
domingo, agosto 03, 2014

Journal Entry 08.03.2014

Enchantments 2
Journal Entry 08.03.2014
Most of the afternoon the sky was a molten gray, the air still and close. Then with early evening, the storm broke. Bolts of lightning were hitting all around the edges of town. I could feel the scent of ozone in the air, refreshing the senses. And then the rain came, coming down hard soaking into the lawn that I had just finished watering. I wanted to make sure that the plants wouldn’t die during this lengthy heat wave. And walking barefoot across the damp grass was cooling.
With the many comments that are coming as a result of my recent writings, there still comes some questions, which is understandable given that the concept of walk-ins, much less walking out, is not well known and certainly not well understood. And if such is possible, such a concept is offensive to the limited understanding of the lower mind.

One article that I read mentioned that the GFL decided that humanity was waking up too slowly. I don’t know when the decision was made but it was decided to send in more troops in a more expedient method, through the avenue of walking in.
It’s a given that many people want to escape this world and attempt to do so through the use of drugs, reckless living and other means of self-inflicted harm. Others suffer the effects of sudden dangerous illnesses, accidents or abuse from others. Children die of all kinds of things. There is an abundance of possible bodies to use for the purpose of walking into the world without coming through the normal means of incarnation, through the birth canal.
Be advised that with any walk-in / walk-out arrangement, there is a soul agreement between both parties. There may not be much time when a person is dying, but still the soul is consulted in the place between worlds, taken before the White Council and given three choices: 1) to complete the dying process; 2) to go back and re-enter their life, and 3) to allow another soul to enter the recently vacated body.
There are a couple of instances where I could have entered this body. One was as an infant and just today, I remembered when I contracted a bad case of strep throat and was sick for six weeks, missing some school in the process. And then, more recently, I spent an entire week in a feverish state, with temperatures reaching 103 F. It was a sign that my time to walk out had arrived, just after I learned that I was a walk-in.
I have encountered walk-ins during this lifetime, including Rev. Carole Parrish and a few others. And I read the Seth material books in the early 1980’s, so I was aware of the concept.
I’ve always had an easier time accepting or at least being open to concepts that seemed to defy the understanding of the 3D mind. Things like spiritual healing, channeling, devas, elementals, friendly ETs… all of these things sang to an inner part of my being. I have long understood that I was different than most people in my awareness, but it has only been recently that I realized just how different.
My cousin, Rananda Kumara, just recently completed the walk-out process himself. Most people who have any awareness of metaphysics know one of His aspects as Master Kuthumi, a great teacher who spent many lifetimes upon this planet. One of these lifetimes was as the tender-hearted St. Francis of Assisi. Another one was as the visionary disciple, St. John the Beloved. There were many others.
Rananda advised me that my Higher Self was a member of the Kumara Family of Venus and so possibly a cousin. Then, Trillia Gia, a Sirian emissary, and a walk-in herself, advised me that I was also a member of a large and prominent Pleiadian family. Within a few days, we discovered who my parents were (I’m not ready to share that knowledge yet with the world). Suddenly some questions that had been lingering in my mind were answered and things began to fall into place. Still, there was also the stunning news that I was about to follow in the footsteps of Rananda and walk-out soon.
People have asked what is the purpose of walking into a body when you can just incarnate? I’m still pondering that great question. One thing that I came up with today through my reading was expediency. It’s faster to have a full-grown, aware adult walk into a body and begin life here than to go through all the steps of infancy, childhood, teenage years, schooling and multiple layers of 3d conditioning.
Given that I am a soul that has ascended from many worlds and possibly work with a oversoul group that assists various worlds, it was expedient for me to come in as a infant or child, although I was subjected to the usual dimensional amnesia that occurs with birth. In other words, I didn’t have a clue who or what I was, but like a woodsman I would discover clues along the way, scattered in the oddest places and eventually piece them together and then remember.
The best laid plans don’t always work. I was affected by entity induced psychosis at the age of 43 and so became wary of voices in my head. At some point, I regained a sense of trust and understood that the voices I heard after my recovery were not the same as the ones I had while experiencing temporary psychosis. In the psychosis, the voices were negative, threatening and coercive. The voices of psychosis also sounded like a really bad radio connection, broken and fuzzy. The voices of the light were calm, inside my head and never threatening. Trust was slowly built up, but it would still be a long time before I was willing to channel.
In the spring of 2012, a friend encouraged me to begin writing. Shortly thereafter, I joined a blog group, Spirit Train, and soon found myself channeling messages from Pleiadian sources. It was as if a faucet had been discovered and turned on. I had finally connected, in part, to my real family, but I didn’t realize it at the time. Not at first. Such is the dilemma of the Light Forces, even when they send in experienced well-trained troops; there is always something or someone who can interfere with the Plan. Still, finally early this Spring, I came into conscious awareness of the subtlety of my background, who I really was and where I was from. Suddenly the horizons of my narrow existence expanded greatly; I was going Home.
