
miércoles, septiembre 24, 2014

Jennifer Hoffman - Awake, Asleep, Light and Darkness - Sep 24, 2014

What a busy week with Pluto going direct on the 22nd, ending its 6 month retrograde, the Equinox on the 23rd, a new moon on the 24th, a Jupiter/Uranus trine on the 25th and Mercury continues its retrograde shadow, while Venus is touching the Mars retrograde degrees. There is a lot of anger, frustration, upset, and despair energy in the world, be aware that what you are feeling in this regard may be some of the energy of the collective.
But new energy portals are opening and I have been feeling the presence of powerful love energy that I have been integrating and expanding it as far as I can. In my experience, this love energy arrives suddenly, without warning, with a feeling of profound joy and it feels wonderful. I believe that these are openings to multi-dimensional spaces that are looking for someone to ground them into our 3D realities. When we do, we create a firm foundation for this energy.

There is a downside to this as tend to expand our energy field a lot, which feels great while it's expanded and then it shrinks back to somewhat more normal levels, which feels like someone let all of the air out of your balloon. With all of this back and forth energy expansion and contraction you may be feeling joyful one moment, sad the next, fully energized and then completely wiped out. Find your energetic balance point between the expansion and contraction movement, and rest when you feel you need to. We are also building up to fast moving, very powerful energy events each month from now until the end of 2014. It's seat belt time as the roller coaster kicks into high gear.
Awake & Asleep, Light and Dark
When we think that it’s time for the polarity of the world to change and it doesn’t appear to, or that we’ll see benefits of the work we do and change doesn’t happen as quickly as we hope it will or should, we can feel that our efforts aren’t succeeding. They do, but we can’t measure these results in terms of time because we do make a difference in ways that cannot always be measured. We want the light to be present when we’re awake, but not when we want to sleep. This is the balance that we all seek, no matter which side of the process we’re on, trying to figure our where we are most comfortable, awake or asleep, in the light or in the dark. I was thinking about that today, as I was also thinking about what my work as a channel, intuitive, and writer has involved during the past 10 years, how it has evolved, and the changes it has created in my life.
It’s true that I did not want to do this work, mostly because I really wanted to have the  corporate job I had set my career sights on. But for other reasons too, that involved the commitment, responsibility, and obligations that I was taking on by opening myself up to the light, knowledge, and information that I would have to share, by virtue of what I was agreeing to do. I had to embrace the light and give up the relative comfort of any shadow or darkness because you cannot be in the dark at all, once you have fully stepped into the light. And whatever comfort others find from not knowing, from being in the shadow or on the sidelines, is no longer available to you. The dark may be uncomfortable at times, but not  nearly as much as the glaring light can be, and the light is also much more revealing. You know, if you have taken this step, that once you see everything in the light, you can no longer see it in from the ‘dark side’. Once you wake up you don’t go back to sleep.
A friend of mine recently asked me whether I wanted to have another baby. I love children and love being a mother but with kids that now range in age from 25 to 36, would I want to take on the responsibility and commitment of raising another child for the next 20 years or so again? I would really have to think about it because I take parenting very seriously and it’s not simply a matter of having a child or not, it’s the responsibility, obligation, and commitment that children require, demand, and deserve. Raising the light is just like raising a child, it requires a lot of work and you receive both heartache and joy. Once it becomes part of your life, like a child, it is always with you.
When we took on our roles as light workers and now as light beacons, we knew that it would be a very long journey, with periods of success and bliss, and periods of waiting and repeats, which we would be tempted to call failures. We knew that we would work very hard, with results that were not always guaranteed or obvious. But we had to do it anyway and part of our work was to shine the light and wait for others to get tired of sitting in the dark and start seeking the light. Here’s where our commitment and responsibility get serious :  Once we step into the light we can no longer step back into the dark, so we have to stand in the light and let the whatever is in the ‘dark’ come to us.
We can’t measure our success by whether the darkness seeks or embraces the light, but by how strongly we shine our light so that the dark accepts its opportunity to awaken because it wants to be in the light, or, in the same way that we wake up when we have slept enough and are no longer tired. I think that’s where we are now. People have to spend time in the dark before they are ready to wake up and can think about the light, because the blessings of the light are not always straightforward. If you want to sleep, for example, you want the room to be dark and without light. If you are awake, you want to have a source of light and would stumble around in the darkness. The light has to be available when you want it, and out or dimmed when you don’t. Are there any people or situations in your life like this? Do you feel like this yourself at times? It’s a choice, like everything else, and one that holds considerable commitment, obligation, and responsibility. But like being a parent, the joy and love you can be part of are immeasurable and the rewards even if they don’t always materialize with the timing you want to see.
This week’s Archangel Uriel channeled message comes from the archives as I’ve been looking at past articles for the Light Beacons membership and this one stood out for me. In fact, it is the second message I channeled with Uriel and it’s called, very appropriately, Light  Dispels Darkness. I don’t remember what was happening the week prior to March 24, 2004 that the world violence refers to, but I felt the article was appropriate now.
You can read the full article in the Light Beacons Community member pages, which you can learn more about at this link. This is an excerpt of that article:
Light Dispels Darkness

The global violence of the past weeks has left many of you fearful and wondering whether the world really is coming to an end. Know that this is all part of the Divine Plan. There is much unrest among parts of the world’s populations but their darkness is overshadowed by the light of many more who refuse to allow the illusion of fear to cloud the truth of their light.

Copyright (c) 2014 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com