
martes, septiembre 22, 2015

Christine Meleriessee - Djwhal Khul - Quantum Leap into Acceleration - September 22, 2015

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul express concern of the present energies and how an individual can change the way they are experiencing them in their lives.

I, as Master Djwhal Khul, am working side by side with Meleriessee to give a perspective from a human and a master. We bring forth these truths together to help an individual, such as yourself to understand where you may need assistance through the upcoming changes. As you are reading this material, please stop and breathe from your Higher Essence while commanding those energies to guide you. We will bringing forth an energetic exchange through this writing.

We hope that we can give some enlightenment to the present changes you may be experiencing.
2015 has promised us exactly what the Spiritual Hierarchy envisioned for us, but did we, as individuals, truly know what we would be stepping into?
That is the question that many people may be asking themselves.

How much more can I take?

“Every time there is another season change, a full moon, an alignment of planets, I feel like I am being pushed in many different directions. I don’t know where I am going.”

Does this sound familiar?

Maybe not for you individually, but many people are asking some of these questions. The acceleration is continuing every moment of every day and it is not going to stop.
In 2011 into 2012 we thought we were preparing for massive changes. But yet, when the energies came some individuals were disappointed. They wanted more to happen to allow the gateway of the Heavens to be spilled upon the Earth.

I have to ask this question, “Where would you be in this moment if the changes had been more tremendous at that time.? And to continue, “Are you ready now for great transformation to occur on this planet?”

These are all important questions that each of us should ponder during each elevation of light that occurs within this planet. Each of us, as souls, has chosen to be here at this time.

Do you think that you are doing everything in your power to help create the New Earth or is there more that needs to be considered through the process of transitioning from the Old into the New?

As the elevations of light coming into the planet, we, as Lightworkers, Starseeds, Enlightened Ones, are expected to know what to do with those energies. We are the ones that have the wisdom from our higher essence, right?

So what happens when we don’t hold the frequency within our bodies because it is too overwhelming, or the body is hurting deeply because the light infractions are so intense for the physical self?

Aren’t we supposed to know within ourselves how to handle these higher vibrations of light because, well, we are the chosen ones, right?

I pose all of these questions so that we can start to assimilate what is occurring for each of you. Individually, the elements I am bringing forth can only be answered by each individual. I only share them to help you, the reader, needs to ascertain within yourself that what you are doing is enough for you, as a person, and for others, as a Lightworker to share.
Every person on this planet is affected by the incoming frequencies of light, but as souls that have chosen to awaken to the higher consciousness, we are the Ones that are experiencing the devastating change within the cellular structure. It does not matter how long you have been on the pathway of awakening, you will still feel it deeply within your physical body. What does matter is how you handle yourself within the emotional and mental bodies; how is the energy assimilated within your consciousness.
So every one is in different stages of awareness. Some are much older and have experienced the beginning stages of this awareness in a slower, more dense environment since the 1980’s. I am unsure if that was more challenging or what the energetic exchange within the earth is bringing to everyone at this point. The difference for those individuals is that they are more mature spiritually as they have gone through the trials of the lower initiations in a more concrete manner than what the newly awakened souls are experiencing. They have had to learn through our own trials as the energy shifted within the planet.
Since the New Millennium the energetic exchange within this earth is monumental. Many souls awaken and then they are unsure about who they are, but yet have a knowledge that is truly very strong within them. What happens through this level is that they become very sure of themselves, of their gifts that are quite magnificent, but their role on this earth plane can be confusing and sometimes almost non-existent.

What happens to these souls of the light that have come to this earth with their higher energies?

They can become lost in the process only because they have not had the training that there are certain elements that have to be sustained in their lives in order to continue their true pathway on this Earth.
The older ones have seen many changes through the years and have been able to adjust more easily. The newer ones can be very impatient and not willing to stop and allow the changes to occur within them with ease and grace.
This is where we can loose souls that are so powerfully capable to show the light as it should be, but yet have a difficult transition upon a planet that is growing from the Old into the New. I personally have seen this happen and it is very, very sad to see a soul who has amazing potential to fall through a dark spiraling energy because their physical bodies are not ready to handle what their spiritual self desires to do.
This reflects on the fact that many souls do not know how to ground the energies within their body. They are holding the frequencies within their higher chakras and not allowing it to go deeper into their base chakra, the Root and then within the Earth Star (the grounding cord within the physical body).
It is essentially important that we learn to allow the frequencies of light that are coming into the planet to be completely grounded within us. We are the Torch Bearers for the New Earth and without allowing these higher frequencies to come within us, then the energies become lost. Therefore, GAIA cannot hold them either. She may feel them for a while but if there are not enough individuals fully accepting the energies within themselves, then we stay in the 4th dimension of duality.
So this year of 2015 has represented many accelerations of many different levels to assist humanity in fully accepting their role as a beacon of light upon this planet. Each month has taken us deeper into the abyss of unknowingness so that we can fully accept our truth as a soul upon this Earth. This is the pathway of being an initiate and walking into full mastery. We learn through our lessons what works for us and what does not.

So the question is, “How do we get from the point of feeling the energies into fully accepting them within our full body system?”

