domingo, noviembre 23, 2014
Fran Zepeda – Lady Nada: A New Pinnacle of Your Awakening – 23 November 2014
Lady Nada:
Hello, my dear ones. It has been a while since I have spoken through this channel, but nonetheless always extend my ever-present abiding Love to you. I take you in my “arms” of Love now again in this moment.
You have traversed many a difficult turn along the ascension pathway, each in your own method and purpose and timing. There have been some deep caverns for many of you, but nevertheless you have begun to make the climb back up and have surpassed what you could only have dreamed of in the past.
While living for a brief time in those “caverns of darkness”, you learned to make your own light – to light your own lantern in a way you have not been able to do before. You created within yourself a pathway to the light, and in the process you have extinguished many a fire of upheaval and chaos and fear and momentary loss, only to reveal an opening to the true deeper part of you where you find solace and peace and enthusiasm and hope.
You, in your dipping into sometimes suffering and sometimes deep revelation, one and the same for all intents and purposes, have pulled the Light of your Soul ever present to the surface and have discovered an unfathomable strength, courage and creativity that remains unmatched in your experience.
For you are discovering the deep creation abilities of the Love that is your essence. In affording yourselves Compassion and Love even in your deepest darkest moments, memories, regrets or negativity, you have created an unfounded curiosity and innocence and yearning for better times, for better experiences, for loftier intentions, my dear ones, for you are the loftiest of creatures in the whole universe, made of material that is unequaled in its potential.
And I give you my encouragement today to keep that intention of making “something out of nothing”, which as you know is not really “nothing”; it is the basis of your being: Love.
From the beginning of time you have “toiled and troubled” yourselves with experiences of grand nature in that everything you attempted or allowed into your lives for the sake of experience was an experiment in perseverance and creativity. You created situations from which you extracted solutions that uplifted you higher and higher in frequency and dimension.
This has always been the case. But now you may notice that you seem to be going through many of those grand experiences at once, and many times all you can do is surrender and let go, and trust yourselves to find a solution that with a more expanded view, reveals itself and produces a creation of pure grace and wonder. You are discovering your potential to create what you need and desire by not giving into the urge to analyze and control the outcome.
Instead, you are discovering that by your divine intention to follow divine will and purpose for the greater good of all, you are creating solutions and services that have never materialized before. By trusting you can do this and allowing the spontaneous flow of creation, many of you are arriving at new precipices far above the old “caverns” of despair and uncomfortableness.
You have embraced the unknown and the unknown has embraced you, and together you are fashioning a future in the present Now that is forming right before you, of grace and wonder and purity. You sit within the majesty of it and feel gratitude, and even if you cannot always see the physical manifestation of it, you know you are creating something new and valuable by allowing yourself to accept yourself as you are in this moment, just on the verge of expanding and exploding into a greater you.
You no doubt are feeling the truth of these statements, even though you may not understand it all intellectually, but the more you let yourself expand and flow within yourself and within your Heart, you are discovering untapped potential.
And for this you will feel most grateful and look back at how far you have come, while venturing deeper into the recesses of your Heart.
And that is the key, dear ones, gratitude for how far you have come and knowing that you have arrived at a new precipice and pinnacle of your Awakening.
All my Love is yours,
Lady Nada
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Ángeles de Crystal