
martes, febrero 10, 2015

‘The Council’ via Ron Head: We Mean To Tell You That You Are Members In Good Standing Of These Councils - Feb 10, 2015

councilThe Council: We Mean To Tell You That You Are Members In Good Standing Of These Councils, Channeled through Ron Head, Oracles and Healers, February 4, 2015
We have determined that it is now time to explore for and with you, as you read or hear this message, your purpose and chosen journey from this council to your current incarnate state. You often hear this mentioned in one way or another, but seldom do many of you allow yourselves to truly understand the magnitude of the thing you have chosen to do.
After all, you are just another in a long line of billions of personalities in body on your beautiful blue orb, are you not? Well, no. You are not. But also, yes, you are. It is the amazing value and worth of this that we would discuss today.

Firstly, whether you believe in the fact that most of you are there for your most recent of a great many incarnations or not, the fact is that you are the latest in a long, long line of ‘you’ that has been a part of all that has gone into becoming what humanity is. All of your ‘bad’ lives, and all of your so-so lives, and all of your brilliant lives are what has gone into making up who you are as individuals and who you are as the being called humanity. And yes, we did say the being, singular, called humanity. Because each level of consciousness, from the inception of a thought to its ultimate potential is a being. Let’s stick with you however.
It has all been, and is, and will be experience, a learning experience. It is the experience of I AM learning who I AM can be.
Now, it is not the first time anyone has told you that a short time ago, about 70 years, it became obvious that your planet needed help if she was going to survive with you still on board. And since that time, members of this consciousness have asked to be allowed to return, and in some cases, go for the first time, to earth, in order to participate in this grand shift and ascension into a higher state of being than that which had evolved there up to that point. When we say members of this consciousness, we mean to tell you that you are members in good standing of these councils.
We think it is time for you to begin understanding and learning to live as the invaluable, magnificent creator beings that you are. And unless you can allow for the possibility that that is truly who you are and may be, you cannot manifest as that, do you see?
Perhaps you need only to be able to see the immeasurable value of what it is that you are already doing on your journeys. You have taken a facet of the light that we all are, and you have, against all odds, brought it into the denser vibrations of your reality and held it there as more and more arrived to raise the entire consciousness of mankind. This is no small feat! This is universe changing! And it is almost to the point now that your success will become obvious to all who have eyes to see.
We want you to have eyes to see. Humility is a virtue. However, self-worth and the ability to know who and what you are is also a virtue. We are not speaking of over inflated egos. We are speaking of not denigrating who you are, what Creator has made you. Take joy from the knowing. Take strength from the knowing when you need it. We are well aware, even those of us who have not been where you are, that immense strength is often necessary to do what you are doing. Is it any wonder then that we often speak of our respect and admiration for you.
Have this respect for yourselves, and in that realization, have respect for all those around you who are having just as rough a time of it as you are, even if it appears to be otherwise from your viewpoint. All have their own battles to wage. All are climbing the same mountain.
We await your return to us with open arms and great love. Good day.
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