
lunes, marzo 16, 2015

Selacia – Your Compass For This Week’s Energies – 16 March 2015

SelaciaHere’s your compass for this week’s unusual energies. With such a volatile and rare week unfolding, here are some reminders of what to pay attention to and what you can do to stay calm. Read this even if you feel you have a good handle on our current energies – many people you will interact with may not be so fortunate and they may lose their cool.
This is that week of significant opportunity and potential challenges you’ve likely been hearing about for a long time: a rare culmination planetary lineup involving Uranus and Pluto, combined with Equinox during a total Solar Eclipse with a New Moon (a supermoon). In my recent articles – Wise Navigation of March Energies, Equinox Gateway Preparation, and Soul Agreements – you will find more background.

Who is Impacted
Who is impacted by this week’s energies? Everyone.
Even pets and children – in fact, they tend to feel energy shifts more than we do. Remember that this week and treat them with care. Some people with a more mainstream focus may feel the effects of this week’s transformational energies even more than us, too. One reason is lack of awareness about more esoteric things like ascension symptoms and energy cycles.
People like us – more familiar with the spiritual dimensions of life – at least know something big is happening and do their best to make allowances and use tools to benefit personally from energy gateways. Knowledge in this instance is a powerful thing.
Watch List with 5 Action Steps
The more mindful you become of the following things this week, the smoother your ride.
FIRST: Notice your body and what it is telling you about your level of stress and whether you are grounded enough to be present. Your nervous system could be on overload – a common occurrence during cycles like this – so remember to breathe, get extra rest, and allow extra time.
SECOND: Get time in perspective. Energy cycles like we’re sitting in now do not unfold in just one day. There is a building period ahead of planetary lineups and when energy events are as significant as this week’s, we will see a ripple effect of transformational changes for weeks or even years. If you are old enough to remember the 1960s, you will understand this. Many of the issues and dysfunctions brought to light back then are still being worked out in our society today.
THIRD: If you understand your astrology and know how you are personally impacted by this week’s energies, factor that into your activities and interactions with others. Example: you could have unpredictable Uranus impacting your career and sense of power in the world. If so, take great care to be present and heart-centered in these areas.
FOURTH: Avoid doom and gloom or projecting how you will be impacted during these moments. Stay positive, present, and flexible. Your quantum divine changemaker self knows it’s useless to plan in a linear way for erratic and unknown outcomes! In fact, some days this week you may simply feel upbeat and like you can take on anything. For some people, the bigger spiritual nudges may be felt many days or weeks from now. Relax.
FIFTH: Remember the spiritual power of this week’s energies and use it for your spiritual progression. Dreaming could be powerful, your intuition could feel super charged, and you could get more tangibly connected to the bigger picture of why you are here in the first place. Insights could come when you least expect, too – like in the shower, when driving, or during a business meeting. Write them down and share them out loud (even if just with yourself) to catalyze even greater self-understanding.
You indeed have a unique purpose for being alive now, and for being aware of energy gateways such as this one. Even in the chaos and uncertainty, there is a jewel available now – an amazing opportunity to set a new course for your life. This is the potential of seeing yourself in a brand-new way – more in alignment with how spirit sees you – along with being able to create a big shift in some area of your life.
Your future self – already through this gateway – can help you stay calm.
Copyright 2015 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * http://www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.   via newsletter 16 March 2015