
domingo, octubre 12, 2014

Judith Dagley – October, 2014: What Does Transition Feel Like? – October 12, 2014

judithI cannot speak for you, of course… but as for me, going through the most intense days of our recent full moon/full lunar eclipse surely felt like a major vortex of transition. It is only NOW, however, as I tune into how I feel as I come out the other side, that I realize that (for me), that is exactly what it was. Still shaken to the core, I’m aware that I am not the same as I was before I entered… but how, I couldn’t tell you yet. I’m way too busy scanning my emotional and physical bodies to make sure I’m still intact.
Or perhaps NEWLY intact might be more accurate. I say that because, in the deepest part of the eclipse, I lost any sense of  “me-ness” at all. I was electric with feelings and sensations, embodying them all, letting them all flow through me, completely beyond separating myself from them or even labeling them. Forget all about judging them as “right or wrong!” I was not only in the vortex, but I became it. I was not only in transition, but I was the transitioner, and the transition, itself.

Its funny, but when I reached into my psyche to find a common, colloquial phrase to to match whatever I was in that vortex of transition, the word “drama queen” came to mind! Ha. Perfect. I get it. I was, indeed, a “drama queen.” I did not let ego concerns hold me back, and thus, whatever is more of me took over. Over fear, need to control, need to project my own experience onto others… I reigned, in other words. Defined by the dictionary as “the exercise of sovereign power.”
Never will I use the term “drama queen” in the old disparaging way again. I will briefly say a little more about that, in case it might be useful to you before the next “vortex of transition” hits with our New Moon/Solar Eclipse around October 23. Of course, you may not experiences it at all, just as you may not relate to my experiernce of this recent one. That is fine… more than fine. We each have our own methods and choices of when and how to go beyond our prior illusionary limitations. If my awarenesses resonate and are of service to you, they are yours. If not, just forget about them.
Okay, so here is the foundation of the whole context I’m about to share–
“As above, so below.”
I spent much of the month of September discovering the truth of that.
All we “think we need to know,” we already know.
The proof of that is within us to be recognized.
The lessons we need to remind us are all around us.
So, if you feel wildly discombobulated by your own recent vortex of transition (in whatever way you experienced it), I want to remind you that you have gone through even more powerful ones than that.
You were born, were you not?
I will tell you that being born into a whole NEW world as a physical being…
entering the vortex of the birth canal, pushing your way through to the other side…
there is your proof.
As a mother who has given birth to life, I will tell you what I know about transition.
The stage of childbirth that occurs between the pangs of preparation and the actual birthing of NEW life is called “transition.” And so it is. No prior rules apply.
Egoic concerns, “shoulds,” expectations, all that has to do with “me-ness” are quickly swept away.
If you are a woman, or have ever witnessed a woman giving birth without unnecessary medical interference, then you know that what I say is true.
I BECAME the process of giving birth.
My children did as well.
And so together, we exercised our sovereign power to bring forth their chosen NEW lives.
Drama queens and king, we are.
Hard to describe, perhaps, but something you already know all about, whether male or female, parents or not. Don’t tell ME you can’t handle vortexes!
You were born.
Want to know more about about your sovereign power, and how to use it? Then join our global energy tele-gathering. From wherever you are, all you need is a phone. See how powerful you are?
SUNDAY, OCTOBER  19th, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.PSTD
To register:
Offer your reciprocal energy exchange via Paypal to thecelestialteam@gmail.com.

And bring your questions! These gatherings are for YOU.
Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.
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