
domingo, noviembre 30, 2014

Karen Dover - The release of “separation” in TRUTH - Nov 30, 2014

The human race has been taught since the beginning of its creation that it is separate, within the human race the human male and the human female are taught repeatedly that they are “different”, with emphasis placed on the differences at all moments.  Yet a human baby has to LEARN and ANCHOR difference. Until a human child reaches the age of around 2/3 yrs old they see no separation, a child this age looking in a mirror does not see “self” it sees a human being standing in front of it. It does not align with the reflection until it begins processing the 3rd chakra which in human form you are taught is the “I AM”, the SOULAR plexus.

From birth until you leave your human form you process each chakra or energy centre in turn, moving from the base chakra to the crown and then back to processing the base.  Any pain that is experienced in the year in which you are processing the chakra is revisited 7 yrs later when you once more process said chakra.   So the “I AM” is anchored at the age of 2/3 (the SOULAR plexus being the third chakra in the human energy system).  In all spiritual teachings within the old 3D earth created construct you are taught that you must align fully with the “I AM” as you are taught that you must align fully with your “SOUL”. Both are a construct that seeks to re-enforce SEPARATION and this is not supported in the New Earth frequency realities for it is not TRUTH.
How can there be an “I AM” when at SOURCE you are neither male nor female you simply ARE, you are not “IS”, you “ARE”, which is the blend of both male and female energies. It is only on this planet whilst in human form that you are repeatedly taught to believe that separation exists. Now it could be argued that the human race live in polarity therefore there is a separation but polarity is a RESULT of the “I AM” teaching, ONLY humans see separation, animals do not see separation for it is not TRUTH, animals do not see male or female they just see ENERGY for ENERGY JUST IS and YOU ARE.
There is a lot of talk at this time of simply merging the female aspect with the male and getting balance but this is not TRUTH as it does not go far enough, there is no separation on ANY level and the human form is now being prepared to understand and to anchor this. In order to anchor this TRUTH you must release SEPARATION and this is done by releasing the “I AM”. To believe that you are separate at any level from SOURCE is a distortion, you cannot be separate for SOURCE is CREATION and YOU ARE CREATION.
The “I AM” sits in the SOULAR plexus and has been distorted since the beginning of the creation of the human race in order to prevent you remembering TRUTH.  The SOULAR plexus is the main ROOT into your energy signature, closing down or opening fully this energy center allows access to all of your energy centers and this energy center is where the SOUL is anchored. As I have explained and blogged previously the SOUL is the construct you are TAUGHT to align with but will prevent you from fully reaching SOURCE for its purpose is to keep you locked into the old 3D earth created construct. Therefore in order to reach your full power, which is SOURCE, you must release the construct that is the SOUL, this allows you to co-create in freedom with the ENERGY that YOU ARE which is SOURCE co-creating with the universe which is referenced to the human race as GOD.  1 & 1 =3 is the equation for the New Earth.
This translates as SOURCE and GOD = INFINITY.  YOU ARE an infinite being and you can only remember and harness your full power when you co-create with GOD/UNIVERSE. The SOUL construct prevents this connection by continually filtering your human life experience as one of polarity and separation. The human logical mind further tries to cement this by referencing that which has been experienced as all that can ever be experienced and this is not TRUTH.
The miracle that you seek at this time is beyond the human SOUL and lies at SOURCE, the reason you incarnated into this dimensional timeline in a human form was to co-create in TRUTH, to do this you must reach your own ENERGY which is beyond the construct that is the SOUL.
At this time you are asked to release “I” and understand that YOU ARE.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.