jueves, julio 31, 2014
Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings: The Ego Is Never In Control – 31 July 2014
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Everyone has the ability to channel information and energy from the higher realms, but believing in this ability is essential to acting on it in a pure and flowing way. If you’re willing to believe you have the ability to channel the higher realms, then you’ll be able to, but if you don’t, you won’t.
It’s very simple, and like many things, its simplicity tends to make it complicated for a lot of seekers who want to hone their channeling abilities and communicate with their higher selves and guides more purely than they’ve been able to.
Ángeles de Crystal
John Smallman – Jesus - Realization Of The Absolute Futility Of Conflict Of Any Sort Is dawning On Humanity – 31 July 2014
Here in the spiritual realms excitement, as you might put, is approaching fever pitch! Yet all across the world, and particularly in the area of Palestine and Israel, it would seem that people are experiencing hell on Earth. There is an enormous amount of unnecessary and totally unjustified pain and suffering as anger intensifies and conflicts rage, but be aware that this is the essential raising into humanity’s conscious awareness of the futility of these ways of behaving, relating, and attempting to resolve differences between peoples.
Ángeles de Crystal
Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 422 – 31 July 2014
You have for a long time now been prepared to step fully back up to the helm and take over the rudder. In other words, you have been primed to reenter your roles as co-creators of this magnificent world of yours and now, we would like to add some additional information on the topic of said Creation. You see, you have in many ways been trained to focus in a direction that will enable you to literally overlook the obvious, but now your lenses have been corrected as it were, and it is time to once again turn your eyes to the very core. And when we say core, we mean that in a very literal way, for you have been well trained to focus on all of the fuzz and interference and static that has been brought into your line of vision, so you could not see through it even if you tried. But now the lines have been untangled and the smoke has been aired out, and so, you must once again begin to focus in the right direction.
Ángeles de Crystal
Kai Luz de Sirio - Canalización del Maestro Jesús -
Canalización del Maestro Jesús
Cuando el corazón desea conocer su origen una gran puerta de Luz y conciencia se abre, permitiendo que el entendimiento fluya desde las profundidades del Alma en expansión hacia el infinito.
Aquel que abre las Puertas de su Corazón propulsa la expansión de su conciencia manifestándose a nivel celular y energético. Nada queda oculto cuando el Corazón a través del Alma desea ver.
Cruzar la Puerta significa dejar atrás el conformismo de una existencia basada en el drama y la victimización. Aquel que se siente víctima cierra esa Puerta abruptamente pues el Alma entrega toda la sabiduría de la Luz ante aquel que desde la humildad plena reconoce sus limitaciones y las impulsa a transformarse en sabiduría y Luz.
Esta apertura representa una profunda transformación de lo conocido. Implica ir más allá de los temores visibles y ocultos para aprender de ellos y conocer a través de su vibración la historia del Alma. Aquello por lo que se teme son las cicatrices de las historias. Aquello por lo que se sufre y se llora, son los ecos de las memorias. La historia individual y colectiva del Alma habita en las memorias celulares del cuerpo y por ello, en este momento la Luz que ingresa al planeta llega con el propósito de revelar aquello que no había sido visible hasta hoy. La victimización surge de la incomprensión de los propósitos ocultos del Alma. Cada experiencia es una oportunidad para comprender la Vida, a si mismos y su Historia.
Sus experiencias de vida y las emociones que surgen y resurgen con ello, son los reflejos de aquello que habita dentro de su Ser en la memoria celular y todo ello se encuentra ahí, frente a Ustedes porque así lo pidió su Alma. El corazón deseo ver y el Alma ha llegado para mostrar.
No es momento para sentarse a llorar por las experiencias y las historias. Es momento de observar y saber reconocer los arquetipos y los miedos que surgen a través de las experiencias de vida. Pues esa es la gran Puerta a cruzar. Para qué su Alma pueda fundirse con su cuerpo y sus chakras a un nivel tan profundo que les transforme en la esencia Cristica viva, han de saber cruzar a través de sus limitaciones. Comprendiendo que los miedos, las adicciones emocionales y las caretas del ego que conducen hacia las reacciones y la falsedad, son reflejos proyectados hacia el exterior con el propósito de mostrarles su verdad. La historia oculta detrás de los velos.
