lunes, noviembre 23, 2015
A Small Fragment of Solara's November 2015 Surf Report
Source: The ANvisible
E Mao Mao is an ancient Hawaiian phrase for "Beyond the Beyond. It represents the energy that comes from far beyond where we are now. Yet the energy of E Mao Mao is something that we have always carried deep within our cellular memory banks. It's a direct remembrance of Beyond the Beyond, for this is where we come from on a core essence level.
In November and December, many of us will experience unexpected infusions of pure E Mao Mao. It may happen at any time. It could be a brief experience or could last for a long while. We will recognize these infusions of E Mao Mao since the energy will be so fresh, so new and expanded, vast and extremely powerful. This energy from Beyond the Beyond feels deeply supporting. It feels completely different from what we've known before, yet there's also a profound familiarity to it that gives us a sense of real comfort.
These powerful infusions of E Mao Mao probably won't happen to everyone. If we're living our lives enmeshed in the Sea of Distraction, we might well miss it. If we're waiting for something to come to us, rather than putting our full beings into birthing the New Reality, we might not feel it.
These infusions of E Mao Mao mark significant Turning Points that take us to an entirely new, infinitely vaster level of consciousness. They noticeably expand our perceptions to the degree where we feel like we are living in a completely new world. They enable us to do things that we've wanted to do for a long time. They trigger quantum breakthroughs on numerous levels.
E Mao Mao is not the New Reality, but it acts as the quickening agent for it, which helps us birth the New Reality and brings it into the expanded HERE AND NOW.
In November we enter a new sector of our Journey into Trueness. The first phase takes place from now until the end of the year. The second phase happens during January / February 2016, but on a different level. In March 2016, some of us will emerge from these four months of intense transformation inhabiting a totally New Reality.
This doesn't mean that the crumbling world of duality will suddenly disappear. it won't. It also doesn't mean that things will immediately get better in the outside world. The upheavals will become even more dramatic and the imbalances more apparent. And there will definitely be a few Bands of Distortion that we have to navigate through. But it does mean that we will be able to immeasurably strengthen the resonance of the New Reality by more fully inhabiting it and this will be powerfully felt all over the world. The energies of E Mao Mao are extremely effective in dissolving duality.
The world around us is in the midst of unprecedented change. None of us know the results of these changes that are taking place all over the world, yet we feel them collectively, no matter where we are. We do our best to stand in love with these monumental changes, to live our Trueness and to embrace it all as Silent Watchers. The way we deal with the changes that are being thrown at us is vitally important as it will set the standard for our future.
This is a small fragment of Solara's complete NOVEMBER 2015 SURF REPORT. The full Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish at the NVISIBLE MERCADO.
We are far more free than we allow ourselves to be!
All material copyrighted 1989 -2015 by Solara. All Rights Reserved.
Read more: http://theearthplan.blogspot.com/2015/11/a-small-fragment-of-solaras-november.html#ixzz3sOOxrnkO
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