
sábado, julio 11, 2015

Ann Albers - Allow Love - July 11, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Life can be so much easier than you have been taught! Love wants to pour into your life. Can you get out of its way? Can you release your mind's grip on the problems and challenges so as to create room for the solutions? Can you focus on the beauty you'd like to see in the future, and even better, the beauty around you right now?
We know you all have challenging circumstances in your life. We know you are all amazing creators and you didn't necessarily create these challenges because you wanted difficulty, but rather because you forgot to love yourselves somewhere along the way. So how do you create change right in this instant?

Suppose you have pain in your heart or your body. Can you choose to be kind to yourself right now, to comfort yourself in a healthy way, to make healthy choices for your body, not based on what you think but rather on what your body tells you? If you have emotional pain, ask your spirit, "What do I need for comfort?" – A hug from your angels? Help from a friend? A warm fuzzy blanket or a walk in nature? If you have physical pain, ask your body, "What are you trying to tell me? How can I help you feel better?" Be kind to yourselves. Do not fight your own emotions or bodies. They are the messengers from your soul. They show you the areas in which you are seeking greater love.
Suppose you want something to occur but do not know how to make it happen. See yourself in the desired outcome, allow room for the possibility the Divine might have an even better outcome, then choose to find what joy you can right now. Choose to love something about yourself "now." Choose to love something about life "now." Existing in a vibration of love now leads to more later.
Dear ones, you are all so very powerful because in truth you have the love of the Creator that wants to flow through your loving hearts into your lives. You open to this by choosing even the smallest loving thought, or the smallest loving choice. You can always find something or someone to love - a color, a piece or chocolate, the sky... someone in your past who helped you, someone you hope to be with but have not yet even met, a piece of art, a video on your internet, a beautiful photo, a great meal, a single flower growing up through a crack in the sidewalk that reminds you life springs eternal in spite of all odds... There is always something or someone to love... the face you see in the mirror perhaps? Yes you.
We love you so very much and we know that we are angels in heaven only because we allow the love of the creator to flow through us at all times, for feeling this love is indeed...heaven. And you can have this right there upon your earth, right now, and now, and now again...
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Message From Ann 
A few weeks ago I flew on standby flights on a short little vacation. The way it works is that you show up at the airport, get on a list, and hope there's room on the flight. Flying out, there was plenty of room. Flying back was a different story. I was #8 on the list of a flight that was pretty full. There were no guarantees, the agent told me. If I didn't get on, I'd have to buy a ticket at full price for the next one because there weren't many seats on that one either.

So I gave it to God. "Ok God, I'd like to get on this flight. If not I'd like you to pay for the ticket I'll have to buy somehow.I surrender." I visualized myself getting on the flight, surrendered that if I didn't it would all be ok, and proceeded to transmit loving energy to everyone in the terminal. My heart felt huge! The energy was running through me like a river, and I started to feel joyous. Everyone started to look like family! Suddenly the gate agent called my name."You're on!" she said. I had a second of doubting my good fortune. In that SECOND of doubt, an employee of the airlines walked up. "I'm sorry," the gate agent told me, "We have to put him on first. Maybe you'll still get on." I started to berate myself for doubting, then realized I'd never get on the plane with an attitude like that. I went back to visualizing myself walking on the plane, surrendering to a higher will at the same time, and sending love. Withinminutes the agent turned to me. "Well, you're in luck!" she said. "We had a no-show!" I got on the free flight, reminded to stay in that blissful space of love and trust, always sharing my preference with the universe, but surrendered to anything wonderful God chose for me. Truly we do fly when we live in that reality!

So when you really, really want something in your life, picture it or feel it as if you KNOW and believe it will happen, and at the same opt to believe that if God has better that looks different you are just going to choose to trust! Then just love your now. Send love to those around you. Find something or someone to love. Grab a cup of coffee, a piece of fruit or chocolate! Enjoy a color you see around you... loving your now lets love stream into your life and that current carries you to joy! Sometimes I get my way this way. Sometimes I do not. But in all cases, Love gets its way and that is always a wonderful feeling!

Love you all! Have a blessed week.
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com