
viernes, julio 18, 2014

María Isabel Henn - Journal Entry - 07.18.2014

Journal Entry 07.18.2014
We’re having a HOT dry summer in Washington State, after about 8 years of continuous drought conditions. The place is beginning to light up… with wildfires. All the fires are north and west of where I presently lived, but in or near areas where I used to hike.
One problem that is facing fire-fighters these days is the increased amount of houses being built in the rural / urban interface. The Fire Districts are rural and unable to effectively fight big fires as many of the most recent are quickly becoming, driven by dry, high winds.
So… unless we have a complete turn-around in our weather, residents of Eastern Washington can expect to be breathing smoke-laden air for the rest of the summer. It actually happens here quite frequently although we got off lightly last year. However, in the last week, temperatures soared into the triple digits F (or 35 – 42 C).

Mother Nature is cleansing the lands, through fire, flood, wind and whatever else She can cook up.
I’m a little pensive after writing my long series, “One Who Has Served.” It was two weeks in the writing, which for me is a very long time. I actually hesitated in publishing it at first simply because it was so revealing, but it is also important for the truth to come out about our galactic neighbors. The government does not want you to know this information and to keep you in fear so that THEY can continue to control everyone.
As in martial arts, step aside to allow your opponent to step past you, with their own momentum carrying them. There is no reason to fear presenting your experiences here if you know that you are from somewhere else. Just appropriately shield yourself energetically and let your light shine!
Now that I’ve gotten use to the idea, I am quite happy to be going home. I won’t have to worry about a paycheck, taxes, housing or any of those concerns that haunt a lot of people here. Galactic citizens are provided for, everyone is educated and actively pursuing their chosen work. I’m looking forward to also experiencing living in pristine environments, with pure air and water. What a change from our bedraggled planet… but that will change here, too.
There is much to do for those whom I am leaving behind. I will be working on the ships and from my Home planets, and will continue to fully support the effort in assisting the evolutionary process of Humanity and the Ascension process of GAIA.
I have come to love this planet and its peoples in all their wide diversity. You have much to honor and be proud of here. Love one another. Cherish your families. Protect and respect your environment. The planet is your physical Mother. She loves you. Love Her back.
I will be here for a few more months. Needless to say, I will be undergoing a slow process of detachment. I would prefer not to be added to any FaceBook groups and I will keep my involvement in Social Media to a minimum. It is necessary to unplug from 3D in order to prepare for departure… you know the drill: “Fasten your seatbelt, turn off all electronic devices, and put your seat in an upright position… we’re preparing to take-off into a wonderful new world of Beingness.”
Much love,
Eliza (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe)