
sábado, mayo 16, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Morning Message from the Arcturians - 5-16-15

Dear Readers,
The Arcturians have been telling me to send out "Morning Messages," as often as I can. I will try to do so every day, as I know that my "morning" may not be your "morning."

I will place them in my dropbox, which is the easiest for me and for you so that we can ALL dedicate our self to aligning with our higher expressions of SELF every day. The link to the meditation will be under the picture.

This messages will be short, so they will not take too much of what you perceive as "time."

Blessings to you all. Let the Great Adventure begin!
The Arcturians

Did you notice how the message started out as my the human and morphed into me the Arcturian. I think that is what we are ALL doing NOW. We are morphing into and blending with our higher dimensional expressions of our SELF. We are remembering and becoming the Multidimensional Beings that we have ALWAYS BEEN.

Blessings to you all and thank you for your loyal following and wonderful comments.
See you on the Starship