
martes, octubre 14, 2014

Wes Annac - The Spirit World Chronicles: Resting in the Borderlands – Part 2/3 - Oct 14, 2014

Credit: Wallpapersgalaxy
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Continued from Part 1
The Borderlands are real, Raymond shares, but they also contain a hint of etheric artificiality.
“I want to distinguish between the vestibule and the portion of the astral plane that some of the others participating in [this] project have referred to as the ‘Peter Pan department.’ The vestibule is not necessarily a fantasy, but it’s not quite real either.” (1)
The Borderlands are real in a sense, but they’re more illusory than the higher fourth-dimensional realm one experiences when their stay in the Borderlands in complete. The realms that lay beyond the Borderlands are far realer, but this initial realm still contains the same glimmers of reality as the rest of the fourth-dimensional realms.

The Borderlands are certainly realer than the third dimension, and this is because our manifestations are less hindered in this realm. We experience a greater degree of spiritual reality than we did on earth, but our experiences and manifestations are still technically illusory compared to the higher fourth-dimensional realms (and the realms beyond them.)
As Raymond tells us, the Borderlands exist to make the transition into the fourth dimension easier.
“It’s really not a fantasy because that sounds as if there are lots of little munchkins running around putting up fake scenery to fool everyone with and that isn’t quite what happens. The vestibule experience is a necessary part of nature. …
“Eventually, … you begin to realize that the vestibule is only a vestibule, made of tissue paper and smoke and cotton candy – it’s not real. This realization is, in a sense, what is meant by the term ‘the second death.’
“You give up your cherished connections with the physical life and begin to adjust to life on the inner planes as it really is - which is startlingly different. If the transition to full reality were abrupt and you weren’t prepared for it, it would be quite a jolt. Something akin to a psychiatric problem could develop.” (2)
We can experience and plan certain events in the Borderlands, Raymond tells us, and we can also receive a unique brand of healing that can only be received in this realm.
“I believe that it has been mentioned that Colene’s grandmother and grandfather [Colene Johnson, David's wife] were given the chance to have something of a second honeymoon in a part of the vestibule before getting down to the real business of living on the other side.
“I think that this was described as happening in the Peter Pan department, but it was really the vestibule. There is also a certain kind of healing that must be done in this time right after death. This healing is much easier when the person is on somewhat familiar surroundings and has a sense of continuity with his physical life.” (3)
I’d imagine it’d be pretty difficult to heal someone who’s too panicked about the new realm they’re in to receive any sort of healing, and this is why the Borderlands come in handy.
They help people adjust with the fact that they really have died and they’re now experiencing life in a different sphere, and even with the assistance of the Borderlands, I’m sure it can be difficult for some to cope with their deaths.
This is probably why they receive the healing they do, and in the end, I’m sure everyone’s able to adjust and eventually greet the higher realms. A lot of souls are obviously stuck in the lower fourth-dimensional realms where strife and agony rule the day, but even they will eventually be receptive to the healing they require to spiritually soar.
According to Stewart Edward White, some people have to be taught very basic things in the Borderlands because they were unprepared for spirit life when they were on earth.
“Some … people remain in the vestibule quite awhile. They almost have to be taught how to walk again because the adjustment is so difficult. But for physical people who have an awareness of the inner planes, or who prepare themselves for the transition, the period in the vestibule is very short.
“There is an immediate example here in the room – Colene’s grandmother made a very quick adjustment to being on the inner planes and was even able to attend her own funeral. That may sound a bit morbid to you, but it was important to her. It was just a matter of hours for her to make the adjustment to moving around on the inner planes.” (4)
Mike Swain describes what it’s usually like for a ‘backward’ soul to wake up in the Borderlands.
“In the case of the rather backward soul, we place him into a deep torpor as soon as we take charge. When he arrives in this world, he wakes in what appears to him to be a hospital ward.
“The realization filters to him that he is safe and being well looked after; then it gradually dawns on him that there are no doctors or nurses in this hospital; no bandages and no surgical instruments. He himself feels no pain; so his next move is to get out of bed and start exploring, to find out what sort of hospital this is.
“Only then does he realize that he has successfully passed over. It is wonderful to watch his amazement and relief when he realized he is more alive than ever.” (5)
The realization that death isn’t the end has to be one of the most liberating things a person can experience, and it probably helps to wake up in a hospital bed or another setting that’s commonly associated with safety and being looked after.
It helps the recently deceased come to terms with their transition, and the sooner they can come to terms with it, the sooner they can start exploring. I’m sure they’re eventually greeted by a transition guide or a departed loved one, and then, they can really start to learn about their deaths and the realm they’re now in.
Everyone’s experience is obviously different, but a lot of recently deceased people probably experience the familiar hospital scene in the Borderlands before realizing that there’s nothing wrong with their etheric health. They don’t need to worry about their physical health anymore, and their etheric health’s as strong as they’re willing to let it be.


  1. Robert R. Leichtman, M.D. through medium D. Kendrick Johnson, Sir Oliver Lodge Returns. Columbus: Ariel Press, 1979, 68.
  2. Ibid., 68-9.
  3. Loc. cit.
  4. Robert Leichtman, The Psychic Perspective. Columbia: Ariel press, 1978, 205.
  5. Jasper Swain, From My World to Yours: A Young Man’s Account of the Afterlife. New York: Walker, 1977, 52.
Concluded in Part 3 tomorrow.