As Light-workers, we all know what happens during intensive times of moon cycles, planetary changes, along with sun flares that bring forth extensive energies within GAIA. Each of us are beacons of light for the higher vibrational essence to come into our bodies. We start to have symptoms within the bodily functions that eventually will help us to accept more elements to be introduced within us. It changes our thought patterns and our emotions can become very unstable.
This energetic exchange is necessary for GAIA to ascend and as multi-dimensional humans it is our role to go through the same processes that GAIA is experiencing. Everyone must change who we were before so that we can fully accept our highest divinity of light to be accepted within ourselves.
This means that our foundation is going to change; it is a good thing but it is very transitional. As souls, we came to a planet that has been infused with much duality and density for eons of time. So our role at this time is to help the planet but within that process we must help ourselves first. Many of us have traveled the realms of space and time while acquiring great knowledges that are important for this planet to survive. Within that process though is the fact that we will go through a completely overall of our systems from the Carbon-Based to the Crystalline Body in order to hold the light that is necessary for the ascension of GAIA while still being grounded within a planet.
This has never been done previously. The planet of Sirius went through this same process but they could not get enough souls to hold the energy so the planet split apart. The higher beings when into Sirius B while Sirius A stayed in its duality.
The point being is that it is important to realize that individuals have a role to change their foundation. We must adhere to the rules of the Universe within our physical existence on an individual level. Otherwise, we will not be able to stay on this Earth and ascend into the 5th dimension. This takes great diligence and perseverance to continue the pathway due to the changes that we will incur individually and collectively.
As we learn to take on this role, our lives will get better through the process. Healing will occur within our four-body system in ways that we never thought possible. The struggles through that journey can be intense but also beautiful in many ways. We will have the ability to walk as the masters who have walked in previous times as together we will bring this Earth into her full accessibility of light.
Every awakened person will become the Ones that allow the Energy Transference to integrate within the physical self so that GAIA can do her job. As the power of the energy surges come into our existence, the issues of the past will be healed, the elements that previously held us back will no longer exist, as we create a new foundation. We will change from the Carbon-Based Body into the Crystalline Structure. We will walk this earth together achieving exactly what our souls desired us to experience.
In order to achieve these results we have some ground-work that needs to be done. Every awakened human needs to step into this healing phase, because without it, we will not be able to achieve what we set out to do as souls coming into this planet.
Each person must acknowledge who they are from the perspective of the emotional and mental bodies as we hold old elements from our timelines stuck within our Etheric body that need to be healed. Without accessing these elements the foundation is not solid and can cause an individual to fall into the old habits of density, destruction, and 3rd dimensional thinking. We can access the higher energies, but if the thoughts and feelings represent 3rd dimensional energies, then that duality still exists. In order to access the 5th dimensional thinking (and in actuality the thinking comes before the full body activation), the elements within the four-body system must be addressed.
So it is important at this time with the higher acceleration of changes that are coming into the planet that each person utilizes these energies within themselves. Don’t just let them pass through you and then you go on with your life as you did before. They are being presented through the higher realms to assist each of you in the process of your soul’s purpose. It is very important that you are able to access more elements within yourself than you did previously.
This process continues for every human being upon this planet. It does not matter what gifts you hold or how far you rise in your levels of initiations, you will consistently be tested to hold the frequency within your foundation so that GAIA can continue her ascension. This is part of the role that each of you as Awakened Ones have decided to hold within your existence upon this Earth.

The lessons you are experiencing will help you in the future accelerations. Please know that they will continue until this earth can hold the 5th dimensional frequency and beyond.

So in writing in this moment it is imperative that we discuss the fact that these elements must be achieved. Some may say it is not important, but once you step into the world of healing all parts of yourself, then that is how the changes become the resulting energy.
Don’t hold yourself back by not realizing all parts of yourself need to be addressed. In order to receive the Crystalline Structure within your physical self these steps must be taken. The energetic changes are helping you to do so; they are not there to stop you from your full potential. In actuality they are assisting you to be the multi-dimensional self within your physical existence.
Take moments within your breath to accept the higher part of your reality, but let that energy go into your full body system. Allow it to go to your emotions and your thoughts. Notice how you speak, what you feel from others, and how to find your true purpose, your Will, your Love, and your Power. Do not skip over any steps.
These present accelerations at this part of the year are taking you deeper into the abyss of what you do not want to see, but that is the pathway of being multi-dimensional. All aspects must be shown in order for the Truth to be revealed.
This process is not easy but necessary for GAIA; she cannot move forward if you do not help her. She will destroy many areas on the planet with her own pain and frustrations. But when you do your part, you are giving that essence unto her as the Transference of the Energy comes into you, it will go to her.
Prepare yourself for the 11:11 energies. It is much more powerful than it has been previously due to the changes that have resulted within each of you and upon this earth. Do not let anything stop you from your full potential.
Take care of yourself, all parts of yourself, so you can walk as a Master upon this Earth. Do not hesitate as the time is now.
I bless each of you through this transition and walk with you in the silence of the Light. Together we shall arrive at our destination of the New Earth.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden  ~ Fully Integrative Message of Light  with Master Djwhal Khul
P.S.: Prepare yourself  during these powerful accelerations by joining Walking Terra Christa for a first time event – An ASCENSION CLINIC to help you in TRANSCENDING these energies with Dr. Lorphan of the Great White Lodge of Sirius. 
Please also attend these free public ceremonies and teaching events (click the links to register):
The Equinox: Wednesday, September 23rd, at 4:30 PM Pacific (free open public teaching),  The Sacred Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul for the Full Moon: Saturday, September 26th at 10 AM Pacific (free open public teaching). 

Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a very special Journey Retreat in Mount Shasta for the 11:11 called the SHASTA BLAST including a Distance Learning Option for those who cannot be there physically. Lord Saint Germain and Lord Adama will be our hosts along with many other Masters as we experience the energies of this amazing vortex of light to assist us to be the Energy Transcender for the New Earth. Click the link above to receive more information about this powerful ascension journey.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.
http://WalkingTerraChrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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