lunes, diciembre 08, 2014
Karen Dover - Entering the New Earth in the LOVE that IS -: December 8, 2014
As many of you are now FEELing the New Earth energies are increasing rapidly, they are allowing all that we have been taught as a race to be shown to us. As I have always blogged ALL that is not TRUTH will dissolve and ALL that IS will strengthen. The foundation of the New Earth is the LOVE that IS in TRUTH which is not to be confused with the concept of “love” that is taught within the old 3D earth created construct. Within the old 3D earth created construct we are taught to segment our human lives, to place people, places and events into categories, to place relationships into categories based on how they serve our PERCEIVED needs and therein lies the illusion. For LOVE JUST IS, it sees no color, no race, no gender etc and it is this that is now anchoring within our human life experience.
Many who have worked to release the old 3D earth construct teachings fall into the distortion that is “love” still allowing the old 3D earth created construct to teach that love is illusive and that we need to continually search and find it. A whole industry is based on this “search”, you only have to look at how “online” dating websites have sprung up, all trying to teach that you need only “match your likes and dislikes” and you will find the “perfect” mate. This pulls you into the very logical human mind, LOVE JUST IS, it sees no color, no race, no gender and it does not draw lines in the sand. It is not something that can be “calculated” nor “logically ” worked out for LOVE is a FEELING, it is an energy that permeates every single living thing in this universe.
LOVE is what YOU ARE at SOURCE, it is what created us, the human race, it is what is attempting to pour through our everyday waking lives and it is what is often rejected. For the human race has been TAUGHT a reference point for love, it has been taught over and over what love is and this is what the human logical mind attempts to quantify at all moments.
At this moment in our human life experience we may be faced with situations that APPEAR to be solid, they APPEAR to have no solution but life is not just a set of math, life is LOVE in TRUTH, without LOVE in TRUTH there would be no life. In human form we are here to experience LOVE in TRUTH and to anchor this frequency as the foundation of our lives. Many are attempting to control how it is anchored, where it is anchored from and when it will anchor. The miracles that are now being birthed across this planet are from the frequency of the LOVE that IS. There is no higher frequency than LOVE in TRUTH.
Many of you reading this have experienced miracles that are beyond the scope of many within the human race, they make no logical sense, they defy belief and yet you have EXPERIENCED the miracles. It is not possible to quantify the LOVE that IS, there is no definition for it is beyond definition. The old 3D earth created construct has taught us in our human form to identify our emotions through objects and to externalize the frequency of creation. In the New Earth we are asked to step into our power and CO create with the universe, that is to understand that the power of the LOVE that IS cannot be controlled, it cannot be stopped but it can be rejected by us in this our human form.
Many of us have dreamed and are now experiencing a reality that is not exactly the same as our dream, this may attempt to teach us that we have somehow failed or that we cannot create, in the New Earth we are always creating at levels beyond the reference points that have anchored in our human logical mind. It is important to understand that the world can only change for us from WITHIN US and in CO operation with the LOVE that IS. That is we cannot wait for some “higher” source to do anything FOR US, to understand that we are in UNITY with this higher force, 1 + 1 = 3. It is not possible to create in the New Earth without anchoring LOVE in TRUTH and allowing this to flood through us, around us and within us.
It is this frequency that allows us to open to the miracles that are now birthing, it is this frequency that allows us to see through the veils we have been taught to place upon our human eyes. The outer waking world may appear to be in chaos but there can be no change without transition. We are asked at this time to anchor the LOVE that IS and to understand that LOVE is the answer, no matter the question. This LOVE is who WE ARE at SOURCE. It cannot be labelled and indeed labeling of the human life experience leads to confusion and exhaustion. Life at human level is very simple indeed, it is LOVE and compassion for ALL. Without the LOVE that IS we cannot have peace, we cannot have harmony and we cannot have joy.
LOVE makes the world go around but not the love that we have been taught to search for. The LOVE that IS resides at HEART level, it seeks to illuminate our entire life experience at this time. The emotions that are now arising are those which no longer resonate with the foundation of the New Earth. We cannot as a race continue to place people, events and places into categories and we cannot continue to live in the same ways and expect something different to be created.
The old 3D earth created construct eroded FAITH and TRUST deliberately, FAITH and TRUST is found within the heart space, it is the knowledge that LOVE is the answer, no matter the question. That in this our human form we cannot be perfect, we cannot do it all, we need the expansion that the LOVE in TRUTH gives us, it supports us, it energizes us, it protects us and it radiates from within us for it IS US.
As a race we have been taught to fear and to protect ourselves from the frequency of the LOVE that IS. At this time we are being shown that which no longer works and asked to release our judgement on what it is, why it is or why it was even created. If we get caught up in the mind and the logical process then we fall in frequency for the LOVE that IS can only ever be felt within the HEART space, we cannot FEEL love with the mind.
We are also being asked to blend our knowledge with the LOVE that IS in TRUTH, to blend our spirit with our physical experience, to become more than we have been taught that we are within the old 3D earth created construct. 1 + 1 = 3 equates to allowing the LOVE that IS to show us how to live in TRUTH, peace, harmony, joy and peace in ways that our human logical minds cannot comprehend.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.
Ángeles de Crystal