domingo, septiembre 13, 2015
Judith Kusel - Suns within Suns: – Lessons in Planetary and Soul Mastery - September 13, 2015
We are preparing for the re-entry of massive ancient energies and energy fields which have lain dormant for billions of years.
With it come the age-old challenges for souls who have incarnated onto this planet – some who have been here from the beginning, and some who incarnated in later civilizations and the last huge one, which was Atlantis. Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Mexico, Peru, China, etc. were build on the foundations of what has been before, merely building on the same building blocks, but haven lost most of the higher meaning and the potent energies, higher dimensions of that time.
All of the soul who incarnate onto this planet, are briefed before entering on the conditions on this planet, the life and lifestyle and that they would be entering one of the toughest schools there are in soul growth. In that it is mainly because of old “negative” patterns which mankind created in all those billions of years of life on this planet, which were self-destructive. It was almost a cycling tendency of mankind to always build and destroy and then destroy more.
The higher meaning is that we, as humankind, were about the only species in the cosmos who managed to fall from the 7th and higher dimensions and the state of Light-Being into the 3rd and animal world, and so, this lifetime is all about mastering the lessons of what has come before and to create new, and more holistic life patterns which will finally have taught us some incredible lessons in self-mastery, and in harnessing the forces of the cosmos, not in a self-destructive way, but in a life-enhancing way.
When I do soul readings I often will tap into the greatness of the lives of the souls in incarnations before and then I often wonder, how it is that souls who had experience such power and greatness in one lifetime, would somehow fall under the spell of power and abuse it in the next. Or they would allow their own power to be taken away from them, although in most cases this was more or less the trend of the whole humanity at the time, e.g. when women lost their power and were more or less enslaved by the male principle who wished to mind control everything, and to take the soul out of the female principle.
Underlying all human behavior patterns is FEAR. Fear not only keeps the soul prisoner of the Maya, the Illusion spun by the mass consciousness of the planet, but also most makes human beings behave in irrational ways. With fear, mostly come shame and guilt, and the tendency to self-destruct – which means beating oneself up, believing one has not worth, that one is somehow flawed, or not measuring up. It also the fear of the Unknown and what you human beings do not know, nor understand, they fear and wish to destroy. Yet, what one is not measuring up to, nor understands, is but another illusion spun by the mass opium of those who wish to keep the masses in fear and imprisonment of their own minds and belief systems.
Perhaps the greatest lessons to master for all souls and on all levels, is the acknowledgement that most fears as but illusions of the mind. It is not that fear does not serve a higher purpose: – it does! It teaches us to question the truth of the illusion and to act in spite of it all, for once we act the fear vanishes, like mist evaporates on a sunny day. There are of course those situations in life where the innate fear is a warning signal that all is not kosher and that we should be on the alert, but again it serves in immeasurable ways to teach us to question what lies within and without and what is withholding our action into expanded Beingness, by buying into that fear.
I have found that the more I question, the more answers come.
The more one knows: – the less one knows.
When one stand at the expansive KNOWING and KNOWLEDGE of the cosmos, one tends to shrink, for truly there is so much vastness and infinite space of infinite wonder to explore and make your own in the cosmos: -you can never say you know it all, nor that you have even reached a fraction of knowing that is available on the cosmic scale.
The infinite higher mind is always re-creating itself and ever expanding upon itself, and so the is the infinite higher heart-love energy. It is never stagnant and therefore souls go through the same evolutionary process, ad infinitum.
What we know, or think we know, on this planet, is indeed very primitive compared to the immense knowledge that other galaxies and star systems have, and we all stem from the 12 Master Galaxies of the Great Central Suns who created planet earth all those billions of years ago.
We are but infants in the cosmic playgrounds, and who are we then to think we know it all?
On earth power games, mind games, are nothing – they have no clout in infinite space and once we start realizing to what extend we allow ourselves to buy into the illusions of power play on this planet, we allow ourselves to be shrunk on soul level. When we stop allowing ourselves to be shrunk, we step into infinite possibilities of soul growth and reclaiming our soul power, which in truth is infinite.
As above – so below. As within – so without. The law of cause and effect.
These three infinite Universal Laws are the keys to all existence and to all of creation.
What is there in infinite space, repeats itself in earthly planes, to the TEE.
What is there WITHIN us reflects without.
We are not power-less but power-full.
The more we connect at deep and profound SOUL level to the infinite BEINGNESS which is our central place under the Central Suns, uniquely our own, within the greater SOUL GROUP we belong to, and we LIVE our soul name, calling and higher purpose, the more we can tune in cosmically. We do not need the earthly knowledge and earthy realms to keep us bound to their way of thinking and being. We are freed up to be, and become in infinite ways. We are not earthly bound anymore. We have claimed our cosmic citizenship and our right to cosmic Being.
We realize that we are but on this planet for an eye-wink in eternity. Yes, not even an eye-wink, not even one single God-breath in the infinity.
Yet, we think it is a big deal. We shrink ourselves; we allow others to shrink us. We buy into illusions of how our lives should be, or not be, of how we should live, what we should eat, how to dress, what to have in order to be a “somebody”, but even being a “somebody” does not bring the ultimate state of evolvement, nor enlightenment.
It is buying into the insanity of being and trying to find saneness.
Maybe I should replace that with saint-hood.
Why this planet is the greatest and toughest school of soul mastery there is, is just because of this insanity and the attempt to imprison the mind and soul of those therein. In the insanity, there is sanity, for it teaches the soul immense lessons, of finding it own way out of the Maya, Illusion, and into the realms of infinity WITHIN the SOUL.
The Higher Mind and the Higher Soul is always connected, plugged into the Infinite Source. It cannot be other, for one fraction of the soul is remains attached to the Divine Source, ad infinitum. We cannot ever be separated from the Source. It is impossible.
All paths lead within.
Yet we all have free will and choice what we do with the life eye-wink on earth. With every single act, comes a reaction. With every single thought – a creation. We create in a sense our own cages, our own prisons.
When we start tapping into the infinite freedom of the soul, and higher mind within, we expand into someone other – the Higher Soul Self, the Higher Mind, and we literally can span dimensions, move into remembering parallel lives and existence, and claim our cosmic heritage and citizenship. We are boundless, we have our home in galaxies and star systems and infinite possibilities of ever greater expansion of cosmic awareness.
There is nothing new under the Great Central Suns. The infinite expansions, ever upon it-self, continue and new Suns are born, but all the Suns are still the Suns of the Suns. Ad infinitum.
The lessons in power are essentially the lesson of each soul. We are what change the world. The outer world we manifested over the ages, the self-destructive ways, will only change to the extent that we allow ourselves to change WITHIN.
Such is the truth of the heavens.
And such are the immense lessons in Soul Mastery.
(Judith Kusel)
Ángeles de Crystal