
lunes, septiembre 08, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Hit the Ground Running - September 8, 2014

On August 1, 2014 I perceived, very loudly, that I needed to prepare because soon I’d ‘Hit the ground running’. Of course I thought that meant something different from what happened, but, I’ve indeed been running like crazy since my mother’s August 28th triple bypass surgery.
There’s the obvious, the very top layer of stuff that’s happening physically, but as is always the case, there’s so much more going on with that obvious surface stuff than one may be aware of at first. This is what I’ve gone through—increasingly this year and don’t expect that to end any time soon—and very much so with what’s happened to my mom and all who and what is connected to that life-changing event. I’m not alone in any of this as this is the theme of 2014; ongoing mini revelations about oneself and what MUST be IMMEDIATELY admitted to and released (sudden Uranian-like changes) if one desires to continue embodying more of ones Greater Self in their current physical body in this timeline. Period, end of discussion. Because I desire continued evolution/ascension in this physical Denise package more than anything, it’s easier than ever before to now IMMEDIATELY correct whatever it is within myself, old beliefs, worries, habits, expectations, limitations etc. At this point there aren’t many options with this phase of the Ascension Process; it’s change whatever is needed within oneself now to continue embodying the NEW and be pain-free.

I’m also aware that what I’m personally going through now is dripping in transiting Uranian energies. I’ve known for many years that my mom was approaching her Uranus Return at age 84. It takes Uranus to travel from its location at your birth to the halfway point at age 39-42, 43 and is called the Uranus Opposition. It takes Uranus 84 years to transit from your birth (natal) location all the way through the 12 zodiacal signs and “return” to the sign and exact degree where it was when you were born, and this is transit is called the Uranus Return.
In decades past, most 84-year-old people didn’t survive much beyond this intense transit, however, with the Ascension Process and the Aquarian/Uranian energies being a big part of the NEW and the new astrological Age energies, more people of all ages are dealing with higher frequency Uranian energies better than ever before. The outer “impersonal” planets as old astrologers called them (everything beyond 3D Saturn), are currently becoming very “personal” for humanity. I’ve waited years to talk about this and intend to write more about the changes in astrology due to humanities current evolution/ascension and evolving consciousness.
My mom is soon to turn 85 and well into her (once in a lifetime) Uranus Return. My son is 42 and nearing the end of his (once in a lifetime) Uranus Opposition. I’ll turn 63 in December and this is another 7-year Uranus transit (square), plus, transiting Uranus in Aries is and will for years be in opposition to my four planet Libra stellium. Said real simply, shit’s a changing big-time and Uranus is behind much (not all but much) of it so don’t even try to resist because you’ll just get broken by these life and consciousness-changing Uranian forces. And just for shit’s n’ giggles, transiting Pluto is currently in direct opposition to my natal Uranus, so, let the transformational party play on as it absolutely must and roll with the cosmic punches and become something greater, something NEW and improved Denise, and all other folks within these three generational age groups.
On top of these potent astrological transit energies is the NEW Light Energies doing all they are too. I realize that, due to exhaustion, not getting enough sleep for the past week or so, being overly emotional for a while, crazy busy, plus the September 1 through 9 energies, today’s Super Harvest Full Moon at 16º Pisces 19′ conjunct Chiron, the 2014 9/9 energies… what have I forgotten?… it’s been one hell of a week and counting! I actually can’t wait for the 2014 September 22 Equinox this year as I think they’ll make many of us feel better, if we’ve done the Prep Work.
Now I want to try to express what I’ve perceived so far about these 2014 NEW energies and how they’re forcing us to make immediate changes within ourselves so we can continue the embodying, transformational Ascension Process. Earlier this year I perceived this Process in 2014 symbolized for the Forerunners much like the 12 Labors of Hercules. I saw every day, every degree of the zodiac as unique Initiatory Stair-steps that we HAD/HAVE to traverse because this Ascension Process is now fully and completely being dealt with by many Forerunners primarily in and through their physical bodies in the physical realm.