Y es que, amada Familia no podemos dejar de recalcar la importancia de la coherencia vibraciónal y espiritual, pues ese es un camino trazado por el Alma. Para qué el Alma pueda fundirse con el cuerpo y se transforme en conciencia plena, deberán transformarse en pilares de integridad.
La coherencia vibraciónal consiste en saber escuchar la voz del corazón y seguir los pasos que ello implica.
Coherencia vibraciónal consiste en reconocer los actos que surgen del amor y los que surgen del miedo. Saber ir más allá y poder perdonarse y perdonar.
Coherencia vibraciónal implica tener la intención de convertirse a sí mismos en la versión más amorosa y plena de su ser. Saber agradecer las cosas simples tanto como las más grandes. Saber ser compasivos y empáticos con los demás, pues en verdad nada ocurre al azar y cada circunstancia de su vida tiene un propósito elevado que busca mostrarles los ecos de su historia con el propósito de que puedan ir más allá y encontrarse a sí mismos.
No se sienten a llorar y lamentarse por las experiencias de su vida. Ábranse a recibir la Voluntad Divina manifestada en ellas, pues en verdad cada capítulo de sus vidas fue proyectado por cada uno de ustedes previamente a su encarnación. Y cada momento, cada encuentro, cada conversación, existe en su vida a consecuencia del propósito evolutivo proyectado por su Alma.
Están en el lugar en el que deben estar. Rodeados de las personas que impulsarán su evolución de una u otra manera. Todo es como debe ser y siempre existe un propósito para ello.
Si en este momento se encuentran viviendo situaciones y experiencias que no son gratas. Si se encuentran anhelando recorrer un camino que pareciera nunca llegar, no se lamenten por ello. Pidan ver y comprender el propósito de la experiencia actual para que este les sea mostrado. De esa manera su Corazón podrá nutrirse de la experiencia y el Alma abrirá las puertas para aquello que se oculta detrás. Todo es revelado ante aquellos que desean ver con claridad a través de los ojos del Alma y el corazón. El ego se ahoga a si mismo en sus mares de expectativas. Sin embargo, el corazón sabe reconocer el amoroso y Divino propósito de cada experiencia.
Detrás de cada experiencia hay siempre un regalo. Detrás de cada lágrima hay una sonrisa. Detrás de cada limitación hay una fortaleza buscando emerger.
Y sepan que aquello que más anhelan, aquello con lo que sueñan es el propósito de su Alma, la gran puerta de Amor infinito que se abrirse cuando cada uno elija trascender la victimización.
Bien, Amada Familia, el Proyecto Conciencia Solar continúa en expansión. Y en esta ocasión de nuevo elevaremos la vibración para conectar con la Red de Cristales Planetarios. Ya que en este momento se encuentran resonando y expandiendo olas de Luz con el propósito de proporcionar una plataforma energética firme que permita y apoye el proceso de limpieza karmica Planetaria. Así mismo la Red de Cristales Planetarios se encuentran liberando información y Códigos de Luz que a medida que son incorporados en la resonancia celular a través del ADN revelan información importante de la historia planetaria.
Recientemente la Familia Cetácea de Luz activó un cristal eterico en el Mar Mediterráneo frente a las costas de Israel. Ya que esa zona que permanece en constante conflicto, es un punto por el cual se genera una fuerte liberación astral de energía negativa producida por la historia colectiva de la Humanidad. En este momento es el Medio Oriente el reflejo del miedo, egoísmo y depredación que aún prevalecen en la conciencia colectiva. Siendo la raza judía una de las más antiguas sobre la Tierra, no es casualidad que su historia y la energía que Israel esta irradiando se encuentra tan llena de dolor.
Su historia se remonta a la era de MU.
MU fue el primer intento de ascensión Planetaria, el cual no tuvo éxito debido a la caída colectiva de la conciencia de la humanidad, que en ese momento eligió el miedo sobre el Amor y la dominación sobre la cooperación. Y es de MU de donde surgen los arquetipos de Adán y Eva, así como Caín y Abel.
Los primeros descendientes de aquella caída colectiva de conciencia se establecen en el Medio Oriente e inician una nueva era para la humanidad. Cargando las heridas profundas de una Humanidad que habiendo conocido el Amor, el Plan Divino y la Luz Plena, eligieron entregarse a las profundidades del miedo y la dominación generando una pérdida de la conciencia masiva a nivel Planetario.
