martes, junio 30, 2015
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, June 30, 2015
It is time to let you all know of an important step that has been made in our progress toward freedom not only in the United States, but all around the world. It is a step that will release not only the funds that you have been waiting for, but all of the treasures of life that brings to you what you desire for a life of freedom and well-being.
Ángeles de Crystal
Sarah Varcas - Preparación Flexible - Junio 29, 2015
Informe de Astro Energía de Julio del 2015
Por Sarah Varcas
http://astro-awakenings.co.uk/ 29 de Junio 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
La energía del mes entrante es difícil de identificar. Justo cuando sentimos que ‘tenemos’ lo que se necesita y sabemos cómo proceder, ella se nos escapará entre los dedos y nos dejará preguntándonos qué sucedió.
No hay certeza alguna. Si queremos ver un sendero directo y claro por delante con grandes señales que digan ‘ESTE ES ELCAMINO’ nos defraudaremos. Sin embargo, si nos contentamos con remontar los altibajos de emoción y entusiasmo sin planear nada por adelantado y por el contrario confiamos en el flujo cambiante que nos lleva hacia donde sea necesario, julio nos traerá algunas sorpresas interesantes. Al final del mes puede que hayamos encontrado la claridad deseada ¡pero no por la vía de la ruta anticipada!
Ángeles de Crystal
John Smallman - Jesus - Trusting in God works! - 6-30-15
Today is a new day. Of course every day is a new day, but people often forget that as they plod through their daily chores earning their living. But enormous changes can occur in one day, or in an instant. You are free to make choices in every moment, and you do, but they are very often the same choices that you have been making for years, in almost complete unawareness. Become aware of your choices, each and every one of them, and then decide if you would like to maintain them or change them – from which shoe you put on first in the morning to whether you really want another cup of coffee or tea, to whether you want to change jobs, careers, or relationships. So many of your choices have become automatic, and yet your choices determine how adequately or inadequately your lives flow.
Ángeles de Crystal
Benjamin Fulford - 29-06-15, Se cae el dominó griego. China se mueve para recoger los pedazos.
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/06/29/greek-domino-falls-china-moves-in-to-pick-up-the-pieces/
que finalmente ha sucedido, Grecia ha cerrado sus bancos y ha impuesto
control de capitales. Y así, las fichas del dominó comienzan a caer.
Esto es solo el primer acto de una gran ópera que continuará
desarrollándose en los próximos meses. Para tratar de adivinar lo qué le
está reservado a la Unión Europea es bueno echar un vistazo a cómo de
produjo la caída de la Unión Soviética. La caída de la Unión soviética
comenzó con una sensación generalizada de insatisfacción tanto entre la
clase obrera como entre la élite. Esto dio lugar a huelgas y
manifestaciones en Polonia que llevaron a la caída del gobierno polaco
en junio de 1989. En noviembre de aquel año cae el muro de Berlín.
Luego, ya durante los años 90, caen los gobiernos comunistas de
Checoslovaquia, Rumanía, Bulgaria y Hungría. Finalmente, en diciembre de
1991, dimite Mijaíl Gorbachov y se derrumba la propia Unión Soviética.
Ángeles de Crystal
Suzanne Lie - Entering the Lower Astral Mystery School - Jun 30, 2015
It takes great courage to look at our own fears, past trauma, failures and lost dreams. However, if we can find the courage to look into the lowest frequency of our consciousness and of our aura, we will find many teachers.
{Click here to download a guided journey through the lower astral plane.}
We will also realize how very much we have grown and changed from our "past" expressions of our SELF.
Ángeles de Crystal
lunes, junio 29, 2015
Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 28 de Junio al 6 de Septiembre, 2015
Traducción: Esther Abreu
Mientras la vida en el planeta sigue evolucionando y expandiéndose, a muchos se les están llamando a alinearse a su razón y propósito para esta encarnación particular. Le corresponde a cada individuo buscar dentro de sí mismo las respuestas; dedíquense cada día al desarrollo de este servicio, asignado de antemano, al plan divino, conscientemente y con intención. Al hacerlo, los eventos que comienzan a ocurrir parecerán estar dirigidos divinamente. Les llegará más información sobre esto a través de diversos medios, tales como, atraer personas a su conciencia y esfera de influencia que resuenan con el propósito de sus almas y los que pueden darles el apoyo que los ayude a establecerse en su verdadero sendero. Llegará información a sus niveles de conciencia en forma de libros, sitios web y personas que activarán el recuerdo de la labor que han venido a hacer. Ahora están abriéndose a su máximo potencial, un paso a la vez, de manera que no los agobie y subyugue. El sendero seguido debe sentirse bien para ustedes.
Ángeles de Crystal
Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - “Your Focus and Your Path” - July 2015
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. We are being joined by a host of Angelic Realm of Light. Today, in our Message of Light, we wish to discuss your focus and your path.
We have discussed the importance of focus in previous messages, and we are continuing that discussion in this message.
Your focus determines your path.
There are many opportunities that are being presented in the new energy. The great influx of Light is calling to you to be present in your state of awareness. As the new energy arises, it affects current possibilities in different ways. It may expand certain areas and open up even greater avenues for exploration. Some areas may still seem possible but perhaps in a different form. Other areas may no longer feel like a viable opportunity. Circumstances are constantly being altered as new energy arrives.
Ángeles de Crystal
Steve Rother - El Grupo - El tiempo del amor - Intercambio de energía - 17 de junio de 2015
Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos.
Este momento, justo ahora, es único en muchos aspectos, pero también lo ha sido el anterior. Han iniciado algo nuevo y les explicaremos un poco el proceso. Durante el próximo mes más o menos, tendrán una oportunidad única. Está relacionada con las energías que ingresan al planeta en formas nuevas. Por un tiempo les hemos venido diciendo que están desarrollando cuerpos nuevos. Literalmente, han venido aprendiendo cómo portar mejor su propia luz intrínseca. Ahora muchos de ustedes están en verdad en un nivel más profundo como espíritus, y no solo como humanos. Están comenzando a ser más lo que son, lo cual ha sido bastante desconcertante para la mayoría. ¿Por qué? Por la sencilla razón de que no siempre comprenden de qué manera se arraiga esa energía. No saben si lo están haciendo bien o mal, pero en la nueva energía también nos hemos alejado de la necesidad de lo bueno o lo malo. Queridos, tomen un respiro y acéptenlo por un instante. ¿Qué sienten cuando lo hacen?
Ángeles de Crystal
Brenda Hoffman - Do Observers Make You Feel Guilty? - June 29, 2015
Dear Ones,
You are beginning to notice changes within your being. Perhaps you find yourself touched by someone or something as never before. Perhaps you approach a person or experience differently. Indicators that you are not the entity you were even a few months ago.
You have removed the cover of your being. New you is beginning to sparkle in ways you did not necessarily anticipate – and is as surprising to you as to those around you.
Some of you believe you are returning to the you of yesteryear – a younger, more loving version of you. So it may be. But you added elements the past few decades that ensure that new you experiences are deeper and richer in love and joy.
Ángeles de Crystal
Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Junio 2015
En mayo experimentamos muchos patrones cambiantes. Esto ha creado nuevas fisuras en Como Solían Ser Las Cosas. Estas nuevas aperturas permiten que sucedan acontecimientos inesperados y avances cuánticos. Esto empieza justo al comienzo del mes. Con nuestro radical cambio de perspectiva, podemos ver más del Nuevo Paisaje de lo que jamás soñamos que había allí. Esto nos permitirá avanzar con confianza durante la segunda mitad de junio, conforme nos acercamos a la Gran Convergencia.
Ángeles de Crystal
Linajes De Los Illuminati: El Linaje Rockefeller
Uno de
los 13 linajes Satánicos que gobiernan el mundo es el Linaje Rockefeller. Hoy en dia, hay alrededor de 190 miembros de esta familia
con el nombre Rockefeller y por supuesto muchos otros con distintos
apellidos. Este articulo busca explorar mas allá para aquellos que
estudian a los Illuminati el cómo el linaje Rockefeller está envuelto en
la promoción del ocultismo y del satanismo, y como ejercen control
sobre las denominaciones Cristianas. Traducción: Fritz Springmeier En Español.
Familias de la Realeza Europea: Los Merovingios.
Familias Interconectadas: -Krupp -Disney -McDonald
Familias de la Realeza Europea: Los Merovingios.
Familias Interconectadas: -Krupp -Disney -McDonald
Ángeles de Crystal
Sarah Varcas - Flexible Preparation - June 29, 2015
The energy of the coming month is hard to pin down. Just when we feel we’ve ‘got’ what’s needed and know how to proceed it will slip through our fingers and we’ll be left wondering what just happened. Certainty is in short supply. If we want a clear cut, straightforward path ahead with big shiny signposts pointing ‘THIS WAY’ we’ll most likely be disappointed. If, however, we are content to ride the ups and downs of emotion and enthusiasm, not seeking to plan ahead but instead trusting the ever changing flow to take us where necessary, July could deliver some interesting surprises. By its end we may well have come by the desired clarity, just not via the anticipated route!
Since the Sun left Taurus on 21st May there’s been a dearth of available earth energy, leaving many people ungrounded. Emotions have been high and, despite moments of inspiration and excitement about present possibilities and future potential, getting plans into gear and taking action has been tough going for many. As a result we could begin July with a sense of dissatisfaction. Somehow we’re just not as effective as we feel we should be. Focusing is tough and our minds and hearts too changeable to pin down. If that’s you, don’t worry! Whilst the coming month brings some more of the same, we are now approaching the end of this somewhat nebulous phase in favour of a shift into action and manifestation beginning in August.
Ángeles de Crystal
Jahn J Kassl - Open Letter and Call to all Siblings of Light, to persistently continue their own transformation! - June 29, 2015
Written by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Work is still not done!
Beloved Siblings of the Light!