In years and decades past we Forerunners were multitasking on multiple dimensions simultaneously, doing Lightwork, timeline work, grid work, Rewiring work, transmuting and integrating old negativity, transmuting and integrating ours and others density and Duality, living the Ascension Process in and through our bodies and so much more. In 2014 however, I’ve sensed that many of us Forerunners have been tremendously focused on being in, working on and working through our physical bodies in this physical dimension because that’s what’s currently needed to embody more of our Higher, Greater Selves into these bodies now.
I know that every time I and each of you does this now in 2014 and 2015 too, that we are literally energetically Pathpaving for the rest of humanity coming up behind us in the near and distant “future”. Every time I and each of you in 2014 (and beyond) immediately change, release, let go of whatever it is in us that we must now so we can physically embody more of the NEW in ourselves body and soul, we make it that much easier for humanity to transition into the NEW behind us. That is why the pressure has felt so intense to us this year and why we’ve HAD to make more sudden changes in ourselves and our old habits etc. I said for a few years that this Ascension Process had finally and fully reached the physical level, and because of that, that is why we Forerunners have had such an intense year throughout 2014 (and for many 2015 will be this too); we’ve been Pathpaving, Forerunning, Wayshowing again but in this very NEW way in 2014 and beyond.
When I do this energy work now in 2014, as exhausted as I am, as ready for fabulous as I am, I can feel that every time I release more of the old, change and simultaneously embody more of the NEW and more of my Greater Self, I know and feel that this is the Way this Pathpaving Energy Work is being done now more intensely and quickly than ever before, and despite it not always being easy, it feels Divinely PERFECT and so amazingly freeing and powerful in very, very lofty ways. The misery, the fears, the pains etc. are now nothing in comparison to the in-pouring of the NEW and of more of the Higher ME into this Denise body and soul aspect in physicality. The Ascension Process—at this point I mean—is Divine (not that IT for a second ever wasn’t!), and terrifying, and PERFECT and exactly how IT needs to be done now by we the Forerunners. I sure hope I explained that well enough for everyone to get the gist of this change.
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I received some emails recently from readers who suddenly empathically felt some of the physical pain my mom was having in her heart and chest area on or around August 28, 2014. When I informed my son what had happened to his grandma, he was relieved because he too had felt tremendous pains in his heart/chest for a couple of days before August 28th and, like many who emapthically feel other people’s pains and/or emotions etc., he believed the heart pains were his. Because I’ve been psychic, empathic etc. my entire life, I’m very familiar with mistaking other people’s physical/emotional/mental pains and energies etc. as my own when in fact they were never “mine” at all. This is another important reason why the Higher Awareness of energetic discernment is so important.
The deeper we evolve into 5D HighHeart consciousness and NEW Earth reality, the more this type of thing will happen to more people. Being within a fifth dimensional (5D) frequency range means that everyone feels everyone else (other humans, animals, plants, elemental beings, multidimensional Beings, Earth herself, Nature, the elements and so on), and this is why it will soon be impossible to hurt or attack or lie or steal etc. anyone else anywhere; because you will feel and know that pain, that negativity, that separation in your own body and being. To harm another literally becomes impossible because everyone literally feels and knows that All are One, All are connected, All are united.
I’ve probably forgotten some things I intended to include in this but I’m glad I was able to get this much written at this point.
Be well everyone, be strong, be wise, and sail through this Piscean Super Full Moon and 2014 NEW 9/9 energies and simply change when it’s needed as quickly as you can. Don’t debate it, don’t resist it, just do it immediately because it actually feels good releasing and changing into more of the NEW in these super fast ways now. You want the pain to go away? Me too so just release, change and embody more of the NEW and the Greater You now and watch as “reality” changes to match what you’re doing in and through your physical self and body.
HighHeart to HighHeart,
September 8, 2014
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