Por ello, el Arquetipo de Adán y Eva refleja culpa y dolor. Así como el de Caín y Abel reflejan competencia e incomprensión. Todo ello a nivel Planetario se encuentra resguardado en el Medio Oriente, en Israel, en lo profundo de la memoria colectiva.
Esa es la razón por la cual se eligió anclar la conciencia Cristica en sus raíces, en esas Tierras y a nivel vibraciónal dando inicio a una espiral de Ascensión que se ha sostenido y expandido a través de todo el Planeta. No obstante la historia siempre resurge cuando no ha sido sanada y comprendida. De tal manera, Israel en este momento a nivel colectivo muestra las limitaciones emocionales y espirituales de la Humanidad como colectivo.
Por ello, con el propósito de sostener la intención del Amor, la comprensión y la sanación la familia Cetácea de Luz ha anclado un cristal de Luz azul zafiro.
El rayo azul zafiro es el rayo del Orden Divino. El mensajero cósmico de las Leyes de la Luz, que llega en este momento al Planeta para revelar la Verdad y proporcionar fuerza para la integración de la Luz a través del perdón y el Amor.
Por favor familia, no juzguen a la humanidad por sus actos. Transformen el juicio en perdón, el miedo en Amor. Pues recuerden que todos los seres humanos surgen de la Luz y a la Luz han de volver. Y para ello se requiere de fuerza interior y valor, de manera que puedan asumir el peso de la historia y transformarlo compasivamente a través de la dulce esencia del amor.
Con ese propósito la familia Cetácea de Luz ha anclado etericamente la energía de las rosas. En especial de las rosas blancas, cuya Luz genera una profunda transformación amorosa del miedo y el dolor. La rosa blanca es la energía viva del perdón y la Gracia Divina. La esencia de la redención se manifiesta a través de la energía sostenida por la Rosa Blanca.
Les recordamos que a partir del pasado mes de junio hemos incluido el trabajo con los Cristales como parte del Proyecto Conciencia Solar. Para ello, hemos activado un cristal de cuarzo personal. Para realizar esa meditación haz click aquí.
Si ya tienes tu cuarzo personal, estos son los pasos para sumarse a la nueva etapa del Proyecto Conciencia Solar:
A partir de ahora cada uno de Ustedes deberá tener consigo su cuarzo en el momento de las Activaciones de los Puntos de Luz y en las meditaciones mensuales, facilitándose así el anclaje y la transmisión hacia el Planeta de las 13 geometrías de la Red de Agua Antártica.
A su vez, el llevar con Ustedes el Cuarzo facilitara el trabajo de Anclaje y podrán realizar sanación y elevación de la vibración en los lugares que se requiera, así como la activación de la Luz y en anclaje de la misma. La manera de trabajar con el cuarzo es la siguiente:
Colocas tu cuarzo en la Tierra con la punta dirigida hacia el cielo.
Honras y saludas a los elementales del lugar, pidiéndoles permiso.
Conectas con tu corazón y pides al cuarzo que libere la energía de las Plantilla Geometría de la Red de Agua Antártica.
Decretas con tu intención que la Luz se ancle en ese lugar y se produzca la sanación necesaria.
Das Gracias a los Elementales y al Cuarzo. Así se cierra la conexión.
En esta ocasión trabajaremos con la Red de Vida para elevarnos hacia la Rejilla Cristica y junto con los Delfines activar la frecuencia diamantina del Cristal Azul Zafiro y la Rosa Blanca en las Costas de Israel.
Canalizaremos la energía de la Plantilla Geométrica de la Red de Agua Antártica hacia el Cristal Azul Diamante y hacia nuestro cuarzo personal y finalmente anclaremos la energía de sanación para Israel y Palestina..
Así mismo canalizaremos la energía de la Septima Geometría de la Red de Agua Antártica hacia el Cristal Azul Zafiro, esta geometría trabaja directamente en el ADN con la intención de sanar las memorias de dolor.
Geometría Codificación 7 de la RED DE AGUA ANTARTICA
Fractal individual de la RED DE VIDA
Forma de sostener TU fractal Individual desde el corazón. impulsado por el Cristal Arcoris octaedrico que es tu Semilla Cristica latiendo dentro de tu llama interior.