Light warriors and Light messengers,
Light workers and bringers of Light for this mankind!
Our work is still not done! The most significant
part of our work here on earth has just begun!
Be aware: In the past years we were prepared for our
assignments and we were schooled and strengthened,
in body, spirit and soul. And many of us have already
interlocked with our assignments, which we have already
received from Heaven for this life on earth, which means:
1.) The assignments have been recognized.
2.) The assignments have been fully accepted.
3.) The assignments are fully lived.
Ángeles de Crystal
domingo, junio 28, 2015
Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Resonating with Your Truth - June 28, 2015
Resonate with What is True for You and Leave the Rest.
There is so much information coming at us right now that it is difficult to take it all in. Even if it seems really fascinating much of the time, it is distraction from what is really essential and important for me to focus on. Learning how to resonate with what is the Truth in my heart has been an ongoing process of discovery.
I have been recently receiving the message that I need to prioritize. I have so many things that I love and am interested in, I find that I spend way too much time exploring or reading than keeping my focus on what I am working on. This means that I might even have to stop signing those important petitions that save the waters, the animals and the forests until I can complete my Inspiration message :-)
So one of the ways that I have sorted this process out is by recognizing the resonance within my heart. If I feel at all obligated to do something that is not a resonance of my heart, that is a working of my mind, I just have to leave those things aside and come back to what is most necessary.
Not only do I feel like there is too much to do, I also notice that it is not leaving as much time for rest and the nourishing activities like hiking in the forest. It is a priority for me now to slow down, breathe more deeply and do only that which resonates with my heart. I may do only 5 of the 7 (or 180) things on my To Do List, but I will do them more consciously and with more focus of attention. That way they carry much more Love and Presence into the world. I also feel like I accomplish more when I bring my full consciousness into the project and it helps me to enjoy the process.
Ángeles de Crystal
Suzanne Lie - Fourth Dimensional Mystery Schools--The Arcturians 6-28-15
Part 2-Mystery School for the Lower Astral Plane
The Arcturians
The best way to prepare for the TRUTH that will soon be revealed is to activate your consciousness out of the third dimensional lies and into the fifth dimensional honesty. In doing so, you will need to clear your own fourth dimensional aura, which connects the portals of our third and fifth dimensional self.
Most important, as you clear your human fourth dimensional aura, you will also clear Gaia’s fourth dimensional aura. When your aura is not clear, you cannot clearly perceive your fifth dimensional SELF or your fifth-dimensional environment.
The Arcturians
The best way to prepare for the TRUTH that will soon be revealed is to activate your consciousness out of the third dimensional lies and into the fifth dimensional honesty. In doing so, you will need to clear your own fourth dimensional aura, which connects the portals of our third and fifth dimensional self.
Most important, as you clear your human fourth dimensional aura, you will also clear Gaia’s fourth dimensional aura. When your aura is not clear, you cannot clearly perceive your fifth dimensional SELF or your fifth-dimensional environment.
Ángeles de Crystal
Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 28-September 6, 2015
June 28-September 6, 2015
Beloved Ones,As life on the planet continues to evolve and expand, many are being called to align to their reason and purpose for this particular incarnation. It behooves each individual to seek within themselves for the answers; for the unfolding of this preordained service to the divine plan and to consciously and with intention, align themselves to it each day. When you do this, events begin to occur that seem to be divinely directed. There will be more information about this that will come to you through various means such as, bringing people into your awareness and sphere of influence who resonate with your soul’s purpose and those who can give the assistance that helps set you on your true path. There will be brought to your awareness information; in the form of books, websites and people which will activate your remembrance of the work you have come to do. You are now opening to your highest potential, one step at a time so that it does not overwhelm and overpower you. Your path must feel good to you.
Ángeles de Crystal
sábado, junio 27, 2015
Abstract from yesterday’s message during
the Light Reading and presentation of the
“Crystal Cube of Ascension”
Adama of Telos
Know: The dark forces thin out.
More and more shadow entities,
greys, dark ones
or representatives from dark levels of this universe
must leave this planet.
or representatives from dark levels of this universe
must leave this planet.
Even though it may not
necessarily look that way to you,
it is a fact. The last deadlines have expired and now these
forces are leaving this earth. Nonetheless the still existing
dark ones stoke fear and the try with all means to rule
mankind. Yet in all corners of this world this power slips
away from them and from now on this will become more
it is a fact. The last deadlines have expired and now these
forces are leaving this earth. Nonetheless the still existing
dark ones stoke fear and the try with all means to rule
mankind. Yet in all corners of this world this power slips
away from them and from now on this will become more
visible to you week by week.
Ángeles de Crystal
Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-07-2015
Beloved masters, we are constantly
endeavoring to give you the most pertinent information to assist you to
understand what is taking place, as well as a broad overview of what to
expect, as well as methods, tools and exercises to assist you to move
through the evolutionary process with the least amount of discomfort via
the gift of grace (which is the refined energy of Karma). As always,
however, we admonish you to accept only those concepts that resonate
within your heart and Soul as your truth. You are to no longer follow
anyone mindlessly, for you are to be the master of your own destiny, and
as such, you must constantly exercise the gift of discernment.
