
miércoles, septiembre 17, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - KING OF THE WORLD, SANAT KUMARA - September 17, 2014

Publication from the 
new Book by Jahn J Kassl: 
Telos - Welcome to Agartha 
This is an excerpt from Chapter 3:
King of the World

I am known as the King of the World, 
who administers the regency of this World since eternity.
Together with me, SANANDA, the omnipresent Power of Love 
and the all-encompassing energy of Christ Consciousness, shapes 
the fortunes of this world; and with us a vast number of light Beings 
from all levels of Creation accompany us. We represent an insurmountable 
power on all levels of Being; we form new worlds, give structure and 
new glory to old worlds.

And this happens now through all of us, who for eons cooperate 
in this process of transformation. Because the time has come, as the 
kingdoms of upper earth are being straightened, healed and created 
I have focused my consciousness entirely on this ascension 
and I have anchored my presence on inner earth through my subtle
bodies. My absence or my relocation to Venus, which has been 
reported in many places, did not happen.
What did happen is, that the assignments in this Creation were 
newly distributed; and that SANANDA, the commander of the Galactic 
Federation of Light, coordinates all processes of the ascension for 
Mankind and the transformation of this planetary unit.
The King of the World, who I am, is complemented by the King 
of this Creation; and thereby both of us act for the benefit of all
Beings, which inhabit inner earth or the surface of the earth.
My Kingdom in Shamballa exists since the creation of the planets,
since I, as the underlying Logos, breathed this one into reality. 
My Kingdom in Agartha continues to expand and in these days my 
Kingdom on upper earth is being created. My regency completes 
before I finally return to the primordial Source of all Being and prepare 
myself for new assignments in the infinity of Creation. In these days 
of the old time we, the Ascended Masters, are truly omnipresent; 
and there are only a few of the already ascended ones, who have 
turned to other realities in the universe.
We all carry and hold the ascension energy – and this for a long time. 
What has been prepared for a long time, what for long has been 
waited for, what for so long seemed uncertain, is today the only reality: 
The ascension has begun; the descent is happening; 
each human Being according to his choice.


translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb 

Sample Reading – Telos Welcome to Agartha: