
lunes, octubre 20, 2014

Sirian Archangel Hermes - 10/20/14

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as solar energies are flooding your planet with invisible plasma rays of light!
As revealed in our last channeling, the second half of the Hyperborean series eclipse nears within your linear timespace. Many have been feeling the roller coaster ride of emotions and ultra dimensional experiences that accompany ascension of consciousness and infinite time awareness, wonderful indeed. I say to you, if you think this was an intense period of linear time since the lunar eclipse, to prepare yourselves for even more intensity as the solar eclipse shall lift many veils, so to speak. Many who have long remained in denial of what they know deep within is their truth, shall no longer be able to dismiss it. They will finally find the courage to stand and act for what they have long known, is what they should be doing. The bondage and energy draining aspects of their everyday matrix lifestyles will begin to fade away, and some of the events that will lead up to this from their personal lives, shall be quite severe.

It is this shock, this sudden jolt of higher consciousness, which makes it reality. Just as an infant coming into this world from their mothers womb is overwhelmed with sensory perceptions, such as seeing color or hearing music for the first time, so shall many become overwhelmed by what they are thinking and feeling. Grounding is very important during this phase, take time to meditate and collect yourselves so you are better prepared for the transmission from source into your consciousness.
It is beginning already, your solar disc is increasing its energy output and its magnetic poles are flipping. The possibility of a very large solar flare, which may be directly facing the Earth, is very likely to occur around the linear time window of this solar eclipse. The sun reacts to your thoughts and emotions, and as you become more familiar with the workings of fifth dimensional consciousness and infinite time awareness, you shall be able to communicate directly with the sun via solar codes or plasma induced thought forms. You shall become one with the sun, you shall begin to comprehend how it effects everything around you and within you. Light is time and gravity and magnetism, this is mans interpretation of how the sun effects your third to fourth dimensional Earth. However, as you are graduating from these dimensions and densities, you shall begin to come into a fifth dimensional perception of these concepts, you shall begin to see the Earth as Gaia, or Terra, and your past and future quantum selves shall gather within your present self to increase your overall awareness.
It may feel as if you are within a lucid dream, you shall begin to manipulate the holo-reality you experience with more precision and efficiency. You shall feel that everything your senses pick up on, in those moments, was done so exactly for you. Linear time will not resonate with you as strongly as it has, in fact you may at times feel as if you are working backwards, in linear time, with your thoughts and manifestations. You shall begin to observe stellar races, masquerading as human beings around you and discern them with much more ease. Many of your doctors and healers are in fact of Pleiadian origin, many of your scientists and politicians are of Reptilian origin, many of your bankers and religious leaders are of Draconian origin. These are great clues to the mystery which shall unfold before your eyes and all of your sensory perceptions, and it shall make perfect sense to you. Know that this is simply third and fourth dimensional perceptions fading away from your consciousness as you further resonate and align to fifth dimensional timelines. Your consciousness will quickly move from regional, to planetary, to galactic, and for some who are ready, universal, multiversial and beyond.
We have been working slowly with you for a very long period of linear time, now, as it begins to fade away, the truth will become so blatant and clear to you that it shall feel as if it has struck you directly in the face, an excellent parable of this is the apple falling upon the head of your great scientist and philosopher, Issac Newton. Adjusting to this may be difficult, however the more you trust in it, the more it shall trust in you, and reveal more to you.
I come to speak briefly of science and biology. The recent scare tactic of your planetary cabal concerning the virus that is called Ebola. First of all I come to say, there is no need for you to fear. This, along with all disease, has already been cured, and as you come into higher consciousness, you too shall begin to affirm this. Within a lower consciousness, it would seem that there is no cure, and that it could become a pandemic of biblical proportions. In fact, there exists synthetic life, within most all of you, that can cure this without any vaccines. Do not be fooled by the cabal and their tactics, for they are an illusion of the lower realms of consciousness. The virus itself, is real, and it can be deadly to those without spiritual and physical health. The horror stories of zombies rising from the dead, in fact has some credibility. You see, the Ebola virus is "alive", although not sentient as humans would think. However, when the virus begins to integrate with the human body and brain, so does the human brain and body begin to integrate with it. The virus is capable of "learning", once it has entered the brain. Scientifically, it can in fact re-animate the dead, by restoring basic motor functions. Just as all living things know how to survive, viruses and bacteria are the same. The human body itself, is merely a host for many forms of life, just as your planet, just as your galaxy, and so on. That which is above is like that which is below, and this applies to all things manifest.
As you begin to make better choices to align to fifth dimensional timelines, such as within your habits, your diet, the people you choose to be around and peace within yourself, you shall begin to feel better and become more courageous, your inner virtues which have not served you in the lower dimensions and densities, shall begin to have much more value to you within a higher consciousness state. By changing yourself you shall change that which is around you and beyond you. Trust and determination are key, a fall is possible at anytime, so walk in the light and become the light, that you may be able to see the holes and traps which are set before you.
Lastly, we come to share with you the solar sigils which were promised upon the last channeling where we provided lunar sigils. Just as those were, these sigils are charged with the light of both god and the goddess. We provide this to you to place your righteous intents upon and further charge these solar codes for the transmission that shall occur during the solar eclipse. When the two become one, a new type of being is born, a perfect, balanced gestalt of duality becoming singular, the trinity of two becoming one. The one divine and omnipotent source can only reach most humans through duality, through masculine and feminine energies, as humans are a creation of duality and this invisible third force. These sigils are capable of tapping into the archonic gestalt of consciousness, and thus can nullify their power.
Behold, son of sun, daughter of moon, the light of god shines in all, and simply must be welcomed and made comfortable within a vessel, a host of incorruptible and pure righteousness and virtue. In infinite love, I am looking at you this way. Blessings in light!