
lunes, octubre 12, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Hair On Fire Moments October 12, 2015

Are you feeling the need for change? And if you are, are you starting to notice areas of your life that are not very fulfilling or may be unhappy? Is your life starting to look a little frayed around the edges? You’re waking up and it’s the first step on the life change path. But if you’re a ‘sound sleeper’, like I am, waking up and getting up, or taking action, are two different things. Sometimes there is a big gap between them, unless something happens and the universe ‘sets our hair on fire’, then we have no trouble allowing ourselves to take more deliberate and quicker action around change and transformation.

Whatever we do in our awakening moments when we realize it’s time for a change is the middle of the process that has been knocking at the doorway of our awareness for a while. It’s not our fault, some people are sound sleepers (I know I am). So when we awaken to the need for transformation, we may not be ready to act but we’re certainly in the space where we can no longer ignore our needs and have an overwhelming urge to consider other options. Something happens to gets us off the fence, to give us a compelling reason to change ‘now’, to ‘set our hair on fire’ so we are no longer willing to delay or procrastinate, we’re ready to take action now.

If you have been following me for a while, you know that I have wanted to move away from here for a long time. I never intended to live here for ten years, but I have and I planned to move several times but the plans always fell through. Then last week, something happened to propel me into action mode. I had a very unpleasant meeting with my HOA over roofing materials and the rudeness and narrow mindedness of the board made me realize that I really don’t want to live here any more. Now, being an Aries, I am ready to move today which isn’t the best thing for me to do. But, I am ready to take action now and am making definite, determined plans. There is no reason for me to try to rush the process but I am awake, aware, and fully aligned with action mode.

The movement from awakening to action isn’t always smooth and we need to look at all of the reasons why we aren’t taking action. Our fears, doubts, and unfinished business all stand in our way until we have a ‘hair on fire’ moment that propels us through those final steps. Until we’re ready though, we’ll stay in awake mode for as long as we need to. If you’re having a ‘hair on fire’ moment, you’re ready to take action. Don’t try to rush through the process to get to the other side. Consider the options you are now willing to allow into your life and, with your intentions and outcomes well defined, you’ll be able to take the next steps with courage and confidence, to move into the next phase of your life that fulfills your new needs and intentions.


If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.

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