
viernes, mayo 01, 2015

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 5-3-15 - May 1, 2015

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Sunday, May 3 at 9:42 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This full moon is a chance for a reset in your perception of how things really area in your life and supports forgiveness, creativity, beauty, appreciation, and all things feminine. It is a chance to experience self-love and the love of spirit. It is a day to reconnect with what is important to the emotional body and to honor your connection to all of nature.
Anything you do today will be supported to be practical, grounded and nurturing. Give yourself time to be out in nature and to appreciate all the beauty around you. Also give yourself the gift of something of the physical realm that you can indulge yourself in. Be grateful for your ability to manifest and honor all the things you have manifested in your life, without judgment. Allow for something new and different to settle into some kind of new alignment. A new friend, a new experience, a new idea…


Written by Patricia Liles.  Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
Scorpio Full Moon
Sun in Taurus; Moon in Scorpio ~ 13º
Sunday, May 3, 9:42 PM Mountain Time
(Monday, May 4, 3:42 AM Greenwich Mean Time)
Beltane marks a celebratory time of high fertility and creativity ~ a time of midpoint between the seasons spring and summer for the northern hemisphere and fall and winter for our southern counterparts.  Beltane was an ancient Celtic festival day that is now often celebrated on May 1st, but astrologically occurring when the Sun reaches 15º of Taurus (May 5 this year).  Let yourself celebrate! Encourage the growth of the Sun’s light.  It’s a Sun celebration as the root of ‘Bel-‘ means Sun.  Satisfy your senses.  Honor nature and all her abundant gifting.  It’s the time of sweet maiden energy and dancing the Maypole dance a symbol of the Tree of Life and the honoring of the upper, middle and lower worlds.
Taurus holds that energy as well and being an earth sign is feminine, fertile, grounded.  Rulership by Venus brings out her love of all the sensual pleasures, good company, and her domain is of the second house where spirit of Aries from the previous sign combines with matter to become what we value here on Earth, our possessions and resources of all kinds, our finances and most importantly, our Self worth.  Funny isn’t it that how we value our selves, our measure of self love, is intimately related to our financial and material health.  As a fixed sign, Taurus brings forward the qualities of stability, perseverance, determination, self-reliance, contentment, and well, stubbornness – all fixed signs share this last element.  Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius our fixed brethren are deemed fixed because it is their identity to draw down energy and consolidate it, hold it, focus it and also to teach us how true power is wielded – with generosity.  Greater power giving to lesser power as it does in nature.
Taurus is the outer container for our Scorpio Moon.  The Moon’s opposition to the Sun shines light on the Sun’s polar opposite sign and brings into hyper focus the qualities of the Full Moon.  In this spring cycle, Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, becomes the ruler of the chart.  Pluto’s desire is depth (as ruler of the underworld).  It excavates those instinctual elements in our consciousness that remain unnamed, hidden, unexpressed.  Pluto’s job is to bring those energies to the surface and release the power they hold for us.  Healers, psychologists, work with those aspects of our selves that are in need of transformation, renewal, rebirth.  When we become obsessed, instinctually driven, or take a powerful stand for our transformation and align with our emerging shadow energies, we are using the influences of Scorpio and Pluto.  Take the time under this Full Moon to honor and celebrate those aspects of yourself that are powerful and honor the road of transformative change that your life has brought to you.  This being the time of Beltane, invite in the sacred power that your sexuality holds.  Let go into intimacy and give a voice to the barriers that limit that instinctual expression.  Focus on what you want to fertilize and watch grow in the fields of your life.  If you lack two-bodied expression in these sexual realms, look to asteroid Vesta, in positive relationship to the Sun/Moon and transmute your sexuality to fuel your dedication to your self empowerment, your art, your visioning of what is possible, your merging with Spirit itself.
Jupiter (with asteroid Juno close by) is exactly squared the opposition of the Sun and Moon forming a powerful T-Square in fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo).  Mm-m-m-m, get ready for a minor earthquake at whatever intensity required to move a maximum of fixity in the Jupiter-ruled realms of your core beliefs.  Fixed signs suggest the issues are old or deeply ingrained.  Movement may not come easily or without resistance, but we’re all having to let go of the programming by which we were socialized with values of conflict, scarcity, individualism, and old religious concepts of being flawed in the eyes of Spirit ~ all aspects of Jupiter’s domain of beliefs.  Juno’s proximity to Jupiter draws close our committed relations with others and how we show up there, what needs to be transformed and renewed so our commitments feel alive again and come from the heart.
In reflecting on the Himalayan earthquake energy, I felt those souls who had left in that wrenching event were relinquishing their part in maintaining the energies of the masculine center of the planet formerly held by Tibet and maintained for thousands of years before shifting in current times to a feminine pole held in the area surrounding Lake Titicaca in South America.  That’s what this fixed T-Square centered on Jupiter in Leo (and our ego’s deep investment) represents ~ a deep fissure with fixed beliefs that are no longer serving that which wants to manifest in the form of heart-centered empowerment for all who are willing to invite it in and claim it.  Make yourself ever more ready to embody the changes this planet is ready for at this Full Moon.
Mercury’s position active in Gemini opposite Saturn at 4º may help us focus and discipline our minds on the goals we have set for ourselves.  Be cautious about letting careless communication cross your lips and key pads as there may be unforeseen consequences.  Before going retrograde on May 18th for three weeks, Mercury will make the first of three squares to Neptune (May 9, 28, June 23 at 10º Gemini).  Neptune is giving us the challenge to lift our thinking, speaking, communicating to the level of loving, conscious awareness.  Start with how you talk to your self.  Listen for patterns and identify rationalizations that can be dissolved.  These are lessons of taking responsibility (Saturn) for what we are creating/dreaming (Neptune) with our thoughts and communications (Mercury).
Snake Medicine
Snake medicine is with us
We can pretend our skin is not shedding,
We can attempt to remain underground, curled up and quaking,
We can refuse to digest our life and suffer indigestion.
Or we can embrace the magic of our transmutation-
Chew on our life, swallow and savor it,
Slither out of our skin and leap out of ruts with passion,
Swirl into new experiences and dance,
Then feel the sun on our skin and dream.
-Gloria Rohllfs

05/17 Taurus New Moon 27º 10:14 PM Mountain Time
05/18 Mercury retrograde 13º Gemini until 06/11
06/02 Sagittarius Full Moon 12º 10:20 AM Mountain Time
Written by Patricia Liles.  Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com