Esta es la Forma de Sostener e irradiar en sintonía con la Red de Vida, entrelazando nuestros corazones en Amor, sostenemos esta Gran Red y cada vez que irradiamos Amor, sanación y Transmutación hacia la Tierra e invocamos al Ser interior de nuestras Hermanas y Hermanos a la distancia, la Luz y la Sanación se extienden por todo el Planeta!
La Red de Vida expandiendose por todo el Planeta a traves de los Servidores de la Luz. Esta Red sostiene y apoya los cambios. Cada vez que hacemos una limpieza en algún lugar del Planeta, al convocar internamente a nuestras Hermanas y Hermanos de Luz la sanación se extiende hacia todo el Planeta!
Recuerden, tanto las Meditaciones como la Activación del Punto de Luz pueden hacerlo en grupo o en solitario.
Donde exista una persona dispuesta a Servir el universo entero acude en Ayuda!
Les envío un gran abrazo e infinito Amor!
Ángeles de Crystal
Kryon - Lee Carroll - El Próximo Paso – Parte 1 - 28 de Junio de 2014
Syracuse, New York
Desgrabación del audio en vivo y traducción: Cristina Cáffaro
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio y yo hemos estado haciendo esto por más de veinte años. Él está acostumbrado a la energía y ha practicado esto que ven. Decimos que da un paso a un lado. Lo hace. Pero ya no tiene que alejarse tanto. Llega un punto en que el ser humano es capaz de fundirse con esa parte de sí mismo, la parte que ustedes estudian, esa parte tan misteriosa para muchos. No es una función cerebral, lo hemos dicho antes; la intuición del ser humano es energía cuántica multidimensional de la estructura celular. Ustedes lo llaman intuición; es más. Funciona en forma simultánea con la computadora del cerebro humano para formar un ser humano completo, y eso es lo que están aprendiendo.
Ángeles de Crystal
Sandra Walter – Divine Intervention: Creating New Everything – 31 July 2014
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
What a magnificent end to July energetics ~ Stimulating, heart-opening, expansive Light. Our next Cosmic Gateway is August 4 – 12, however I AM excited for the NOW of this Light and what is has to show all of us.
Clearing the Path for MORE
My dear 2008 Mac, a parting gift from my last employer, reflected my desire to create the brand new and stopped being of service last SUNday. As Divine Will would have it, this happened the day after a deep conversation with a friend when I shared that I wanted to spend August focused on this New Light and all it has to reveal to me. New Moon manifestation said *SO BE IT!* – Mac gone, no more creating with the tool that graciously supported me through this transition into the New Light. And a big YES to taking the time to experience the powers of August, which prepares us for another trigger-like energetic shift first week of September (what a fine Birthday Presence!)
Ángeles de Crystal
miércoles, julio 30, 2014
Journal Entry 07.30.2014
Journal Entry 07.30.2014
With the demise of my former laptop, I probably lost most of my older photos… hope you won’t mind a nice one from a NW Hiker called “Hiking Queen”. My hiking jonker was “Flora”… I’m an avid wildflower fan… or was.
We’re having a Heat Wave, but it ain’t a tropical one. It’s DRY and HOT, 102 F today and same tomorrow. The hills are getting browner by the day. The corners of the lawn that don’t get the benefit of the sprinkler are crispy. BIG fire danger in the State, with a huge fire over 250,000 acres finally getting partially contained, but still others breaking out in areas where I used to hike once upon a time.
Ángeles de Crystal
Eliza: Touching the Heart of Love - July 30, 2014
Eliza: Touching the Heart of Love
In the past week since publishing my four-part series, “From One Who Has Served”, I have received the most extraordinary outpouring of love from the hearts of devoted readers. This has touched me to the core of MY being, for where there is Love, it can only multiply and grow.
