
viernes, octubre 10, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: Your Throne of Love – 10 October 2014

Channeled by Fran Zepeda October 9, 2014
Mother Mary:
Hello my dear sweet ones. In the interim that is a building of energy in all of you, take stock in what you want to remain in your energy field and what you want to welcome in anew. As it may feel uncertain as to what you are building, rest assured that you are harboring high frequency energy and you are slowly becoming acclimated to it. Be patient with yourselves and don’t forsake yourselves in acknowledgment of all you have accomplished up until now and continuing on the spectrum of deep refinement of your ascension process.

Rest assured of your progress, dear ones. The richness of the Love Energy now residing in your energy fields is recalibrating to your unique likeness, and building in intensity with each breath you take.
Rest assured, dear ones, of your complete transformation and refinement for it is Now and it is Eternal. Sweet ones, you are at the forefront and while you may look around you and see little change, look deeper into your hearts and notice the subtle changes and not-so-subtle changes.
Is it true that there are many things you find uninteresting now? Is it true you have a deep restlessness for change and renewal? This is excellent. This is True. This is Destiny.
My dear ones, allow me to continue to envelop you in my all-encompassing “Arms of Love” and breathe in softly and gently my blue flame of Eternal Blissful Love. Let it touch you and envelop you, always remembering you are made of the same deep sweet love as I and all the Celestial Beings. For we are One, dear Ones, for you have heard this many times, but take it into your cells once and again and for all time. It is Truth.
In the slowly waning moon of the recent lunar eclipse, you are finding a difference in the feel of the energy encompassing you now. This is going to become much more apparent and palpable, dear ones. The LoveLight you have been allowing to enter your space, your energetic space, with increasing regularity and intensity is now building a permanence of sweet Love Essence that is showing to be your true signature.
It feels different. It feels subtle at times, and it feels “loud” and very apparent at times. But move with it and let it color everything as you look upon your life with renewed and clear focus. For this will become easier dear ones.
Know my love for you equals the capacity you have for love of yourself. And it is infinite, so the more you accept love for yourself and your being, the more you will feel love from all On High. And the more you will feel the Love of Creator, which is your true essence, which is your true purpose, which is your true calling, and your Source of all you are and ever will be.
My beloveds, take some time now to assess the energy that is building within you. At times, yes, you will feel restless and at times you will feel confused, but always remember that Love is the only solution to everything in your wake, in everything you encounter. It is the formula for excellence in your life. It is the building blocks of all you wish to create. It is the substantiality of everything.
And this you know is true. And this you know is As It Should Be, always and forever. Love has become the particle and building block for everything in your life now. And while this may seem and sound very simple, it is far from it. For it is the essence of All Reality.
So please discard your doubts that you are indeed progressing, for the change in you is profound. It may take a while to fully grasp it, and as you are beginning to see, it is and will be harder and harder to quantify and qualify the change within you because it is becoming elemental and basic in form within you, dear ones. And let this be true in your assessment.
For Love Abounds and has taken over everything. Watch and you will see it seeping into everything in your life if you just allow it to be so.
I caution you to not look too closely, but to allow Love to sit (be) within you like you would be sitting on a thronea proverbial “Throne of Love” – From which you oversee your whole life – For you are all there, dear beloveds. Your crystalline bodies have absorbed this Love in deeper and deeper ways and it (Love) has become the foundation of your existence forevermore.
Be at peace with that knowing, dear ones, and move on with the surety and confidence that you are now bathed in Infinite Love and everything you touch will be transformed therefore and therewith.
All my Love, Forever,
Mother Mary.

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