There are many devoted messengers who
are now receiving different aspects of the new Divine Blueprint for the
future of humanity. They have dedicated their lives to bringing you the
wisdom teachings for the present and future times of worldly expanded
consciousness. They are striving to bring forth the greatest wisdom and
most beneficial information possible, and in order to do so they must
always strive for accuracy and impeccability. By their works, they will be known.
They have diligently stayed the course, and many times, they have
proven their dedication and commitment to their chosen mission—no amount
of negativity can deter them or keep them from fulfilling their
spiritual destiny.
Ángeles de Crystal
Selacia - Justice Will Prevail on Earth - June 27, 2015
A time is coming when
justice will prevail on Earth. Can you feel it? Signs are everywhere
around you, including the US Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality.
This is just one of countless societal issues on the cosmic drawing
board for resolution.
Look for many more of them to become center stage and resolve during your lifetime. The key is love, which is more powerful than the hate that has kept people oppressed and in dysfunction. Hate has for centuries fueled fear, prejudice, oppression, wars, and countless atrocities.
Prejudice in DNA
Prejudice is in the mass consciousness of humanity just as love is - we have created that field of mass consciousness over time on this planet. Prejudice is in humanity's DNA, therefore, not only on the mass consciousness level but within lineages of families. One reason you are alive in these moments is to help change that.
Look for many more of them to become center stage and resolve during your lifetime. The key is love, which is more powerful than the hate that has kept people oppressed and in dysfunction. Hate has for centuries fueled fear, prejudice, oppression, wars, and countless atrocities.
Prejudice in DNA
Prejudice is in the mass consciousness of humanity just as love is - we have created that field of mass consciousness over time on this planet. Prejudice is in humanity's DNA, therefore, not only on the mass consciousness level but within lineages of families. One reason you are alive in these moments is to help change that.
Ángeles de Crystal
Cumbre de Canalización de los Maestros Canalización Grupal - Sedona, Arizona - sábado 6 de junio de 2015
Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
entra Lee Carroll:
Me gustaría conservar la forma en que lo hicimos anoche, y repetir el orden esta noche. Así, voy a pedir en seguida a todos nuestros invitados que se sienten en el orden en que expusieron. Cada uno va a hacer una pequeña exposición representando a su entidad o diciendo lo que quieren decir, y antes de eso quiero decirles gracias a todos. Este ha sido otro gran día (aplausos, Lee se ríe) y tener aquí a mis amigos es para mí una emoción, y tener tantos en un mismo escenario con un mensaje similar es para mí muy importante. De modo que vamos adelante: le pido a mis invitados que por favor entren; Prageet, tú vas primero, aquí están ellos (aplausos).
Gracias, mis amorosos amigos, por todo lo que están haciendo por nuestro planeta, por estar aquí, por participar como lo hacen, para nosotros, uno con otro, para mí, y para ellos. Prageet...
Ángeles de Crystal
Geoffrey Hoppe - Creando un Lugar Seguro - Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Junio 2015
Traducción: Héctor Santos Ramallo
Comenzamos con una habitación vacía y la convertimos en un lugar seguro y sagrado, porque en esta sala ocurren profundos cambios de vida y transformaciones. Lo vemos suceder una y otra vez, año tras año, desde que comenzamos a ofrecer talleres y reuniones en el 2001.
Estoy escribiendo este artículo desde el hotel Borgo San Luigi en Monteriggioni, Italia, donde acabamos de terminar el segundo Retiro Anual de Ahmyo. Esto es lo que me inspiró a escribir sobre la creación de un espacio seguro, porque fui testigo de los grandes cambios de conciencia personal que tuvieron lugar estos últimos cuatro días en la Toscana.
Ángeles de Crystal
Ann Albers - MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS - June 27, 2015
Streams of grace...
Choosing love aligns you with streams of grace.
Photo taken in Sedona, AZ
©Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved
Visit Ann's Photo Site for more
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In every moment of your life you have a choice - to align with love or not. You can allow the rivers of grace flow through your heart and move with this energy, or you can try to control the flow, and therefore slow it down. In each moment you can allow God's grace to carry you towards a happier reality or you can try to control the outcomes of your lives. To trust "God" is to trust "Love" and Love wants to flow into every area of your life.
Suppose for example, you are not sure about how you are going to pay the bills. You can stress, worry, burn yourself out, or you can say, "OK God, what next? What now?" and then drop into your heart and do the thing you find in there right in this very instant. Suppose you feel, "Well I just want to take a nap, but I don't know how to pay my bills." Dear ones, take the nap. Trust that maybe while you are sleeping, God-given ideas will come. Maybe you will get the rest you need to work more. Maybe you will simply wake up with greater faith and in an energy where your angels can help you more easily.
Ángeles de Crystal
When they were created, the Divine wished to make in equal parts that essence of which all Creation exists of, and which itself existed of in two distinctive forms within the Greater Whole of the Godhood.
