
domingo, febrero 01, 2015

Christina Lunden - 2015: This is the Year of Answered Prayers - Part 2 - February 1, 2015

I get a message to share with you at the beginning of each year with the essence of the coming year so you know what to expect and how to prepare. Here is more about that multi layered message.
The lowest layer is that the crazy and chaotic we are going to see this year is going to hit epic levels. The violence will continue to escalate all the way through the year. And unfortunately, we will see more women and children involved in causing the violence / terrorist attacks. Evil is making itself known all around the world.
On the next level up, people will lose even more this year in money, jobs, health and security. With what has happened in the last few years, it doesn’t seem possible but there is more to come. Some people who haven’t been touched in recent years will be surprised by the circumstances that come up in their lives this year. The times for the crashing down of the Earthplane has not peaked yet. There are some things happening that didn’t need to because people are not listening to their souls or looking at a bigger picture of why they are here, which is unfortunate.

And even more people will fall away from their faith and turn against God, making what is wrong in their lives God’s fault and not taking any responsibility for it. And just so they don’t feel like they are doing anything wrong by turning against God, they will try to make everyone else turn against Him or deny Him as well. Yes, this will happen even more than we have seen this past year.
This level is where most of the people on Earth live so we will have these people all around us; in our families, at our jobs, with our friends and strangers that cross our paths who are riding this roller coaster. It will be a tricky year of us working hard NOT to react and ride that roller coaster with them. We will need our spiritual tools to stay balanced almost every day that we are not in our sacred home space.
One thing the Angels are reminding me to say here is that the Chakra Prayers (on my website) were given for these times. They are very powerful. It has been recommended that we say a long chakra prayer at the beginning of our week and saying the Short Chakra Prayer and Unified Chakra Prayer together over the next five days, taking one day off. Doing this has been sufficient for 2014 however in 2015 most of you will find this will not be enough in the powerful energies you will be around. So you always have the option to say the longer chakra prayer on more days of the week if you feel you need to.
Note: If you have never said the Chakra Prayers, go to my website, choose whichever Chakra Prayer you resonate with and say that for 7 days straight, listening to what you are speaking. Then stop on the 8th day. After two days without the prayer, look at how things went in your life. That will be enough to show you the power of the prayers.
Now let’s talk about the higher level. This level is for the people who are spiritually conscious and walking in truth. On this level, we will bypass the majority of what will be going on here. Yes, I did say majority. It will be like Psalm 91 says; we will view it but not directly experience it. Unfortunately, some of it will touch our lives anyway and some will be because we chose to get on the roller coaster with everyone else.
This message is not for everyone, it is for those people at a spiritual level to be walking above the Earthplane (5th dimensional), not on it. Jesus told me in a vision that there is good news for the Lightworkers who have become 5th dimensional that they would be able to get the answers to their prayers, even with everything closing down on Earth. There would be five openings/windows throughout the year where miracles could happen and we could receive all that we wanted. If we are not solid in our faith during one of those openings, we would miss that opportunity. I was told that it doesn’t mean that we have four more chances to get that answer if we do miss it. It means that whatever we could have received during that time frame, we won’t until after this year is over. I was not told what the five windows stood for or when they would come or how long they would be open. But I was told to share with you to stand very strong in your faith and belief every day, all year. The warning was that a lot of us are mad at God, depressed and wrestling with our faith because it has been many years of prayers and the answers had not yet come. He made it clear that in order to receive the answers we need to stay in faith so that when these five windows open, our soul could recognize it and walk through it to receive the miracles.
When we are 5th dimensional, we walk above the Earthplane but we still live here on the physical Earth so we can still get affected by the things that happen here. The message continued that we need to keep looking up (yes, emotionally, physically and spiritually) focusing on The Light / on God and not listening or believing what the Earthplane says we can and cannot have and also to do all that we know to do to stay in the higher energy. You may already know it is a very tough walk to navigate the Earthplane unless you truly keep your focus on The Light.
If we can stay in faith our souls will be able to see these windows and walk through them to receive our answers. These windows will not be visible from those walking on the Earthplane or to those of the 5th dimensional energy not walking in faith at that time. Let me repeat that, you have to be in the higher dimensional energy to even see these spiritual windows.
For us to have the clearest path to receiving the answers, we need to speak the prayers out loud. The 5th dimensional energy is flowing through the throat, not our minds. Speaking out loud is where we have our strongest power. If you are not sure what it is you want it would be best to figure it out quickly. If you can’t name it, it’s not coming to you.
To help you shake off the energy of 2014 and embrace 2015 fully here is a prayer to make that intention clear. Spread your arms wide, take a deep breath in and out and say through your heart with strong intention,
“Dear God, This is (your name). I leave behind the energy of 2014 with forgiveness, thankfulness and love. I fully accept the new amazing opportunities being one with The Christ Light will bring into my life. I AM thankful that You have said I can finally receive all the answers to my prayers this year. I AM standing in unwavering faith and anxiously awaiting those answers and manifestations. Thank You God for remembering me. Amen and Amen!”
Big deep breath in and out.
Thank you for the blessing of allowing me to share with you today!
Copyright 2014 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator ~ All rights reserved.  Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source: www.ChristinaLunden.com