
martes, septiembre 09, 2014

Mother Mary via Fran Zepeda: You Are Becoming Master Alchemists - Sep10, 2014

Mother Mary:
Greetings beloved travelers into the 5th Dimension and higher. You are practicing with your multidimensional selves. You are experiencing the higher dimensions much more regularly while dealing with your remake of your physical bodies to accommodate your ascension.
I say remake because indeed your physical body, which has been your vehicle for so long in the 3rd dimension, is undergoing massive overhaul and refinement to blend with your Lightbody and to allow your multidimensional selves to be experienced on a much deeper and constant level.
And indeed this has been a wild ride for many of you. You are not sure at times what is happening and what is to be achieved. However, your innate compass, your innate sense of being – your Divine Being knows exactly what it is doing, dear ones, and I am here once again to enfold you in my loving arms and comfort you in your travels to the deep recesses of your heart where you are discovering so many wondrous things about your multidimensional selves.

You are exquisite in this growing refinement. Indeed, as you accept your growth and do not fight or resist it, you are feeling lighter and more expansive. You are embarking more and more into all your aspects and accepting all your aspects. You are experiencing on a much more “solid” level your multidimensionality.
The unknown nature of it is becoming more comfortable to you. The unknown quality of it is being transformed in favor of your growing familiarity with it as you open more to all the possibilities of your true nature – that your physical body in the 3rd dimension is but one small part of you and is a means to encompass all the parts of you as you mesh and blend with your higher aspects, and field the energies pouring into you for just that purpose.
And so my dear ones, I take you again on a journey with me, further into the deep recesses of your heart, further into your Divine Heart, further into your core True Being:
  “So take a deep deep breath now with me. Feel me enfold you in my arms of Love, my deep everlasting fulfilling Love. As I do this, feel the exact duplicate of this Love well up within you and feel the velvety lightness of it. Feel the depth of it. Feel the comforting soothing essence of it.
I am magnifying your love for yourself with my very presence, with my deep flowing waves of translucent and shimmering Love pouring over, through and in you. Match it with your own. Match it with what you know and remember of Love from Source when you were birthed from Source so many eons ago.
Generate and remember and experience that Love now. Experience the sweet essence of it, the warmth of it, the glow of it, the power of it. Feel it permeating every cell of your physical body and feel it permeate your Lightbody. Feel it BE your essence now; swim in it as your true milieu, your ocean of experience in the Multiverse.
You now cannot feel your physical body as separate from your Lightbody but still as an anchor to Gaia, as an anchor to her core. As you breathe you feel tethered yet free to explore the Universe and Multiverse and all the higher dimensions fueled with the Love that is your essence.
Love becomes your lens with which you are experiencing everything in your everyday world. It is the lens with which you perceive everything. Feel the formlessness of your energy while still knowing you are fully anchored in your physical body.
The boundaries to your thinking have now been expanded in this. With Love and Peace as your lens, everything takes on a new meaning and purpose. It opens up vistas for you. It opens up a new way to manipulate and perceive your daily experiences. Everything can be colored in this new higher dimensional reality if you see everything through this lens. From there you tap the Joy and Harmony of each experience simply because you have perceived it through the lens of Love. It is exquisite.
Imagine that each thought or experience you have has a core to it that is Love. From that core you can work outward and see the lesson and gift of the experience or thought, as Love colors and transforms and transmutes it to its true purpose and reason for being.
You are becoming Master Alchemists in allowing yourself to see everything born of love and thus able to return to love. It is a simple exquisite process that you all are learning – rather, relearning – to do very expertly.
And so you are grasping the depth of your existence in this way. You are tapping the true essence of your being in this way. You are traveling through your experiences coming from a base of Love which reaches and catapults you into the higher dimensions with ease.
Feel your energy expanded now. Feel your sense of normality change. Feel it encompassing greater possibilities. You are well on your way to discovering your expanded multidimensional selves by allowing yourselves to be in your physical bodies while exploring the very depths of your Being in this new way.”
It feels subtle and maybe a little confusing, but I have just taken you on a journey of expansion and you may now feel like your view of things are lit up and more free-floating. You still have a grasp on your physical connection with Mother Earth but at the same time you have opened yourself to explore deeper parts of you that are rooted in the higher dimensions in that you have delved deeper into the possibilities that you may always view things from the lens of Love always and forever.
So I continue to enfold you in my arms of Love as you magnify your love for yourself and others. And from this place you can now soar into the higher dimensions with higher and deeper ability.
All my Love is Yours,
Mother Mary
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