Therefore he created from the substance of energy of ONE single soul, two forms, a male and female form, so that they would enhance each other. Yet, at the same time each one would have a little of the other within their being, so that they could understand each other better and find a greater degree of equilibrium, when they truly became AS ONE agai
It was then that creation celebrated the conception and birth of the first twin flames, of the Central Fire of the Central Suns, and they were thus called Man and Woman, and they could only experience the total wholeness of their true soul, when they came together as ONE – thus manhood was created to fit perfectly into wom(b)anhood and in the process of union, they could create another being by becoming as one.
Ángeles de Crystal
viernes, junio 26, 2015
Solara - Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje - Julio 2015
La Gran Convergencia del 30 de junio nos trajo un poderoso cambio colectivo, lo que para muchos de nosotros nos cambia totalmente la vida. Nos ha traído, no sólo un gran despertar de nuestra arraigada autocomplacencia en nuestras viejas formas de vivir, sino también una poderosa infusión de la Nueva Realidad.
Las energías de la Gran Convergencia se sentirán fuertemente hasta mediados de julio. Durante este tiempo, muchos de los alfileres que nos han mantenido sujetos en nuestras viejas vidas y anclados a la dualidad saltarán de su lugar, uno tras otro.
Ángeles de Crystal
Jennifer Hoffman - Aprendiendo a Amar la Percepción - 16 de Junio 2015
16 de Junio 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Si ustedes pueden darse palmaditas en la cabeza y frotarse el estómago a la vez, serán capaces de navegar la energía ahora con facilidad. Pero saben que para hacer eso, tienen que enfocarse cuidadosamente en lo que están haciendo. Al principio, una mano da palmadas y la otra frota pero si no prestan atención, pronto ambas manos están dando palmadas o frotando. Para separar los movimientos tienen que estar conscientes de lo que hacen, expandir su capacidad para realizar ambos movimientos de mano por separado, y enfocarse en el resultado en cada momento. La percepción es la capacidad para expandir nuestra visión más allá de lo que sabemos e incluir nuevos potenciales energéticos para avanzar desde la ilusión limitada hacia el potencial expandido y de posibilidades a realidades empoderadas y creativas.
Ángeles de Crystal
SaLuSa - 26 June 2015
For those of you who keep up to date with the new messages, recent times have shown that there are many activities taking place. You will no doubt also be aware that the dark Ones are being closely monitored so as to ensure that they cannot continue with their plan for world rule. In fact their activities are being restricted in ways that will ensure that they can no longer disrupt the plan for your freedom. We can for our part confirm that the changes are speeding up and great advances are being made. There is no doubt that very soon you shall become aware of major events that are going to take you into the New Age by fulfilling some of the promises that have already been made.
Ángeles de Crystal
Natalie Glasson - ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – Co-Create Your Personal Activations – June 26, 2015
There are numerous aspects of the Creator in all forms of reality, whichever reality you choose to
acknowledge and see upon the Earth as your own you can be sure that the Creator is present.
All aspects of the Creator hold and represent a unique essence of the Creator which can be accepted,
merged with and embodied.
You will know when acceptance, merging and embodiment is needed as
you will experience a pull to certain aspects of the Creator, the pull
will be like a desire or an interest inviting you to accept a new aspect
of yourself.
When you merge with aspects of the Creator you are always accepting
or remembering a new aspect of yourself as you are the origin, you are a
manifestation and reflection of the Creator.
Ángeles de Crystal
jueves, junio 25, 2015
Kara Schallock ~ In the Move - 25 June 2015.
We are in a place now in which we are moving rather quickly into a new space of being more New than old. more Soul-merged than ego-based. in Oneness more than dwelling in duality. On a personal note, since everything is a message, let me share with you just a few things that have occurred in the past 24 hours for me. A dead limb from my tree fell (yay!) and my bank destroyed my old bankcard because someone had purchased something I had not. This is a perfect example of an easy release of what no longer serves me (the dead tree branch) and a new level of Abundance (having to get a new bankcard). What is your life showing you?
This is not to say we’ve “arrived,” for there is still more to let go of, yet it is easier now than it has been. We are more focused on serving a purpose than merely living out our lives. Some have arrived, fully immersed in Soul, while others are still in the struggle. Some are straddling the old and New worlds. Wherever a person is is just where they are and there is no judgment in this. Clearly it is very easy to see where a person is in their consciousness through Intuition and the words they speak. I personally see this very clearly and honor each one for their chosen path and I also see where that path takes them and yet, it is not for me to correct or guide them, for that is insinuating my path onto theirs. Gone are the days of rescuing, healing and saving. These are ego-trips. to think we can save anyone is to say they can’t do it themselves.
Ángeles de Crystal
Jahn J Kassl - THE LAST 20 MINUTES, PART II - SANANDA - June 25, 2015
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Report: With respect to the message “The last 20 Minutes,
Part I”, a day later another dream
was again given to me with
another indication of the number 20, whereby the 20,
me remembering any details of the dream, is continuously present
Beloved Ones,
The number 20, the number of divine Grace, of divine
and the 2 the number of the all-loving presence of the divine
will be imprinted in mankind in these days.
