
lunes, marzo 09, 2015

Sandra Walter – Alignment With The New Light – Activation – 9 March 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Alignment is a primary theme of 2015. Obviously the energies coming onto the planet for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gateway are of a MUCH Higher frequency. It is vital to stay peaceful, relaxed, and aligned with your Higher Levels as this New Light does its work throughout the next few weeks.
I AM experiencing dramatic revelations, and visits from Masters and Galatics with clear direction on the Gatework unfolding here in Shasta. It is a powerful Leveling Up for me and my mission, and I feel completely capable of the task at hand. Strong anchoring dates presenting: March 7, 13-15 as stepping up frequencies for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gate.
This is a remarkable passage for the Light Tribe; please stay focused as the light steps up in intensity. We are holding a massive field of Light for the Shift and Ascension right now. Know this, feel this, honor it with integrity. Accessing the multidimensional Self takes on a whole new meaning as we merge consciousness. Take care to surrender to the Now of it as the Light levels increase.

Alignment and Activation
Lauren Galey received such a strong response from the last activation/alignment that she is going to Re-Broadcast the Event THIS SUNday, March 8 at 11am Pacific. I AM deeply honored by the feedback from this activation; thank you to everyone getting aligned with the New Light in this new way. Register to participate HERE.
I hope you enjoy the new website design. Many blessings for a transformative Equinox passage!
In Love, Light and Service,
www.sandrawaler.com / link to original article