
lunes, noviembre 17, 2014

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel ~ Any Question Can Be Answered - November 17, 2014

By Shanta Gabriel, http://shantagabriel.com/
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages Book and The Gabriel Message Cards in these articles to provide insight and inspiration each week that we can bring into our daily lives.For this week’s issue, The Gabriel Message is opening the way to expanded perspective and integration of our soul’s gifts.

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world you inhabit, and any question can be answered.
We all want so much to have the answers to our myriad questions about life. Sometimes this can feel frustrating, one of those so near and yet so far situations, like we have the words at the tip of our tongue.

But often the answers do not come as full sentences and clear information at the time we ask. Posing the questions to our Higher Wisdom is essential however as the first step to creation of more clarity within us. The intention to receive is important to begin the process.
What I have noticed is that within a short amount of time after praying to receive guidance, I will be listening to a person speaking and suddenly I hear the answer to my question, or I feel attracted to books that open to the page I need to put my mind at rest. More often these days there is a settling in my heart and an inner knowing will be there for me. Even when I have those moments of clarity when I can channel information, there are times when my attachment to knowing can complicate my mental fields and it is more difficult to receive the answers I am seeking.
At those times it is much better to put my questions aside and spend time connecting to my most enlightened state of mind. This is the place where I am breathing Divine Light through my energy centers and allowing myself to relax into my heart. When I give myself this space, new information will percolate to the surface.
Especially in these times of heightened energy frequencies and interference from mass thought forms, it is easy to get confused. Sometimes the intense focus on what I want to know takes me out of my heart and can cut me off from the expanded perception I need to really receive what is Truth for me. The process of softening my energy field and becoming more grounded and whole in myself takes me out of my mental energy and allows me to be more conscious and connected to my Higher Self.
We all have this enlightened aspect. It is our most Divine Self that we are integrating into our human selves in perfect blending and wholeness. Through our breath and raising our vibration we expand our energy fields and open into aspects of consciousness that allow us to receive guidance and wisdom from the fullness of our beings. We are awakening our Soul’s gifts in these precious times and bringing heightened perceptions and an expanded perspective into our physical beings.
I find prayer to be a powerful way to raise my vibrations. When I give thanks in advance, it feels as though the doorways into new multidimensional realms of consciousness open and Grace becomes my experience.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for bringing Divine Love through me in a pillar of Golden Light that allows me to integrate the most expansive aspects of my being into my physical world. Help me to align and integrate these higher frequencies so that I may open new dimensions and connections to my Higher Self. I am asking to receive guidance and wisdom at this time that will serve the highest good in my work in the world and in all my relationships. I now allow my soul’s gifts to awaken and empower every area of my life. Thank you for these blessings and for the expansive presence of love working in and through me now. I know all is well. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel, 2014
The Gabriel Messages #32When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world you inhabit, and any question can be answered. Dear One,
You have within you an enlightened state of mind where Truth prevails and Divine Love surrounds you, filling all the dark places. Give yourself the gift of finding this place, and become so familiar with it that you are able to connect there with a breath and a thought.
This enlightened state within you is beyond normal waking consciousness and can even be called super consciousness. It is the expanded place of Light, Peace and all Wisdom. It is possible through prayer and meditation to connect deeply with this beautiful, expansive state within your mind.
It only takes a few minutes to sit quietly and breathe in Divine Light and Love. When you do this and ask for guidance, you provide a fertile ground that can be planted with seeds of joy, peace and divine order in every area of your life. When you bring a question with you into your expanded place, the answer will become obvious. Even if it does not seem to be clear when you are sitting in your meditation place, it will “pop” into your mind as you go through your day if your intention to know the truth was strong.
Every day you can give yourself this gift and create a personal relationship with this enlightened state within you. From this place the Divine Mind is accessible and the Angels will inspire you. A state of peace will be the result. In this enlightened state of mind you can be filled with Divine Light and know all is well.
Remember your message from the Angels today:
When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world you inhabit, and any question can be answered.
Archangel Gabriel
from Shanta Gabriel
Flower Essence Readings During these intense times, taking Flower Essences has made a profound difference in my ability to maintain balance and perspective. I’ve been working with essences and helping people use these powerful gifts from Nature for over 30 years. A personalized Flower Essence Reading, with assistance from the Archangels, can open the way to profound insights into the challenges going on in your life, and bring these aspects into balance.A Flower Essence Reading with me takes about 45 minutes, and an mp3 recording is made so you can remember what was discussed. Each essence offered is specific for your personal requirements. They address life issues that are registering in your energy field and help to clear the patterns of imbalance that show up and are ready to be released.
This reading is $10 off through November to help give you a good start on the holiday season.
Purchase your reading here
More about the Essences
Flower Essences are subtle liquid extracts of different wild flowers, which are used to address issues of emotional well-being, soul development and mind-body health. They were first developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s in England, and have been widely used and researched in Europe for decades. They began gaining popularity in the United States in the 1970’s and have since gained worldwide professional recognition for their significant contribution to holistic health and wellness programs.
I was certified in 1981 by FES and have worked with numbers of people using Flower Essences as an adjunct to their wellness programs, as well as maintaining a Monthly Flower Essence Program. Flower Essences are made with brandy as their preservative and only a few drops every day need to be used internally. Although they are subtle vibrational essences, they can have a profound affect on your well-being.
Purchase your reading here

The 11:11 Meditation

The most important significance of the 11:11 is its availability as a portal to higher consciousness, a moment in time where the Angels of Light can take your offered prayers and good intentions to assist their manifestation on the Earth.
Whenever the 11:11 presents itself, it acts as a daily reminder to take that one minute to hold your dreams in your heart, acknowledge the support available from the Angelic Realms, and have the courage to affirm your willingness to move into new dimensions of Love. When you empower this intention, you can even imagine that there are Archangels standing tall and majestic on either side of a gateway, inviting you into the fulfillment of your prayers and Soul’s gifts. With your intentional prayer, you can step through this portal into your most Divine Self and into the life you are intending. Every 11:11 offers a wondrous moment of ascending liberation from old patterns
This meditation will assist you to empower your 11:11 intentions as it activates your connection to the Archangels supporting you to step into new life awakening within and around you. It can be used whenever the digital clock displays 11:11 and is especially powerful on November 11. As you listen you will also be joining thousands of awakened beings who are working together to bring Divine Love and Presence to the Earth.
A beautiful 11:11 Gateway meditation is available from Shanta. You can purchase and download the 11:11 Meditation here.

Meditation on a Tree – Free mp3

Be sure to download our gift meditation to help you create a strong grounded presence. Available through November 30.
Available here.

Essence of the Month ~ Divine Masculine

It may seem unusual to choose the Divine Masculine Essence after we have placed so much emphasis on bringing in the Feminine consciousness recently.
However, as we move into the last, often more action-oriented portion of our year, there is a need to highlight different aspects of consciousness.
The Divine Masculine energy offers us Courage, Strength and a grounding force that we need to be more resourceful as the holiday season is upon us. This focus allows us to create the perfect level of balance and harmony between the masculine and feminine energies within us so that all of our outer focus and holiday-type interactions with others become more abundantly connected to Divine Right Action in every way.

Divine Masculine

Serving the union of male and female, the Divine Masculine provides Heart-Centered support. Like the sun that rises each morning, the Divine Masculine is trustworthy and reliable and holds the form created by the Divine Feminine. Available here.
If you enjoy and benefit from Inspiration for the Week, please consider supporting it through a single or monthly donation. Although this publication is a work of love and freely offered, much time, effort and costs are required. Click here to learn how you can support this work and receive a special gift.