
sábado, agosto 09, 2014

Eliza: A New Perspective - August 9, 2014

The Enchantments
Eliza: A New Perspective
I woke up this morning having a very pleasant circle meeting with a portion of my huge Star Family. I can almost “see” them now and certainly can interact with them. My heart chakra was glowing. Very interesting this re-blending process. I’m even beginning to enjoy it, LOL.
For those of you who are new to this blog, I recently discovered that I am an unusual being. My true heritage is of the Pleiadian and Venetian (of Venus) cultures. I am what is called a blended light being, born of two great houses, the VaCoupe of the Isle of Medina and the Kumaras of Venus.
Beyond that bit of news, I also recently discovered that I am a walk-in; that is, my light focus or soul essence entered the physical vessel that I am “wearing” when it was just an infant or young child. I remember waking up with a toothbrush in my hand and wondering who that person was in the mirror. I could not remember my name or where I was. Fortunately, I’ve been blessed with great intelligence and facility of mind and caught on quickly.

Despite my ability to adapt, I was seldom happy here, but that is a story that many star seeds have shared. I’ll save it for another time.
Now, in learning that I was a walk-in, I was also informed that I would be walking out in six months’ time. Surprised that I had such a short time to make adjustments, I went briefly into a profound funk. At the time when this knowledge was shared with me, I was in the midst of a severe illness. I had been lying at home in a feverish state for a week, yet I knew this information to be genuine. It still took a while for me to come to grips with the knowledge. I’ve fully accepted it now.
If you have ever wondered why you simply “know” something and can put things together in such a way that they appear and feel fresh and new? You are simply tuning into the higher parts of your multidimensional manner in a way that bypasses the lower mind. You are intuitively connecting with Higher Mind, that part of the greater You that has access to the collective consciousness known as Akasha or the Akashic Records. Edgar Cayce was able to draw information from this place that is beyond time and space while he was in a trance. As your frequency levels increase and you integrate consciously with your Higher Self while in your physical body, you will also be able to pull knowledge and wisdom from this infinite source.
To one degree or another, I’ve always had the ability to connect with my Higher Self, although at the time I wasn’t aware of what was happening. Now I am. Part of the reason I can do these things like channeling and writing is because I have done them elsewhere. I am channeling through my Higher Self who does have access to greater knowledge than this physical focus called “Eliza”.
So, now I am scheduled to complete the walk-out transition in the autumn of this year, during Diwali, the Festival of Light, or so I’ve been told by a cousin of mine who recently successfully re-blended with HIS Higher Self, Rananda Kumara.
Rananda, like Sananda, is a Christic name. These Beings are both cousins of mine, originally from 6D. Sananda Kumara has far surpassed that level and has gone on to the Cosmic levels. Rananda just recently “graduated” to 7D and was made a “Lord of Light”, another honorary title. Rananda regards Sananda as “Father” and so His energy has been a mentor and guiding light for His cousin during their sojourns upon this planet.
During the past few months, I’ve learned more about life in 5D where I will be going as an aspect of Lady Tazjima Amariah Kumara, as I am re-blending back into Her consciousness. Visualize it as a small cup of water being poured back into a lake of immense size. Still, that small cup of water holds much experience and wisdom garnered from the lifetimes that I have spent here on planet Earth, both incarnated and as a walk-in soul.
Rananda describes the Higher Self as being the collective essence of ALL of your incarnations, basically all the lessons you have completed, all the knowledge and wisdom you have garnered, everything that you have explored to the very edges of existence. Nothing in the way of experience is judged or overlooked. You are the essence of the Whole. This also applies to your experiences in the higher Light Worlds.
Before one can even embody into a family such as the Kumaras or the VaCoupes, you need to be a highly advanced soul. It was a bit startling to find out that I walked with such august company, but I simply regard them as beloved family. Powerful they are, loved they are by their people, these Beings are still humble and dedicated to service.
Now, some folks might think that I’m just trying to pump my ego up here, but I am a very simple person. I live a simple life, work at a full-time job, pay my bills, cook and eat my own meals, work in the garden, do my own laundry and shop at the grocery store. In short, I live among common people as one… yet, I am aware that I am very uncommon. Those of us who are in the process of waking up to who and what we really are, well… we are not entirely of the Earth, yet we are here to do our humble part in assisting the human collective to move gracefully into a new golden age.