At first I felt a little guilty and a whole lot shocked at the realization that I would soon be walking out. I know that there is quite a lot of work before the New Earth fully manifests for all people. One short look at any news source, mass media or alternative, can tell you that. There is much to clear, much to remember, much to realize… especially for those people who are finally beginning to wake up and ask questions about everything in their lives. They were passing through a stage in the ascension process that I had gone through ten years ago. And still there are a ton of people who are highly resistant to any concept that seems the least bit foreign or exotic. They’re not going to wake up in this lifetime and will find themselves eventually on another 3D planet in order to continue on with soul development at that frequency level.
So… again… I was leaving. Some people were happy for me; others were shocked and astounded… and puzzled. All I can say to the latter is that life is full of mysteries. Sometimes some things happen that are unexpected in order to shock you out of your current mindset. You will either shut down and reject out of hand what is been experienced or you expand your understandings. I have chosen the latter way.
Given that I am still embodied, I am currently undergoing a rapid clearing process, which translates into many ups and downs emotionally and physically. My body is tired and achy, I easily cry and feel intense emotions running through my energy fields. Some of my readers have bid me to feel happy at being here, alive and on the planet. Sorry… this place has never been a haven for me. I am an extremely sensitive light being and have not often experienced peace or contentment. There have been moments of doing so, but even those moments are usually shattered by the ruckus of someone’s loud voices, radio or a car driving by. No, people, let’s face it, there is a lot of pollution in this environment. Noise, smells, poisons in the food, soil, water and air… it really is a horrendous environment to live in… but the human species is highly resilient and survives it all somehow. Kudos to you.
I have served a long, long time. Remember that “past” lives actually take place simultaneously. My soul group of First Wavers, those who have been assisting human evolution during the LAST (which ended on 12/21/12) cycle are now in the process of leaving, whether through walking out or leaving their bodies in the death process or through ascension. We have been replaced by other soul groups who will assist with the NEXT cycle of evolution. During this period called by Archangel Zadkiel as “The Harvest”, some souls are undergoing the ascension process. Some of these souls are human, although most are volunteer light workers from other worlds and dimensions. Like my soul group did during the LAST evolutionary cycle, these volunteers will remain behind to act as teachers and leaders for the human collective as the ones who can tolerate the new 5D frequency levels adjust to their new environment. It will be up to these new leaders to assist the human collective in creating a culture that is allows all people to live in peace and abundance. It may take some time to get there, but we have faith that you who choose to remain are up to the task. We have finished our tour of duty; now it is the time of those who are our replacements to discover the way forward.
We relinquish our places amongst the human collective, but will remain as support to the ground crews and the crews who man the great fleet of star ships that stud the space between your planetary bodies within this solar system. We are the ones who train the volunteers who will continue to enter your world through various avenues, whether through walking in or through the incarnation process. We are here to serve and support.
I am going Home. I tell that to myself often, day and night. This morning as I lay on my bed surrounded by snoring cats, I was walking in my thoughts with my uncle, Lord Adrigon. He is my re-blending sponsor and the One who advises and teaches me what to expect step by step. Of course, I remember little of this interaction consciously, but still I feel comforted at His presence. Recently I realized that I have been, in fact, channeling His energies for over two years as He is the leader of the Council of Nine and the High Pleiadian Council. His formal title is Lord of the Pleiades; he is an Archangel and the brother of Lord Zadkiel. He resonates on the 7th Ray of the Violet Flame and is often mistaken for St. Germain by lightworkers who are not familiar with Him. I am honored to have such relatives and to serve in the manner that our families have chosen to serve.
So enough for now. Hopefully a few of the questions have been answered. I provided some links in the Comments section from my last post for those who are curious about walk-ins. The links don’t answer ALL of the questions, I’m sure, but some things are meant to remain a mystery until such time as the individual is equal and up to having sufficient trust to accept the understanding when it blossoms within your awareness. Do not let your doubting 3D egoic mind shoot down golden dreams and unknown wonders just because you have never considered something as being possible. Such wonders may be the key to the next step in YOUR life.
I AM Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe, etc., etc. (Star names are very, very long!)
All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com
Photo Credit: nwhikers.net – The Enchantments, Central Cascades, Washington