Symbols herald what is upcoming, symbols, which are
continuously transmitted to Mother Earth and to individual
human Beings.
The upcoming salvation of mankind is heralded due to
sacred 20, and this occurs even before God’s trombones will
sound on the
whole earth.
Ángeles de Crystal
Cumbre de Canalización de los Maestros Canalización Grupal Del Día Viernes - Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015
Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015
Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Los 12 canalizadores invitados a la Cumbre fueron los siguientes:
Jeff Michaels, Geoffrey Hoppe, Jonette Crowley, Prageet Harris, Kahu Fred Sterling, Jim Self, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Steve Rother, Ronna Herman, James Tyberonn, Marilyn Harper, Lee Carroll
En este audio son cinco. Como no son anunciados al empezar a hablar, sólo puedo identificar a aquellos a quienes he oído hablar antes. (N de la T)
(aparece Lee Carroll)
¡Este es un muy buen día! ¡Sí! (aplausos) Kryon dice que yo no debería escuchar otras canalizaciones, pero eso no incluye lo de hoy (se ríe), de modo que las escucharé todas. Vamos a terminar este día; vamos a canalizar los cinco, cada uno un poquito, uno tras otro; lo haremos en el orden de la presentación que han visto hoy, excepto por el hecho de que yo lo haré último, que es porque... lo quiero así. (risas del público, Lee se ríe también)
Ángeles de Crystal
Brenda Hoffman - Estrellas Gloriosamente Brillantes – No Misioneros - 5 de Junio 2015
5 de Junio 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Ustedes asumieron que solo quienes entendían o anhelaban el nuevo ustedes/la Nueva Tierra/la Nueva Era cambiarían durante este tiempo. Que a pesar de que ustedes eran un faro de luz harían falta generaciones para que esa persona que vive en la misma calle de ustedes, que los vuelve furiosos, se convirtiera en una parte amorosa de la Nueva Tierra.
Ángeles de Crystal
Brenda Hoffman - Entrando a Una Nueva Etapa de Creación - 15 de Junio 2015
15 de Junio 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Es un tiempo para nuevamente reconocer y meditar sobre las muchas pequeñas sorpresas que comienzan a notar. Porque están exhaustos después de sus recientes esfuerzos de limpieza, apenas han notado la multitud de lo que consideran pequeñas sorpresas en su mundo.
Ustedes comienzan a probar su propio nuevo software personal de creación.
Es tiempo de dejar a un lado su cansancio, temores y enojo. Porque están en un lugar muy diferente del que estaban la pasada semana. Han completado todo lo que necesitaban completar para añadir su nuevo software a la mezcla de su nueva totalidad. Están listos para esta etapa de creación.
Ángeles de Crystal
miércoles, junio 24, 2015
Jahn J Kassl - THE LAST 20 MINUTES, PART I - SANANDA - June 24, 2015
Redemption of Fears of Armageddon
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
Today, here and now does a new door of healing open,
whereby you have the opportunity to redeem all within
you working fears
regarding the Armageddon.
Report: For
the third time the following dream repeats:
The earth trembles, a great flood
nears, human Beings try to
find safety, yet in vain – the “great event” has
begun. I myself
sometimes float in the air, and then I walk again on firm
I say to human Beings, who I meet that in 20 minutes everything
will be
over and that 6 billion human Beings will have died; thereby
I reap incredulous
looks, human Beings consider this earthquake as
a onetime local and short
event. In the meantime I see houses
and the great flood comes irresistibly toward us, the
earth continues to
tremble and in the distance I see fire and
smoke rising.
After that I am aware of my family and
my closest friends.
We sit in a circle and hold our hands while we recite the
Ángeles de Crystal
Benjamín Fulford - 22-06-15.- Procesamientos a los Rothschild y los Bush, nuevas revelaciones, Grecia…todos signos del derribo acelerado del cabal.
(Imagen: la parte positiva… hemos tocado fondo)
Hay indicadores rápidamente acelerando que muestran que el sindicato del crimen jázaro que se apoderó ilegalmente del poder de los Estados Unidos y de muchos países europeos está siendo desmantelado sistemáticamente. Por ejemplo,un tribunal de apelaciones de Nueva York ha declarado que los funcionarios que sirvieron durante el régimen de George Bush Jr.,pueden ser demandados y pueden enfrentarse a cargos criminales. Esto abre el camino para el encarcelamiento de los autores del asesinato en masa del 11-S.
Ángeles de Crystal
Benjamin Fulford - June 22, 2015: Bush, Rothschild prosecutions, new disclosures, Greece, all signs of accelerating cabal take down
Another sign is that a French judge has ordered one of the most senior members of the Rothschild family, Baron David de Rothschild, to be questioned by police on fraud charges.