Ángeles de Crystal
Jennifer Hoffman - La Fórmula Poder-Acción - 20 de Juio 2014
Por Jennifer Hoffman
20 de Juio 2014
Traducción: Fara González López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Mientras manejaba mi auto la semana pasada tuve una retrospectiva a mi primer auto, que no tenía dirección asistida. No pienso que se pueda comprar un auto así hoy, pero hace pocos años era una opción muy costosa, solamente disponible en autos de lujo. Sin este tipo de dirección ustedes tenían que girar el volante realmente, con ambas manos para los giros cerrados. Pero avanzar hacia este tipo de dirección significa que tienen que recordar que está ahí y que no tienen que esforzarse para conducir o crearán más problemas. El poder por sí mismo no es muy útil y necesitamos activar nuestra fórmula poder- acción para sentir y ser poderosos en una forma manejable, efectiva y amorosa.
Ángeles de Crystal
Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 30 July 2014
1 Chicchan, 3 Pop, 11 Ik
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in everlasting Joy!) We come to
you with a belated Happy Galactic New Year! A great deal of movement is
occurring around your globe. These actions are setting up the events,
which are to change your world forever. We expect these events to
manifest shortly. The dark cabal ran your reality by itself for the past
two decades. This interlocking group of powerful men and women
determine the fate of nations, and whether certain economic conditions
are to nearly ruin one large corporation or another. Their daily policy
positions bring them great wealth and seemingly great respect.
Nonetheless, these decisions bring them great disrespect as well! Over
the last two decades we have worked diligently with a group of ingenious
lawyers, investors and scientists to create a means to bring this great
wall of power down. It began initially as a union of various
individuals who wished to use their wealth, acumen and beliefs to forge a
network to produce a global common law and human rights organization.
They were to work together, share information and leak examples of what
was discovered via Internet blogs.
Ángeles de Crystal
More healing codes 5 – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 30, 2014
(Translated from original language german)
My child, today I will give you more
healing codes. It is a while since the last now and I want to use the
opportunity as long as my scribe is still on earth.
She had to cope first with the passing of
her beloved dog into another dimension and also to regain her full
balance before this is possible now.
She has recorded the last weeks in her
journals and published her journey and her spiritual work on herself
accountable for all. She did this on my wish. These journals can help
you to find and walk your own path.
Ángeles de Crystal
The purification phase has begun, and it is up to all of you to assist in bringing the awakened ones into a new understanding of self. For as the energies released from their conscious and subconscious selves enters your sphere of existence, it shall influence the without and the within. For these energies to be contained and transformed, you are to begin working with the crystalline energies that are stored within your vehicle, by utilizing various tools and crystals at your disposal. For the crystalline energy shall permeate your lives in the next few months to come. For indeed this next phase shall bring forth fruitful commencement of a new era, a new era amidst the seeming destruction of your old world.
Ángeles de Crystal
Linda Robinson – Archangel Zadkiel’s August 2014 Message – Expanding Your Energetic Channels – 30 July 2014
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today we are being joined by Sananda (Yeshua) to discuss expanding your energetic channels.
In our last message to you, we discussed keeping your energetic channels clear through practicing non-judgment and forgiveness. It is important to continue these practices on an ongoing basis to prepare the way for the expansion of your energetic channels.
In this message we would like to discuss some ways to expand your energetic channels. This expansion will allow you to receive information from the higher dimensions and to tune in to increasingly higher concepts.
Ángeles de Crystal
John Smallman – Saul – Fear Freezes, It Misdirects, And It Confuses – 30 July 2014
in the spiritual realms – the numerous levels or areas beyond your
illusory 3D environment – we are very busy preparing for your awakening
and adding the finishing touches to the great celebration that has been
prepared to welcome you Home. And yes of course celebrations have often
been talked about in reference to humanity’s awakening, so your
interest now is undoubtedly in the actualization of those celebrations,
in fact: WHEN!? We try to suggest time lines bearing in mind that time
is of the illusion, but time is what you experience and the seemingly
endless waiting is very stressful, tiring, and disappointing for you.
Ángeles de Crystal
martes, julio 29, 2014
Fran Zepeda – Lady Nada and Mother Mary: You are Magnificent Carriers of Love Everlasting, Designed and Equipped for the Task From Time-Beginning – 28 July 2014
Channeled by Fran Zepeda July 27, 2014
Lady Nada and Mother Mary:
Hello dear sweet ones. We come before you together again to bring you Love Everlasting in concert and in Union for this Now Moment in ever-cascading streams of Love Everlasting and Enduring for all to tap into Forever and Always.