I thought I was one of the starseeds here to assist bring in the Golden Age, until I found my marching orders in hand. Now I realize that I am going Home, ahead of many other starseeds who volunteered to come here during the past evolutionary cycle, which officially ended during 12/12/12. Having incarnated and been present on this world as a light being volunteer since the days of Lemuria and Atlantis, I have done my part to assist this world to the edge of breaking out of the darkness into which it fell during the latter years of Lemuria and Atlantis.
Part of my “job” was simply to be here, to add my large Light quotient to that of the planet, to enable “Her” to successfully ascend to the lower rungs of the Fifth Dimension. The mission has been accomplished.
Now, the next mission, to bring the “human” collective successfully into 5D life, will be undertaken by others, starseed volunteers and humans, both, during the NEXT evolutionary cycle. And despite some of the current beliefs and tidbits floating around the Internet, the Golden Age will NOT occur overnight. Many of you who are currently vibrating at higher frequencies will find it difficult to live side by side with those who are not; still, it will be a reality in this world until the final separation of the worlds can be completed. This separation is occurring right now. And it is difficult for those who do not understand what is going on, so it is up to the Light workers and starseeds to hold THEIR center of calm acceptance in the face of rapid change and to be a source of inspiration for others who are just waking up.
So, when some people find out that I’m leaving, there arises in some a sense that I’m quitting or leaving them in the lurch. Obviously with my star heritage I carry a great deal of light; I’ve been told that by clairvoyants, who had open third eyes and could “see” the real “me” with their inner senses. At the time, I didn’t understand what they were referring to, but now I do. I am not running away; my mission has been accomplished and now I get to go Home for some well-deserved R and R. Sorry, folks, but you will hardly be abandoned in your efforts. The huge star fleet of the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) is still stationed within and around this solar system. Some of you even have other aspects who function fully within the Fleet as crew. And your Council of Light is overseeing the “mission” and will continue to do so. And I will return to civilian life, like a retired soldier. Life goes in cycles. Cycles end and cycles begin. Let go of the old and go with the flow.
I’ve always been a bit hard on myself. That is the way of sensitive light beings who know when they’ve done something out of alignment with the will of their Higher Self. I’ve learned to follow that intuitive sense like an inner homing beacon… and so now I arrive near the time of departure. What last words can I give the people of Earth and encouragement to those volunteer starseeds who have come here to assist with the next evolutionary cycle (which is, by the way, some 25,000 years by Earth time)?
Well, read the various messages that I have brought forth from my kin. Lord Adrigon, Lord of the Pleiades, is my beloved re-discovered Uncle. He is also the chair of the Council of Nine and the High Council of the Pleiades. I’ve been channeling His energies for the past two years and didn’t even know His name. I never asked. I just “knew” His energies.
Originally, before I started channeling the Council of Nine, I asked who sent me here. The answer that I received was, “The Council of Nine.” I didn’t have a clue, but kept it in mind and found out that they were rarely channeled and that their energy was 7D – 8D Pleiadian. Recently, I discovered that Lord Adrigon is an Archangelic Being of great Light, yet He lives on the Pleiadian Isle of Medina. He is also the High Commander of the Pleiadian fleet which is a part of the star fleet of the Galactic Federation of Light. And now, during my re-blending period, Lord Adrigon, my beloved Uncle, is serving in the capacity of Counselor and Mentor. It is an absolute JOY to be fully accepted and unconditionally loved by Him and all my magnificent Family members. And they are multitude.
I’m smiling. I’m actually smiling. Despite the fact that my body is somewhat exhausted due to the intense energies of the ongoing Lion’s Gate and Super Moon (August 11th), I am feeling the exultation of one who is fully in the process of re-emerging with Higher Self. All the petty human concerns, the “what ifs”, “what about this?” all are washed away in the glorious love energies emanating from my Family, my mate, and my Higher Self. They are all delighted that I am returning to them.
Despite the fact that my Higher Self, Lady Tazjima, functions at 5D – 6D, when an aspect of a Being is gone, the loss or absence IS noticed. I’m that feisty, tomboyish part of Her that has been missing for as long as I have been “away”. When my light focus is fully re-blended, Lady Taz will be whole, again. So it is a blessing for Her, too.
Each of our Higher Selves has many different aspects working and living in other dimensions and timelines. Cosmic physics is both complicated and simple. You simply need to suspend your human questioning mind and go with the flow! We are vastly more complicated than we currently understand.
Rananda has shared with me that not everyone who is functioning at 5D has access to the knowledge contained within those who reside in higher dimensions. A soldier would quickly understand this need to know basis. In the messages that I have received it was frequently expressed that as you increase your frequency level, your access to wisdom and knowledge increases. At the same time, you will not be able to access what you do not need for the moment. Trust and faith comes into focus. You need to trust the process and let go of the questions and expectations.
Life in 5D will be very different than people currently imagine. People at 5D are people, with emotions, concerns and issues. The difference from 3D, is that most of the people at 5D work together as a collective. People are provided for, there is no want, no orphans, no needy persons, no jails, and no terrorism.
On Venus, the air is pure. People use public conveyances or walk. Water is pure. Everyone has a job. Families work and live together. What passes for marriage is called “matation” and most of these relationships are arranged by the families. Venus does not have a star fleet, but is regularly visited by citizens of other star nations, as it is a beautiful tropical paradise. Venus does maintain a small fleet of transport ships which ferry crew and visitors off and on to the planet from the star ships stationed nearby. The planet also has a space port for those vessels small enough to land.
My other home is on the Pleiadian Isle (or planet) of Medina, in the city of Medina. This isle has a somewhat harsh desert climate, which is surprising to me, as the people of the Isle collectively decided upon it. The people are very tall according to Earth standards, with adult males being typically between 8 and 9 feet in height. Females are a bit shorter, but still goddesses in beauty and grace. The females who chose to work in the Fleet are typically athletic and slender.
Those females who choose to be mothers are highly honored. They are goddesses in appearance, tall and full bodied. To become a parent takes great commitment. All children are treasured. My own uncle has taken in many foster children and raised them up in His own family. Each child who is born into the Pleiades is wanted and cared for, unlike the conditions we see presently in many areas upon our own planet.
I am experiencing a sensation of standing at the side of myself, viewing what I have experienced in this world and what I have read, heard and am now remembering of the worlds from which I came forth. It is a sense of being two places at once… and maybe more than that. And what I am experiencing is what each person who is nearing ascension is currently experiencing.
In fact, even those who are not consciously aware of the Ascension process, are being pushed and pulled at by the strong energies of Light that are washing across the planet. You might visualize it like a taffy pull machine… pulling you one way and then another until your mind begins to feel rather boggled and your emotions are in a heap on the floor or all over the place like a fireworks explosion.
Everything that you formerly regarded as being stable in your life is now being destabilized. It is very necessary to release your hold on your former beliefs and definitions of what is “good” and “bad”, “good” and “evil”… basically any remaining limited constructs from the old control matrix. Duality exists in the higher dimensions, but to a lesser degree than what we have experienced here. This you will discover for yourself as you are able to release your old fears and repressed emotions and thought-forms… all of which have never been the real “you” ever.
Given that I am experiencing quite a different perspective on human life, it assists me in detaching from much of the human drama. Oh, I am plunged into interacting with people on a daily basis at work, but I can successfully detach and release what was brought up for “me” during the day when I re-enter my quiet space at home.
During these hot days of summer, I am taking stock of what has occurred in my lifetime. I am releasing the old memories and detaching from any emotional attachments to what is being left behind. Those of you who have moved frequently can identify with the sensation of letting go of what is not needed any longer, when you have limited space available in your suitcase or car. You simply have to let go of everything that is not absolutely necessary. And for me, that means everything that I have been or done here… yet the essence of what I have experienced is tallied into the wholeness of my Higher Self.
Hopefully, I will be able to share what I experience during the process of my ascension. This rather personal sharing of mine is done with the approval of my Higher Self and mentors, otherwise I would not have ventured forth in doing so. See it as a form of “soft” disclosure, of one life form to another.
There are so many things that are currently beyond the understanding of humans… but as you venture forth into your new world, you will discover them on your own. I wish you well, dear ones. Recently, I have been honored to receive the sharing of other starseeds of some of their own life stories. Allow the angst and pain to dissolve in the splendor of the magnificent Light energies that are available on this planet for the first time in nearly 15,000 years. There is so much to LIVE for and to DO and to BE. Enjoy the journey as I have mine, the painful moments included. It is all worth the trip in the end. Blessed be.
We are One, all aspects of the Divine Mother. And in our Heart of hearts you are there, my dear sisters and brothers.
I AM Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe (et al, star names are very LONG!)
Photo Credit: http://www.nwhikers.net (The Enchantments, Central Cascades, WA)
© All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com