
viernes, noviembre 14, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 11.14.2014

Journal Entry 11.14.2014
Well, we’re in the midst of a “snow event”… it’s snowing lightly outside like it was December or January.  The temperatures were rather frigid this morning, 16 degrees F or below 0 for C.  The roads weren’t too bad, but folks are scrambling to get their winter tires on, winterize their car, and to buy winter clothes.  I already did all that… on Monday.
My “process” of re-tuning to higher dimensions continues, with some bumps along the way.  I hit one on Tuesday night, but have since recovered.  And along the way, had yet another lifetime verified for me this time specifically by Lord Sananda and Lady Nada.  I requested the information and they gave me verification of information that I had already figured out a couple of months back… that I was Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist and the cousin of Mary.  That explains why I probably wasn’t present during the years of Yeshua’s mission; I was already much older when I gave birth to John and probably just not around.

I’m also still clearing grief, anger and feelings of rejection.  For those who do not understand this process, let me say unequivocally that even Masters still have “stuff” to deal with, especially if they are focused on service and intend to ascend still further into higher dimensions.  My Higher Self may have ascended, but the human part of me that still has awareness of 3D is doing… let’s say the grunt work of clearing for the Whole.
There have been some developments.  I had a lucid dream the other night… remembering to pat a doorway and to ask, “Am I dreaming?”  You can do this during the day to program the question into your awareness and see if you can activate a lucid dream cycle.  I was never one to do any astral travel, so it was exciting to simply have a dream in which I was more aware.
This morning, I had a dream where I was sitting with some friends, in particular a handsome male companion.  We were browsing through a magazine together… a simple enough activity… but it was the way it felt being there with him.  I was snuggled up against the male and felt very comfortable.  When I woke up, I asked AnDra (my 6D Pleiadian mate) whether or not the dream figure was him and he said “yes”.
All of us are encountering challenges, ups and downs, physical, emotional or perhaps financial challenges at this time.  Take time to relax and take care of yourself, allow time for dreaming, breathing and laughing.
I feel quite at peace right now even after a challenging day at work.  It seems I am very needed by people there.  However, I let my supervisor know that I intend to retire sometime next year.  And it is something to look forward to… whether or not I will be in a state to be aware of it.  Hopefully, Sundeelia will be more in charge by then and my focus squarely on 5D / 6D and above.  Only time will tell and if I can I will share a bit of what I am experiencing.
Much love,
I AM Eliza
Photo Credit:  Reflections, Pool at Pioneer Park, Winter 2014.
All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com