We are your mentors and guides in this in this Now Moment and we deliver our Love to you this moment and always in complete openness and fullness of all your Hearts put together. For imagine that, dear ones – Love Everlasting in Union with all Hearts at the same moment; it is a monumental task to undertake, yet fulfilling and magnificent in scope.
Lady Nada and Mother Mary:
Hello dear sweet ones. We come before you together again to bring you Love Everlasting in concert and in Union for this Now Moment in ever-cascading streams of Love Everlasting and Enduring for all to tap into Forever and Always.
We are your mentors and guides in this in this Now Moment and we deliver our Love to you this moment and always in complete openness and fullness of all your Hearts put together. For imagine that, dear ones – Love Everlasting in Union with all Hearts at the same moment; it is a monumental task to undertake, yet fulfilling and magnificent in scope.
Ángeles de Crystal
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report: I
sleep in the rest area of the ftness cluib.
Before I fall asleep, I see, as a
last impression so to speak,
3 people: an older man, a middle-aged woman, and a
man; the older one getting up from his lounge chair, the woman
coming from the sauna walking around still steaming,
and the younger one
quickly going in and out.
Well rested I wake up some time later,
and I am completely
refreshed and lively. Yet I see exactly the same scene
again l
ike before I fell asleep. At first the older man, then the middle-aged
woman and the younger man; the older one getting up from the
lounge chair, the
woman coming from the sauna walking around
still steaming (whereby I think to
myself, if the young one also
still comes….) and he already stands in front of
me and walks
in and out in a hurry that I am already familiar with.
Ángeles de Crystal
Kryon - Lee Carroll - Lo Que Viene - 1º de Junio, 2014
Desgrabación del audio en vivo y traducción: María Cristina Cáffaro
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
¿Tomaron conciencia de la familia que está en este salón? Definimos “familia” como almas que se conocen unas a otras. La definición de “alma” ya se la hemos dado tantas veces, y cambia cada vez que la doy (se ríe). Porque es imposible definirla. Es una parte de Dios, es una parte de ti, una parte de la otra persona que está contigo, de la que está a tu lado; es lo que enlaza a todos los seres humanos en uno solo. Aquellos que perciben esto, incluso enlazados con Gaia. La unidad de todas las cosas, la unidad de la humanidad, la unidad de la consciencia y Dios; es un hermoso concepto, pero – real y verdaderamente – sólo es una realidad para unos pocos humanos en el planeta.
Ángeles de Crystal
Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 29 July 2014
As many of you have already surmised, the mysteries keep getting closer to heart, in a very literal way. And what do we mean by that? Simply that you are finally starting to unravel the cocoon that has been hiding so much of you from you. In other words, you have started to tap into that reservoir of light that you carry within you in a very different way from before, and as you no longer feel any restrictions as to what you can or will find there, you have also found a way to bypass your former limitations and started to go exploring. And, as many of you can testify to, what you find at first will perhaps baffle you more than enlighten you, at least, that may seem to be the case, but it is not. For what you are uncovering, are still merely small fragments of the whole, and as such, you will find one piece of information here and then one there, and they may seem to have no connection at all, and so trying to make up the whole picture seems impossible. But again, this is all about recovering the lost world if you will, that inner world that for so long has been buried under eons of accumulated dust, and just like your modern day treasure hunters, the archaeologists, you go about this in a very careful manner now, and you take your time as you slowly scrape down through the sediments to uncover it all. This may sound like a lengthy process, but it is not, for it is simply tailored in this way in order to lead you into this vast repository of light in a way that will benefit you the most.
Ángeles de Crystal
Mahala – Planet Alert August 2014 – 29 July 2014
By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on July 28th, 2014
I am writing this article on July 26 which is the first day of the Dreamspell Calendar. This year will be the year of the Red Moon which is called Muluc. Very intense feelings will be felt all year, and these feelings could be either positive or negative. And this year we will need boundaries to exist in a peaceful way. This energy will be especially intense until Mars moves into Sagittarius on September 13, 2014. Then we might finally feel the energy start turning for the better. Check out this link about the Dreamspell:http://www.lawoftime.org/thirteenmoon/annualoracle-9moon.html
The Dreamspell calendar always starts when Sirius starts to raise over Egypt, and the Sun lines up with a black hole on 3 degrees Leo. A black hole is like a doorway to a different dimension. Maybe this is a doorway to Sirius. This year Jupiter will be conjunct the Sun on this degree, and besides that Mars is moving into Scorpio which will make a 90 degree angle to Jupiter. This energy will be felt very strongly over the Israel/Palestinian border. Right now Mars is considered the planet of war. Until we can change that vibration to a more positive energy we will feel the negative energy of Mars, which is one of control and violence over the Middle East, Africa, Russia, the Ukraine, and maybe other countries.
