
martes, diciembre 02, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - TO SERVE LIFE, ELIJA - Dec 2, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz  

To serve Life until it is fulfilled, 
to pronounce the truth until it is heard 
everywhere, to be the Light until human 
Beings recognize it. 


Our task in these days is easy,  
as we are anchored, as we see what is, 
and as we do not complain about what is still not.
Our task in these days is honorable 
beyond all measures, as we remain behind 
with the remaining ones until the worlds are 
fully separated from each other.

We have decided to stay as long, 
so that human Beings grow, with us 
as an example, on the vine of Light.
We have chosen of our own free will, 
we have decided voluntarily that our Light shows; 
that our Love expands to the end of this world 
and to the end of time.

Do not be afraid! 
The dark ones prepare a final event, 
which means that now they go all out.
Thereupon the world changes its countenance 
and some human Beings awaken, in the last 
moment before the worlds separate from each 
other for eternity. 

Never worry about your life, because you 
are eternal and you enter into eternity.  

Far from sluggish vibration fields you have uplifted 
yourselves and thereby you rise beyond the events, 
which are upcoming for the sluggish worlds.
The last days in the sluggish worlds are in the 
sign of the beast” and this mark will be burnt unto 
those, who until last do not see nor do not want to 
see, neither recognize nor do not want to recognize, 
who are deaf and remain mute.

Whoever already exists on a light-filled vibration
level cannot be reached by all of this.
Yet many of us will see what happens and we will 
try to capture it with our alive Being, and yet we will 
turn quizzically away from this world, because a great 
swarm of human Beings will be willing to continue to
submit to the dictate of darkness. 

Based on the “sign of the beast” the chaff will 
separate from the wheat for a last time. The ones, 
who receive it, remain mortal, those, who recognize 
it and reject it, inherit eternal Life. 

There are many of those, who swallow the bait of 
the shadow actors, and nonetheless it is worthwhile for 
those, who are willing to recognize, for those, who still 
carry a living spark of divine Light in them, those, who 
provide energy, Light and Love, so that dying is averted 
and their life is not wasted.

Provision of Light 
Human Beings stand up and arise!
And we are the ones, the light warriors of 
the first and last hours, who enable and affect 
this – until last. Due to our work, the provision of 
Light and life energy, the hidden Light of our siblings
ill become visible and a life that seemed lost fulfills 
itself in the last moment of time. 

We, the light warriors of the first and last hours,
in these days, like at all times, walk in front of mankind.
We walk unerringly ahead, because true Masters remain 
God’s devoted servants and stay on the path in any kind 
of inclemency. 

Whoever follows our trace of Light has the opportunity 
to discover something that has been hidden so far, has 
the opportunity to look and has the opportunity to wring 
the deep and truthful sense from the events of time.
We are a significant number, we have remained and 
we remain in this world until the last hour; until the 
Creator of all Life quenches our longing and offers us 
the Grace of transmutation.
Then the world changes, then the planets change their 
positions and then no stone on earth will remain on top 
of the other! Often this has already been announced to 
you and here it is given to you again, so that you remain 
vigilant and understand the reason for your stay and why 
for some human Beings the ascension can only be fulfilled 
at the last moment of space-time.
When the last chord sounds for all of mankind, 
do we recognize the call from the Creator and we 
will be taken from the field in the middle of our 
activities, and will be carried away into Heaven.

Light Vehicles stand ready 
Our Light vehicle, the heavenly vehicles stand ready 
and can be claimed at any time. Yet we remain with 
our decision to experience the “day of days” on-site,
in deep humbleness and loyally devoted in infinite Love. 

We have fulfilled and we remain on-site.
This is the truth of this time for all light 
warriors of the first and last hours. 

Therefore do no longer get lost in impatience and let 
go of quarreling. Rather begin so that your joy about 
this last great service of Love is expressed.
We remain until we have done, 
what pertains to our last decision for this mankind.
We remain the Light of Life and we set anchor for 
those human Beings, who are of good will, because 
it is still dim in this world.
And before it uplifts itself, for the ones, and goes under,
for the others, the last ones willing to ascend receive 
sufficient Light, vibration and energy, so that they can 
uplift themselves with their last inherent strength.

Before the end those, who have strayed from the path, 
will have the ability for a new beginning, so that they can 
liberate themselves from their own shackles, caused by 
light-starved thinking, false speech and loveless action.
There is no other reason for your unrelenting Light work 
for human Beings and there is no more sacred reason for 
your deeds of Love, which are written for eternity into 
these and the newly emerging worlds, and will be.

We go ahead. Many follow us. A lot more stay behind.

We are the power that moves new worlds and the 
further completion of this world is entrusted in us:
we have decided, we made the choice.
Sowing the seed of the new mankind has taken 
place and the new worlds, which were built by us, 
the building masters of the new galaxy, will be fitted 
with new Life.

How much longer? 
How much longer is the waiting and expectation in time?
1.) Until the last of all human Beings has turned toward 
the Light or has turned away from the Light, which we 
represent in this world.
2.) Until the degree of purification has reached the point 
on this level, when the separation of this world can occur. 
Because the more dark energy is redeemed, the easier 
and the more harmonious for all human Beings will be 
the transition to their new home.

What happens to the many human Beings, who 
serve the dark princes until the end and remain loyal?

The Creator offers many ways and variants.
All these Beings must be held accountable and will 
face their mirror image. The reconciliation with reprehensible 
deeds is the command on this level of All-That-Is. Yet some 
Beings will be ordered back and will be inhaled by the Source, 
in order to retake the thread of a mortal life in a far away time
– under conditions, which have been specifically created for it. 

Nobody can escape from the energetic trace, 
which one has left behind in All-That-Is!

It remains visible, what was done, thought and spoken, 
and it remains visible, what a human Being no matter in 
which life, has mandated for himself and for the world.

Everything demands equalization and will always 
be satisfied at all times and far from time.
The last sound of the Creator rings at an hour that is close.
Our Love carries us on, our Light shines for our brothers and 
our sisters, and due to the strength of our power as Creator 
Gods, which was given to us by God, new galaxies develop 
and only a breath separates us from it.

I am Elija

Before the end of time the new eternal Life 
is anchored in us and with our hearts we see 
way beyond this world.

Streams of Longing 
Our still far away home has been created in us and 
we recognize more and more that there is neither 
separation nor there is a time before and after the 

The waiting, for whatever, 
is alien to the awakened one, 
because the longing for God 
consumes everything and as 
time also dissolves. 

And all streams of this time flow together 
in this longing, because truly: 

The longing for God is the strength, 
which encourages and heartens us 
to unconditionally devote ourselves 
to this time and to our assignments 
and until the last of all days. 

I am amongst you,

Shakedown in Full Process – SANANDA: 