
domingo, enero 25, 2015

Sandra Walter – Crystal Codes : Galactics Sending Love – 25 January 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Mid-way through the Gate passage today, I aligned with the Gateways and a few moments into meditation, Shazam – the bright flash of my Team coming through. They left us a new greeting in one of my Gate crystals! I felt the Team surround me, sending pure LOVE.
There is an incredible amount of lovelight washing through me with this Gate, and the crystal has anchored it, like a transceiver beaming Divine Love through my heart and my space. Thank you, beloveds! I feel this is a beautiful gift for all of us aligning with Divine Choice.

In Love, Light and Service,
Slideshow: Captions below the photos. ( for the text to the photo’s go via original article link to Sandra’s website)

A beautiful visit form my Team - Gratitude!
Overview of the sequence: rush of plates, discs, triangular going out
Overview of the sequence: rush of plates, discs, triangular going out
5D rainbow colors
Disc imprints - new for meit shines like a diamond
view from the back - this is a vogel, hard to photograph just the light code sequence
activation discs
the sensation: pure Loveoverview for location onthe vogel - many codes in this one, she is a Gateway crystal
beams and discs
sparkles even from the back