … such sayings will become TRUTH for Each and Every One. For Each and Every One KNOWS that when IT IS TIME … not one hat will remain on a head … for the mind’s eye will have opened up into the glory of Heaven Light that is within ALL.

Thank you. I suppose it’s all a bit back to front in a way. Because, surely … IF the pillars Of Light, be they White or Rainbow in colour ... were to show BIG TIME … or some Ships remain in the skies (without any attempts to blow them into oblivion) … or some Major Event WERE to present itself … wouldn’t that then CHANGE the minds of many … so that they COULD recognise their Truth and FEEL the Love that they are?

It is not designed that way … for it is far more complicated than that.

In what way?

In ways that the Bigger Picture has planned. A very ‘simple’ plan you are suggesting Blossom, yet consequences are to be questioned …

May we TRY and put your mind and many at ease … by making this suggestion to your hearts?

When such ‘complications of mind’s misunderstandings’ arise and one FEELS baffled and confused by the world in which one resides …

When one finds it difficult to keep ones Vibration in the Highest possible …

When one FEELS disillusioned by the misbehaviours of others around them and undertakes feelings of great sadness within them … because of seeing/believing their world is such a mess …

We ask you to STOP!

STOP feeding your minds with that which does not serve …

STOP thinking one should FEEL this and that …

STOP falling into the hole which others have dug and want you to continue falling into …

And …

START … Breathing in and out Consciously … KNOWING that as you do so … you are Breathing in and out the BREATH OF LIFE … that is and can only be …


START recognising the Joy in your lives and make a concentrated effort to recognise ONLY Joy … and when you recognise something other than Joy …


and START thinking once again OF Joy and Blessings and Gratitude FOR these Blessings.

START deciding that YOU as ONE individual … being part of the ONE whole … ARE HERE UPON PLANET EARTH TO DO THIS VERY TASK!

Mm! Such a chore to enjoy oneself!

And yet, Dearest Blossom … for many … for so very many ... in fact for most ... it has become so! Imagine that! So many have forgotten how to live in Joy and it is time to …


It is time to …


and STOP pretending to be anything other than WHO YOU ARE!

As this KNOWING reaches out to EACH ONE …

As EACH ONE nudges another to START remembering …

THEN … Dearest Most Loved Souls …


Will you be knocking on Heavens door … and it shall open unto you …

Assuming you mean … still within the Human frame?

Assuming correctly. For Heaven lies within. It is within Each One … and all you need do is Breathe in the Love - Light that connects you to your Divinity … to find your way there. To find your way Home.

Thank you. You are so right of course! How blessed to have you remind us.

How blessed to BE.

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.


Many thanks.