
lunes, agosto 11, 2014

Karen Dover - Dreaming in the New Earth frequency realities - August 11, 2014

Many of you may at this time may APPEAR to be faced with decisions that are holding you tightly in place. The old 3d earth created reality is based on SACRIFICE, even when it appears to be supportive you are still taught to sacrifice. This is especially deep in relation to love and relationships.  There are many deep teachings in respect of “family” and in respect of the movement between the old 3d earth created construct and the New Earth frequency realities.

Many of you at at this time may fully believe that in order to birth your dream you must “give up” your human family and this is not TRUTH and is NOT supported by the New Earth.  The old 3D earth created construct likes to give but part of the picture. Whilst it IS TRUTH that you cannot walk with anyone else through the energetic doorway to the New Earth frequency reality that you have chosen and that each human vehicle has to enter and pass through the doorway uniquely by themselves, this is but part of the picture. For when you reach the New Earth frequency reality that you have chosen ( this choice is your SOUL frequency and is already in place, this is why your SOUL is guiding this part of your journey so intently.  It is also why you “cannot fail” at what you came here to be”) you can dream them into your reality.  This sees them enter the transition period if their SOUL has made the choice to enter the New Earth. Without your movement into the New Earth they could not enter said transition period, remember ALL ARE ONE and ALL are connected.  So in effect your non movement is their non movement.
As ALL is frequency then your human logical mind will try to persuade you that you must have one thing OR another, it has no concept of ALL for it was never taught ALL, it was continually taught sacrifice.  So I hear you cry how do we keep our loved ones?  The answer is simple, so simple that the human logical mind will try to filter it out. In the New Earth frequency realities (that are birthing at this moment) you have NO overlay of the old 3d earth created construct, so therefore you have NO distortion.  TRUTH only is supported so the safety and security that is provided through, around and within your human vehicle JUST IS.   The dreaming that you do in order to manifest your outer waking reality moment to moment is yours to play with. You DREAM your reality therefore have complete control, you are the architect of your own reality.  Dreaming your reality which involves your loved ones and placing them in the dream of understanding and allowing the unfolding is the foundation of the New Earth frequency reality.
This is also but part of the picture for within the old 3D earth created construct your human logical mind will attempt to fill in the “missing” details of “how”. This pulls you out of balance hugely, you are not in flow when you are trying to logically work out what will happen next. Many of you are in stasis unable to move for you cannot “see” the way that the next bit of this human journey will unfold so you sit waiting. The universe will sit patiently with you for it is awaiting instructions from the architect which is YOU in TRUTH.
Miracles are called miracles because they appear unexpectedly and they allow an unfolding that is magically. I personally have experienced miracle after miracle over the past 48 hours in a linear time frame or slightly longer.  I had to let go completely of the chaos and my human logical mind which attempted to show me just one route which I knew I was not aligned with.  TRUST and FAITH are not just words written on a page, they are the tools that are needed in order to navigate the channel between worlds, for the old 3d earth created reality is a master magician and will fool your human eyes at every turn. YOUR SOUL knows the route that you need to take and this is found within the heart space. Those who are in different frequencies cannot help you make your decisions for they are also viewing the same parlour tricks.
This is the first time in your human life experience that you have been handed the reins to your own life, it takes a little getting used to in order to understand that there are NO rules to this life experience, rules are boundaries designed to prevent expansion. What you dream you can create but you must fuel it at a human conscious waking mind level with TRUST and FAITH in SELF.  No one else can give you these tools, they are WITHIN YOU.
Exiting the old 3d earth reality
Understand that those in your human family may be trying to stop your movement as they fear “losing” you but this is due to the vantage point they have and the magician standing in front of them.  KNOW that as you move and expand and grow then ALL expand and grow. Follow your HEART at all moments of all moments and have TRUST and FAITH in SELF. You have left plenty of breadcrumbs en route to remind you of this and perhaps I am one such breadcrumb.
Miracles come with FAITH and TRUST in SELF, miracles are the birthing of the New EARTH in TRUTH.  Let go of the teachings that seek to define who you are and allow your SOUL to SHOW YOU who YOU ARE in TRUTH.  The energies will now increase substantially in order to support the New Earth frequency realities and the birth of the human race into said realities. Understand there is NO going back, if you are in a holding pattern then you will be there until you can step into expansion, compression and containment are not TRUTH and are not supported. Any movement that would see you in containment will not be able to manifest, this causes more chaos and confusion to the human logical mind and may see you in deep frustration.
FOLLOW YOUR HEART, it sings a song, can you hear it ? are you listening to it? it guides you at all moments of all moments, do not allow anyone else’s “Tune” to drown out the beauty of your song for you are UNIQUE and YOU ARE A GIFT to the world in TRUTH. For ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”

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