
miércoles, diciembre 17, 2014

Karen Dover - Exaggeration of energetic fields in preparation for the SHIFT - December 17, 2014

Many of us may be forgiven for wondering when we can actually walk fully in these New Earth energies for any “length of time” and as these energies are now expanding rapidly we are having to find balance over and over again.  These next few linear days are the “exaggeration of energetic fields in preparation for the SHIFT”.  This is our energy signature aligning fully with the New Earth frequency realities whilst still observing the old 3D earth created construct. THIS is what is changing at an energy level. It is not that those who exist in a lower frequency will physically disappear, it is that we will become observers only to their actions with no energetic connection at all. Thus there are two worlds that exist and we walk through one whilst living and aligning with the New Earth as it physically anchors.

Many people are in confusion around this and “expect” their loved ones to be taken from them in some way, this is a teaching from the old 3D earth created construct which attempts to teach SEPARATION and is attempting to keep us within the old 3d earth created construct. Why would we after all leave our loved ones if “LOVE is the answer”.  We dont leave them, we merely exist in our own reality and co-create with SOURCE to change the outer waking reality around us.  Thus we share this planet with them, all the while the planet is changing and shifting and we co create with SOURCE to show TRUTH. Those who choose to remain locked into the old reality will have their karmic life played out around them without it affecting those who have chosen to walk in the New Earth. By this I mean it will not pull on the energy signature of those who have reached a higher frequency. Thus the higher frequencies will pull UP the lower frequencies and not as has been happening the lower pulling down the higher. This is not hierarchical, this is UNIVERSAL LAW and we are asked to step out of any ego in relation to this. We cannot assume that someone else is in a higher or lower frequency based on what we view at any one time.
At any one moment in these coming linear days we will find new DOORS of opportunity, these doors are there for us to choose to walk through, KNOW that we cannot leave anyone behind in TRUTH. We CAN BE THE CHANGE that WE WISH TO SEE in the outer waking world.  At this time the outer waking reality is morphing and it is a physical choice where to place our focus.  If we keep our focus in our heart space then we can allow this separation to flow with ease and grace for we cannot from our human view see the vast picture of our evolution as a race at this moment.
SOURCE is where we all came from and it is what now seeks to flow and anchor across and within this planet. Each waking reality a personal choice, it matters not if you are choosing the “spiritual”, the “religious”,  the “new age” or “general public” version of the outer waking reality for ALL LEAD TO SOURCE for that is where WE ALL CAME FROM ORIGINALLY.  Each person has their own interpretation of said outer waking reality and none are any more valid than any other. Come linear time we will let go of all of this and be able to understand and accept SOURCE in a wider and more expansive way and understand GOD in the context of TRUTH without the perception or definitions that are bandied about. We are after all remembering the vastness of the universe and the knowledge that is now available to ALL.
Like small children in the playground, the human race has been taught to “belong” to one part of the playground or the other, this is duality for ALL JUST ARE.  Like a bully the old 3D earth created construct sought to teach that if we did not choose to “belong” then we were a sitting target and that we must choose.  To choose to BE is a “valid” choice for it is TRUTH. We do not need to define ourselves any further than BEing, this TRUTH will now begin to anchor as world events seek to UNITE the human race in the LOVE that IS albeit the old 3D earth created construct will try at all moments to show us that this is something else.
LOVE cannot be defined for it is beyond our human understanding and perception at this moment, it is the energy that seeks to UNITE us on all levels and is the energy that seeks to allow us to move into expansion and realize our own nature in TRUTH.  We do not mend this planet with money, we do not mend its peoples with money, we mend it with the LOVE that IS in TRUTH, from this ALL ELSE FLOWS and evolves and is solved. LOVE is the key that we have been searching for and we have now found in this our human form upon this planet in TRUTH.  We are asked to stand fully in the frequency of the LOVE that IS and watch as miracles are birthed around us, within us and through us at this time.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.