Ángeles de Crystal
El Viaje Del Alma Parte 2 - Kryon - Lee Carroll Auckland, Nueva Zelanda - 23 de marzo de 2014
La siguiente información es gratuita y está disponible para que la impriman, copien y distribuyan como deseen. Sin embargo, sus Derechos de Autor prohíben su venta en cualquier forma excepto por el editor.
Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada [por Lee y Kryon] para proporcionar una mayor comprensión. Muchas veces, los mensajes de Kryon canalizados en vivo contienen una energía que se transmite emocionalmente y no está presente en la página impresa. Así que disfruten de este mensaje mejorado presentado en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, el 23 de marzo de 2014
Ángeles de Crystal
Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - Vibrational/Planetary Alert for July - August, 2014 - El Clima Cósmico – Alerta Vibratoria/Planetaria para Julio-Agosto, 2014
Question: Keepers, we have been hearing
reports of a "disturbance in the force" based on what we have recently
experienced and also that which is yet to come. We understand this is
part of an evolutionary force impacting our planet. What can we do to
assist this to bring harm to a minimum? Great storms of both a physical
and energetic nature seem to be imminent. Thank you.
Answer: Dear ones, thank you for your question. You are correct in your assessment of a movement and a significant planetary shift. We offer you some suggestions per your request:
Answer: Dear ones, thank you for your question. You are correct in your assessment of a movement and a significant planetary shift. We offer you some suggestions per your request:
Ángeles de Crystal
lunes, julio 28, 2014
Lady Nada and Mother Mary via Fran Zepeda: You are Magnificent Carriers of Love Everlasting, Designed and Equipped for the Task From Time-Beginning - Jul 28, 2014
Hello dear sweet ones. We come before you together again to bring you Love Everlasting in concert and in Union for this Now Moment in ever-cascading streams of Love Everlasting and Enduring for all to tap into Forever and Always.
We are your mentors and guides in this in this Now Moment and we deliver our Love to you this moment and always in complete openness and fullness of all your Hearts put together. For imagine that, dear ones – Love Everlasting in Union with all Hearts at the same moment; it is a monumental task to undertake, yet fulfilling and magnificent in scope.
Ángeles de Crystal
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report: For
several days I notice how people in day to
day situations want to be close to
me, by asking me for this
or that, but foremost asking for city directions. In
most cases
these are energetically and physically highly unpurified people
I have absolutely no desire to engage myself with anybody,
because I see that
they use the question as an “excuse” in order
to get into my energy field.
Ángeles de Crystal
Brenda Hoffman – Self-Love – The New Earth Corner Stone – 28 July 2014 - AUTO AMOR – LA PIEDRA ANGULAR DE LA NUEVA TIERRA - 17 de agosto de 2014
Summary of Brenda’s July 25, 2014 channeled, free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You’ve discovered your core fear. Now it’s time to be gifted with elements or entities – your dreams. Once again, you need to ask ‘what’ and ‘why’. Are the gifts part of your core fear or the new you? The next few days you will establish self-love – the basis of the remainder of your life in this new earth.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Get Over Yourself – Accept Joy”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Let us begin with what you have been pining for for eons – the love and joy of new earth. Yet, you continue to forget or ignore the basic new earth building block – loving yourself.
Of course, you believe you love yourself – and perhaps you do to a certain extent. But do you love your body, your emotions, your very being? Or is that love saturated with, “I’m not smart enough. I’m not thin enough. I’m not healthy enough.” or any other phrase that tells you and others your love is limited to what your culture defines as perfect?
Ángeles de Crystal
Jennifer Hoffman - Boundaries & Limits - Keys to Freedom - 28 July, 2014
This is the final week of July and it is going to be another
strong week for us. Venus is opposite Pluto and square Uranus,
activating the Uranus/Pluto square. While we like to think of Venus as
the goddess of love and emanating sweetness and light, this is not that
kind of energy. This is the mother who has had enough and gives you 'the
look' (as my children call it) that speaks volumes without saying a
word. When you get 'the look' you know it's time to quietly go to your
room or stop acting up.
