
martes, abril 21, 2015

Selacia – Grand Cross Revisited – Taking The Pulse – 21 April 2015

SelaciaThis week marks a year since the Grand Cross, a rare pivotal moment when cosmic forces catalyzed an accelerated awakening across the planet. With numerous energy bumps since then, and the recent expansive New Moon, last April may seem like a distant memory. There is purpose, however, for revisiting this and having the larger picture of where we are.

Taking the Pulse
Life today is so fast and changeable; it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the long view. What’s needed is to regularly take the pulse of our progress. As we do, we can appreciate positive changes and identify incremental shifts that will take longer to fully manifest.

Looking back on things decades from now, society will grasp just how pivotal this cycle in history is for humanity’s future. Change, of course, is a constant regardless of when we live. What will define these moments is the magnitude of far-reaching changes in how we view and adapt to our ever-shifting landscape.
We’ve reached a critical mass point at which we stand face-to-face with effects of our collective power as a species, our unprecedented population, and a growing list of imbalances. This means our decisions, individually and collectively, have a big impact on what happens next. More about the energies of these moments, general predictions for 2015, and cycles like the Grand Cross are in the Articles Archive on my website.
The important thing for right now is to stay awake to ourselves, each other, and our role. As divine changemakers, we are at the helm of our planet’s changemaking. We are hard-wired to be involved in a personal way. It’s natural for us to care – about humanity’s spiritual progression and about our own. We intuitively seek to understand ourselves and to become more loving and whole.
Your Personal Challenges
On days when you feel challenged, remember the bigger picture of your life’s purpose and your growth over time. Be honest with yourself. Give yourself credit for waking up from your ordinary life and taking heroic steps to address limiting conditioning.
Remember: what you learned and experienced is not you. At your core, you are divine and full of light.
It is your divine spark that nudges you forward regardless of challenges. It is fearless about change, having the eternal view.
Your human personality self is conditioned in an opposite way – to fear and resist change. Much of the resistance is so unconscious, you don’t see it directly. It’s common to resist all sorts of changes – including the ones you think you want as well as those that unfold without your invitation.
Pinpointing Resistance, Finding Passion
How can you tell when you are resisting change? One method is with a back-door approach of inner questioning. With this technique you are making the assumption you may be in resistance and you invite your inner wisdom to confirm whether this is so and why. You want to find out if all parts of you – including your unconscious – are on board with a change.
To effectively work with change and create in positive ways, you need to pinpoint and work through resistance energy as it arises. If your resistance stems from past life conditioning, impacting you in the now, you want to know that and clear it at a DNA level.
If your resistance is more about rebellion against an authority figure who wants you to do something, address your rebellion and discover your own reasons for making the change.
With enough personal passion and persistence, the change will be easier and more fun to implement.
Next Steps
Right now is a powerful time to invite and implement creative solutions to blocks and unresolved issues. Go easy on yourself as you explore what’s in the way of your success and joy. Invite spirit to reveal insights hidden from your conscious mind. Be flexible and allowing as you move into unknown territories.
If you connected with a new opportunity during the recent New Moon, use this week’s potent energies to take a meaningful action on that opening.
Trust that you are supported by the universe and spirit.
Copyright 2015 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * http://www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.   via newsletter 21 April 2015