
sábado, julio 12, 2014

Denise Le Day - HighHeart July Newsflash - July 12, 2014

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As I’ve said before, any time Team Dark—human and nonhuman—amps up their negative, distracting, derailing, fear-mongering, focus over here people and not over there efforts on global humanity, it’s always an indicator that some very positive, very high NEW Divine Ascension related energies are about to arrive on Earth for humanity. That’s why Team Dark becomes so obviously active in the physical world again; they desperately need to ‘Smash & Grab’ as many human minds (human mental focus, thoughts etc.) and human hearts (lower frequency emotions such as fear, hatred, religious zealotry, warring, killing, death/dying, getting even etc.) as they can to literally perpetuate and fuel their negative agendas on Earth. Why? Because Team Dark cannot sustain any of them without human minds and human emotions constantly focused on and literally fueling them. Due to the Ascension Process however, Team Dark continues losing more and more humans every day to the current Ascension waking up process, meaning they’ve been greatly amplifying their efforts over the past years to not let humanity escape them and/or utilize these potent Evolutionary Ascension Energies.