Ángeles de Crystal
domingo, julio 27, 2014
Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 27 July 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 27 de Julio al 3 de Agosto, 2014 por Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones,
The pressure within increases as the energy intensifies from the cosmos. The activity of purification is intensifying in all quarters of life. There is no escape for anyone or anything upon the earth plane. All are as one in the eye of the cosmic storm that is passing through. The energy sensitive among you will find yourselves moving into the next step of your journey in wonderful and unexpected ways. With a suddenness that is startling, you will find yourselves in a blessed space as you find the longed for peace within. As this alignment and recalibration takes place yet again, you enter a new phase of healing within your human operating system. The healing will become noticeable in your daily life as you go about your duties. There will be more energy flowing through you and you will have the energy to create all that you desire in your lives. Your ability to remain focused upon your goals will see a marked improvement.
Ángeles de Crystal
John Smallman – Saul – Everyone Will Awaken But No One Will Be Forced To Do So – 27 July 2014
Many of you are undergoing great stress and bodily and emotional discomforts at present as the energy levels of the Tsunami of Love intensify. This is to be expected, so do not be alarmed, just relax into the now moment and allow these energies to flow through you and on out to all of humanity and to Gaia herself. This is what you came to do, you have just forgotten how demanding it would be on your physical vehicles, so make sure to ask regularly for help from your friends, guides, mentors and angels in the spiritual realms. When you do you will feel better, more easily able to accept the discomfort, and assured of its necessity as your frequencies rise to prepare you and humanity for your awakening.
Ángeles de Crystal
Kryon - Lee Carroll - Congelado En El Tiempo - Mayo 31, 2014
Canalización de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll, en Grand Rapids, EE.UU.
Sábado 31 de Mayo, 2014
Desgrabación del audio en vivo y traducción: María Cristina Cáffaro
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
El verdadero mensaje que tenía para todos ustedes lo dí esta mañana. Tiene que ver con lo desconocido, ¿verdad? Un sistema oculto dentro de ustedes. Una consciencia del cuerpo, lista para ayudarlos, si desearan iniciar un proceso que no llamaré iluminación, sino volverse más grandes en aquello que conocen. Más grandes en aquello que conocen. Algo que los empuja hacia adelante, les muestra cosas que los llevan al lugar correcto, si ustedes escuchan. Ahora bien, esto les está oculto, como muchas cosas están ocultas para ustedes. Esta canalización en particular, esta noche, no será una prueba de resistencia (Kryon ríe). De hecho es divertido para mí, si quieren usar esa palabra. Mi socio no sabe adónde vamos, y si supiera, probablemente no querría ir allí. (el público se ríe). Porque ocasiona controversias entre los que escuchan y leen, pero tengo que decir lo debo decir.
Ángeles de Crystal
Kryon - Lee Carroll - La Lección - 31 de Mayo de 2014
Desgrabación del audio en vivo y traducción: María Cristina Cáffaro
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.
En este salón hay algunos que nunca antes oyeron esto. Probablemente no. Cuando se reúnen seres humanos de mentes afines, ocurre algo diferente. Así, estos cortos mensajes canalizados se convierten en introducciones de la energía del amor. Verán, para que esto funcione tiene que haber discernimiento de parte de ustedes. ¿Es real esto? Lo hemos preguntado cada vez, durante un año y medio. Quiero que el alma antigua en este salón sepa que esto es exacto y real porque su propio discernimiento se lo dice, no sólo porque se supone que debe creerlo.
El proceso de canalizar está cambiando. Mi socio lo sabe, le previne que así sería. Él ha hecho el cambio gradualmente, para que funcionara en una energía nueva. Aquellos que siguen estos mensajes, que han estado escuchándolos y leyéndolos durante décadas, saben que los mensajes son diferentes. El velo se ha levantado apenas un poco, lo que permite una comunicación más clara de la Fuente Creadora que es Dios en ustedes, de uno a otro lado del velo.
Ángeles de Crystal
sábado, julio 26, 2014
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn : New Year July/August 2014 - