
sábado, agosto 30, 2014

Judith Kusel - Reborn – the Time of New Beginnings…August 30, 2014

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In these last few weeks massive shifts have come and are now moving in at an enormous rate.  This is the force, the Creative force now moving in, as embodied with the Divine Feminine.  It is the Creative Force of Creation.
It brings with it the opening up of the heart on all levels.  It will crack open the heart, and then some more, and move us into the state where we stand vulnerable, naked, like a newborn baby.
 For this is the rebirth – after being crucified the New Man or Woman arises.  She/he is not the old Adam or Eve anymore, but still not quite formed.  There is the intense vulnerability of the new born babe having to adjust to a New World, and a New Way of Life.

Therefore, do not panic if you do not know the way forward.  Do not go into deep lamentation if your life seems to be moving into a type of chaos, and the world moves into this state as well.  Chaos has to occur before the new can be created into patterns and forms.  First the seeming chaos, that dissolving, those birthing pains of the mother, and the baby now being born….
With the new baby a new future is emerging – your Future-Self.
That Future-Self will look and act very differently, from the self you are now, as in this moment, and in this embodiment.
With this then transformation at its core – but this is positive and new and it is that growing of the baby into the toddler state, then crawling and then finding its feet and starting to walk, but still stumbling and falling over….
It is best at this time, to allow your heart and soul to be cleaved open.  Allow yourself to feel deeply, profoundly, intensely.  This is love coming to reside in your heart, and your heart needs to crack open, break, dissolve, in order to be so filled, that is becomes greater, more, expands to become one with the cosmic heart, and all of creation – infinity.
In that you heart is open, you start moving into a higher state of conscious awareness.  Because of this intense reborn state, you feel at the core of your heart.  You feel into your most sacred parts, and into your own womb area, and into that which makes you a woman and makes you a man – your inner heart-felt Being as express through your sexuality, with union in such state erupts  the sublime, the bliss and into the state where you are one with LOVE – in all its expressions, and creative forms.
In moments of sheer union, where the heart is so open, (that is- has cracked, opened, and then some more), the body opens more.  Tenderness reigns… vulnerability…. If true love enters, into the male and female hearts, and all is cracked open, then room is made for the sublime, the bliss then ecstasy which comes from a fully cleaved open heart.  It is the merging beyond merging.  It is when the Beloved becomes so beloved, that you ARE the Beloved, and the Beloved is YOU = there is no difference, there is no mind (the mind dissolves) and there is just ONE LOVE, ONE BEING, ONE SINGLE STATE OF SUBLIME BLISS – CONSCIOUSNESS.
Waves and waves upon waves of pure sublime LOVE!
In this it becomes that moving into wholeness, into equilibrium, in that perfect balance within and without.
We are not quite there yet, and of course there will be times, when we are pulled back into the old, for the old wants to hold onto form and not dissolve into chaos.  But remember, the law of free will and remember the truth of whom and what you are!
The more you step into your higher soul self, and into the truth of your soul and are in higher alignment with it, the less you want to stay in the old world, and the more you start claiming your cosmic citizenship, and claiming your true inheritance as a Son or Daughter of God.  You cannot shrink back in to the state of forgetfulness, of separation, of lostness…. For you know that is a lie and not true…..
Yes, we are babies being reborn….
But babies learn to trust.  They learn to allow that being nurtured and simply allow life to flow within them and into them.  They feel safe in the knowing, that they are being cared  for and loved and  trust that they will grow up into the magnificent Being they in truth are.
As yet, we are then being reborn and re-formed into the new – as yet, this is painful, yes, but also makes for amazing new experiences to emerge, as our third eyes open up,  and our own cosmic transmitters become more and more activated.  We start tuning in cosmically, and we start LIVING that.
We honor the Earth and we are atone with her, for she gives us bodily form, but we also honor and merge with the Divine Goddess, the Creator, the Divine Feminine, and we merge with our cosmic soul self, as this is the truth of our Being.  We become expanded Beings – for our thinking, our feeling, our living, expands.  We cannot shrink back into the 3D – for it is too small, we have grown bigger and taller and far more complex.  We have embraced the 5D and we do not wish to go back.
Such is the amazing gift of this time.
Open your arms and heart to receive.
Welcome her in, the Divine Feminine, and allow her to come and reside there deep within you and allow her to recreate you.
Ahhh, what a gift – sublime gift!
(My soul readings assist you to remember the truth of who and what you are soul level and what you have come in to express and to be:  http://www.judith-kusel.com)
(Judith Kusel)