Also, the killing of J.P Morgan (Bush) bankers has reached a new height with the “sudden death” of their Vice Chairman and high powered deal maker Jimmy Lee. More than a dozen JP Morgan bankers have died suddenly recently and it is clear somebody is following a trail. Rest assured that trail leads to the Bush/Clinton crime family.
Ángeles de Crystal
martes, junio 23, 2015
Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Entorno Revelado - Sedona, Arizona - 4 de Junio de 2015
Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Puedo sentir la alegría. La alegría es el lubricante entre los humanos y Dios. Cuando la tienen en su corazón, es muy fácil volar hacia adentro de ustedes y de su consciencia, amarlos y agradecerles, estar con ustedes. Alegría.
Con el miedo es difícil. Y con la preocupación y el drama. ¡Es difícil! Funcionan como bloqueos gigantescos para la psiquis. Podemos movernos cuidadosamente, lo hacemos. Pero cuando tienen alegría, las puertas se abren a todo lo ancho, y la risa es rey y reina a la vez. Aquí hay alegría y más.
Ángeles de Crystal
Dana Mrkich - ¡La Sombra de Venus Comienza Hoy! - 22 de Junio 2015
22 de Junio 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
El Nacimiento de Venus, Sandro Botticelli
Hoy, Venus entra al territorio sobre el cuál ella retrogradará para el 25 de Julio, anunciando el comienzo del período de la ‘sombra de Venus’. Los Retrógrados de Venus ocurren cada par de años, y ofrecen una oportunidad fabulosa para revisar, reordenar, sanar, limpiar y transformar todo lo que es venusiano: el amor, las relaciones, el auto amor, la auto estima, nuestras cualidades femeninas internas, cómo nos vemos a nosotros y a los demás como mujeres (tanto individual como colectivamente), nuestra capacidad para recibir nutrición, alimentación y placer y expresarnos creativamente.
Ángeles de Crystal
Anna Merkaba - Singularity of Action – The Hathors - June 23, 2015
Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.
I know that I have not been in touch with you for what seems like eons to me. And many of you have been wondering where I disappeared to. The reason that I vanished so suddenly is due to a family emergency that has arrived at my shores without any warning. A close family member has had a stroke and everything changed in a split of a second for the entire family. The last three weeks I have spent day and night in intensive care unit at a hospital assisting him in fighting through the density surrounding him, helping him find a link to himself, grab on to that link and pull himself out of the karmic wheel of life. What an experience it was and still is, an experience of the most incredible growth of consciousness yet!
Ángeles de Crystal
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cumbre de Canalización de los Maestros Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015
Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015
Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio da un paso a un lado. No se equivoquen: este mensaje viene de la Fuente Creadora, sea lo que sea que eso signifique para ustedes. Una canalización puede provenir de muchos lugares y muchos orígenes, dependiendo de los filtros, del velo, de la consciencia, de la experiencia, pero todo comienza en la Fuente Creadora. Cómo la información llega al ser humano en su pureza, en su emoción, en su exactitud, en su alegría, en su profundidad, cómo hace eso, depende del ser humano. Por esta razón ustedes ven tantas variantes, tantas maneras.
Ángeles de Crystal
Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - June 23, 2015
A new time is set! This time is not about a paradise lost and found. It is about a great reunion and a time to move outward to carry out a most grand set of heavenly directives for this sector of physicality.
from Planetary Activation Organization
5 Ix, 12 Kayab, 11 Ik
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We are here to report on the status of the initial transferences of funds to North America. At present, we are preparing to complete the process, which is to permit your blessings to become available to you all. We have been forced to make some additional corrections to what we thought was to be the final directives needed to finish this particular task. Our partners in this project report that a number of final tweaks are still required. Thus, we are now in the process of jointly doing what is necessary to assure our success. This entire process is at most extremely stressful to our earthly allies. The dark cabal continues to use its remaining positions of power as a way constantly to thwart them from achieving even a modicum of victory. It is reaching a point where we need to do what is essential for our allies to get the triumph they richly deserve. Meanwhile, the dark cabal is continuing to face defeat on every other issue. It is becoming quite clear that our intervention is now required. Heaven is decreeing in our favor and we expect every issue to be resolved shortly.
Ángeles de Crystal
Christine Meleriessee - The 6th Order of Precipitation with Elohim Arcturus & Virgina - June 23, 2015
Arcturus and Virginia of the Elohim for the Ray of Ceremonial Magic & Structure brings for Rhythm and Invocation of the Violet/Purple Ray (Cosmic Level) to achieve an abundant way of living and experiencing life.
This is an excerpt of our weekly “Abundance of Light-Creating Prosperity Together” teaching.
Even though Arcturus and Virginia represent the 7th Ray of Violet/Purple Flame within the Order Of Precipitation, the 7th Flame is the 6th step. The Devotional Ray is the last step in the order of allowing abundance to flow within us. Please check our upcoming blog on this information.
Greetings, Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,It is I, Arcturus with Virginia.
