
martes, febrero 17, 2015

Dana Mrkich - We are all growing together - February 17, 2015

Last week I featured a guest post on my blog, which created a storm of differing opinions. Here's what I know for sure: we cannot force anyone to change or grow, nor should we. Nor can anyone force us to change or grow!
Something I have always been averse to with this whole 'ascension' topic (a word I don't really use a lot), is this notion that a certain group of people at a certain level of growth are all the same, and different in every way to another group of people at another level of growth. Or that a group of people are suddenly all going to be lifted up into paradise and into a new earth that is perfect overnight leaving the rest behind to smoulder. This just isn't true, and I should add, doesn't feel true for me. Look, I might be wrong and if I am I am, but I can only write as I've always seen it and felt it personally.

More true, I feel, is that there are different levels of every aspect of consciousness and awareness co-existing within us all simultaneously. As an example, last week I opened up to a whole new level of clean eating, meanwhile thousands of people have been eating like this for years. I have gone countless times with my sister to the markets while she buys her coconut oil and chia seeds, but had no urge to follow suit. I have loved my carbs, even though I kept getting strong nudges to reduce or even stop them altogether for a while.
A series of very clear intuitive messages and validation with a blood test told me that my immune system needed attention asap. At the same time, three times that week I had seen an article in three different places talking about a recent scientific study that has shown that a 3 day water fast* re-sets your immune system. I needed no more prompting....I started it immediately the very next day....last Wed, Thurs and Fri, hence I have been quiet on here of late.
It has changed me, and I can feel it still changing me. (Last night I was seeing fluorescent lines and swirls along with a shimmering in our bedroom doorway, and yes I have resumed eating...mainly vegies and protein for now). I have HAD to upgrade my clean eating to a level that I just didn't feel I wanted or needed previously, and now I find myself standing in a field where there are thousands of people saying "Welcome, where have you been?!"
Meanwhile those same people might be opening up to new fields in other areas that they haven't previously felt called to visit be it a higher intuition or shadow governments or love or a million other possible topics and life areas.
So you might be standing in front of a loved one, shouting at them about this book or that lifestyle choice or that healing process: but they will not be able to hear you until they are ready. I was not ready for this style of eating before, but my future self pulled me up and clearly put me on a new train track for my own good, and I am grateful. Now that I am ready I can't get enough info and I am loving every moment of this new path!!
So really it is like we are standing in this giant circle that is made up of many circles. And we are really expert at some of those: if you want to know about energy and consciousness, come sit in my circle. Yet if I want to know a bit more about growing my own vegies or how to build a woodfire oven, I will go over and open to someone else's circle and learn from them.
We are headed in the right direction with our evolution, because these types of circles are expanding. Years ago they were very small with few people, but now there are millions gathering in each healthy lifestyle, socially/politically/environmentally/spiritually/etc awake and aware circle. That is a sign of our collective growth. That is a sign that we are collectively evolving. The circles are growing in size by the day.
It is not like school where you learned very specific topics on each level and so by the end everyone was roughly at the same level of knowledge. I can tell you what is going on with your energy field without even seeing you, but I don't know if I could light a fire with no matches or lighter and I would really like to know how to do that. Many people want to ascend...I want to descend! I arrived here connected to the universe....I want to connect with Mama Earth now.
Our next level of evolution I feel, is to embody a higher level of consciousness and awareness right here on Earth in our physical bodies, and incorporating that (eventually) into every system and structure on the planet. This is happening. It will happen on a grand scale. I wish it was going faster, but I am so happy to see and feel it is happening faster now than ever.
What are your thoughts? xx   * A water fast is not to be taken lightly, and is an extreme practice.  Please know the state of your health prior to attempting, and inform yourself on proper, safe fasting methods, including easeful entry and exit in and out of fast periods. Seek a qualified health practitioner's guidance if needed.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2015. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included.