
sábado, agosto 16, 2014

Christine Meleriessee - The Light of the Telosians ~ Lady Galactia - August 16, 2014

NewEarthLady Galactia is the beloved of Lord Adama within Telos, the Inner Earth.  She is showing her essence more often in the monthly Lord Adama Discourses.  In July she gave us this beautiful introduction of their essence to us.
Take time with your breath, read the words, but feel the essence of the Telosians working with us from their Heart to Ours.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna!
We are One with all things in creation.  We are the divine essence of all complements coming together through the Creative Source of Light in physical form.
We are the Being that has traveled through many timelines with essences of Light to come onto this plane of existence in these moments to experience transformation.  Not only within ourselves, but upon the planet to assist one another with the creation of a new world we call Terra Christa.
Breathe deeply within yourselves.  Allow the expression that you are to go into deeper levels of all those beautiful aspects of Light that incorporate within you to become the multidimensional self, to become the angelic being, to become the Lemurian, to become the Atlantatean, and so much more.  Be the power that you can be.
Accept your divinity upon this Earth that will allow you to understand why you have traveled so far and so long to receive this essence of Light that you are in physical form.
Breathe into this essence and accept it deeply within you as in this moment it is a true test of your experience to accept all that is divinely yours whether it be physically, etherically, emotionally, mentally, through the Higher Self, the Monad, or through the I AM Presence that you are.
Allow it to be, as you open up your Heart Center within an entirely different experience than you have had before.
I AM Lady Galactia at your service.
Blessings and Light from the Telosian Heart to your Heart.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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