We are so divinely happy to bring forth this energy into you today. So we must understand that understanding the Order of Precipitation will come from this higher space, because in your lower mind and what you are experiencing of the third and Forth dimensional frequencies of the planet is to not mirror that essence that is truly you.
You can try during your day and bring those essences in – but until the planet fully moves into that higher frequency you are unable hold it. It’s not your fault; it’s just the way that it is. So the more that it is practiced the easier it will become to fully bring forth those essences into the physical creation. Your Lower Mind of the Physical Self is still is in an active mode, but when we bring in the Higher Mind and allow those purification of the essences of your soul’s creation integrate within the Lower Mind, it does accept it. Although at times it may feel as though it is not.
Ángeles de Crystal
Lauren C. Gorgo - Culmination Point: theoretical to applied mastery - June 22, 2015
the beginning of 2012, when the ensoulment process began in earnest,
those at the helm of human and planetary ascension have been tirelessly
working toward the embodiment of divinity. During this deeply
challenging window of time the Pleiadians have opened us up to so much
new information regarding our transition into 5th dimensional, new human
prototypes…and yet, until now, it has been a mostly cognitive
2015 on the other hand, brought us to
a whole new higher/deeper level of embodiment never before
felt/experienced…catalyzed by the March equinox-blood moon-eclipse
passage during Passover/Easter season…and now our transfiguration is fully underway, as a present-moment, in-the-flesh experience.
Ángeles de Crystal
lunes, junio 22, 2015
Karen Downing - What is Your Soul Mission? - 11 June, 2015
Inside every one of us is a drop of the Divine. Our soul mission
is to learn about the Divinity within us and to grow it. The beauty of
this process is that each soul carries a different Divine drop. For
some that drop is about compassion, for others it is wisdom, or peace,
or joy, and so on. Our Divine drop is often called our Soul Essence.
And, it is the Soul Mission of each one of us to learn to utilize our
own Divine drop to its Highest benefit, both individually and
You have heard this before, and it is important to reiterate here: We are all One. That means how you utilize your Divine drop affects the whole of humanity (as well is the whole of consciousness). As you discover the unique essence of your Divine drop, and grow it through your unique Soul Mission, you not only live your purpose, you become a positive light for others as well.
You have heard this before, and it is important to reiterate here: We are all One. That means how you utilize your Divine drop affects the whole of humanity (as well is the whole of consciousness). As you discover the unique essence of your Divine drop, and grow it through your unique Soul Mission, you not only live your purpose, you become a positive light for others as well.
Ángeles de Crystal
Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Bask in the Wonder of Life - 22 June, 2015
For this week, the uplifting message from Archangel Gabriel is here to inspire a more expansive vision of life.
Bask in the wonder of life, go deep, soar high. Follow your love and the joy of fulfillment will be yours.
This is the perfect Solstice message. It inspires us to expand and open into the spacious wonder that life is offering at this time. Things are rapidly changing in the world around us, so coming back to our hearts and the power of Divine Light working in and through us helps us keep our center and is so very healing. This Light contains all the wondrous Love and Intelligence of the Divine for us to receive, integrate and radiate back into the world for the evolution of all.
On the Solstice last year we opened the Stargate of the Heart to receive our soul's gifts. This year we have been integrating and being inspired by what was given. And now in this momentous time, we will have the opportunity to bring these most divinely inspired qualities back into the world as our passion, our joy, and our service.
Bask in the wonder of life, go deep, soar high. Follow your love and the joy of fulfillment will be yours.
This is the perfect Solstice message. It inspires us to expand and open into the spacious wonder that life is offering at this time. Things are rapidly changing in the world around us, so coming back to our hearts and the power of Divine Light working in and through us helps us keep our center and is so very healing. This Light contains all the wondrous Love and Intelligence of the Divine for us to receive, integrate and radiate back into the world for the evolution of all.
On the Solstice last year we opened the Stargate of the Heart to receive our soul's gifts. This year we have been integrating and being inspired by what was given. And now in this momentous time, we will have the opportunity to bring these most divinely inspired qualities back into the world as our passion, our joy, and our service.
Ángeles de Crystal
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Quién Eres - Sedona, Arizona - 4 de Junio de 2015
Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
(pausa de 10 segundos) Siempre hay una pausa. Difícil de explicar; es diferente para cada ser humano individual. Reaccionan de forma distinta ante el Espíritu. Cuando entran en meditación, cada uno lo hace a su manera. Tal vez están los que les dicen cómo deben hacerlo; ustedes los escuchan y luego lo hacen a su modo. La relación que tienen con el Innato, el Yo Superior, la pineal y el Espíritu es suya, única. Ese carácter único de quienes están frente a mí atrae nuestro amor por ustedes. Para ustedes es muy fácil mirar un océano de rostros, ya sea que estén sentados o parados, no importa. Cuando se reúnen en grupo hay una tendencia a lo mismo: todos los humanos están aquí juntos, por la misma razón, al mismo tiempo, en la misma postura, sentados en las filas de sillas. ¡Oh, no es así como nosotros los vemos!
Ángeles de Crystal