
domingo, diciembre 07, 2014

Eliza: On Duality - December 7, 2014

Baring Eliza: On Duality
After a recent posting, I found this comment from a young woman. She asks a classical question of the yet awakening ones:
“Don’t want to sound thick, but I am, please explain to me something. If the Higher Self and those who have long guided you in the higher dimensions do ‘guide’ us then why or why are people so evil and terrible to one another? To my limited (point of) view surely these higher selves could guide people to NOT be rotten. Or are we all just puppets on a string?”
To guide is not to govern or direct like a puppet. Our Higher Selves do guide and mentor us, but quietly, through our intuition. If one is insensitive to the quiet nudges received, then a person will not heed the guidance.

Our Higher Selves and all of our Angelic mentors are limited in what they can do to direct our lives, due to the Law of Free Will that reigns upon this planet.
Each of us is subjected to pre-birth or pre-walk in planning sessions and training. Whether or not one will abide by those plans and training is another question altogether. Many times, people do not, as they are overcome by the sheer impact of physical existence.
Some beings, who agreed to temporarily act as goads for the rest of society have also chosen, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously, to ignore their vows to come into alignment and relinquish their power and control over others.
Why do some people hate and hurt others?
It is a matter of conditioning in this world that drives people to violence, out of anger, frustration, impatience, self-judgment and the resulting projection of shame and blame onto others and so on. In my job as a worker within a prison setting, I daily come into contact with those who are serving time for offended some kind of law in a moment of forgetfulness or rage.
Our society is sick. Our world is sick. There is no other words to describe the existence of such pain, pollution and despair. Simultaneously, our world is filled with love and light. Each side is vying for control over the planet. Today the Light is winning, but the dark still fights for supremacy with the utmost of its strength. After all, the dark has been on top of the heap for millennia. Why would it give up so easily? Why would it give up at all?
For centuries, people have learned to hate those who were different, whether through their skin color, customs, dress, religion, or even their sex and physical condition. The ethic of divide and conqueror has been a successful meme for the dark and so they continue it to this day, striving to upset a populace by suggesting there is a race war going on in America. It is a lie, given daily life through repetition on the news.
For those who wonder whether or not the world will ever come into balance, I say this, it will, but it will take time.
As one who has lived and died under the hand of tyrants and have been accused of being one myself, who has been called a black magician, a terrorist of the backwoods, and so on… I understand these things.
And I have stepped beyond the need to judge these individuals who are still caught in the web of dark versus light. It is all illusion, but one that has been skillfully created in order to give lessons to those souls who desire experience in a physical creation.
I know that at the heart of all things we are One, although this thought form has yet to fully manifest into being on this planet. It will.
In the Pleiades and on Venus this is the way we live. If we can overcome our need to war against ourselves and others, then also can the people of Earth.
On any journey, one must start with a step. Take a step towards first accepting and loving yourself and then expand it out into the world. See others as self. Observe the lives of others, from daily life and from history, and see how the patterns differ or are similar to those being played out within your own life. Even if you do not believe in past lives, you can learn from observation of other lives.
Understand that those who act against others today will pay tomorrow, whether in this lifetime or another. I happen to believe in other lifetimes, concurrent with this one. I have experienced sitting at a desk with a “movie” going on in my head of a totally different setting and circumstance. It is quite uncanny, but also quite real, as real as the chair in which I am now sitting.
I have been blessed to catch glimpses of past lives and lately have received particular names as being indicative that that individual was also a “past” life. So, being the reader and history bluff that I am, I have read stories and encyclopedia entries, as well as watching documentaries and movies about these individuals. In so doing, I have become to see a pattern emerge that fits the inner “me”. It is quite fascinating to also watch, when I share these experiences with friends, to see or feel their faces light up or tears to suddenly come as they realize the connections, too. Such happenings act as confirmation of my own intuition and guidance.
I’ve been told to trust my guidance and intuition and so I am endeavoring to do so. It matters not if someone disagrees or seeks to debunk what is written here. My writings are a matter of the heart which transcends human reason and linear thinking. Seek to understand these things through your heart center, not your human mind which is highly conditioned by early training.
In writing this I hope I have successfully answered my young friend’s question. It is not a simple one answered in just a couple of pages, but we do our best. Understand that duality of dark and light underlies everything that happens in this world. The degree to which duality has been taken has far exceeded that of other worlds where balance reigns. And believe it or not, there also exist worlds who have sunk even farther into the nightmare of control and fear which our former controllers wish to plunge us into as well.
Our world is not progressing on that path, thankfully, yet each individual who comes into alignment with their Higher Self, who finds balance and peace within, will further hasten the day when all beings upon this planet enjoy love, abundance and peace in their lives as well.
I AM Eliza
©All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com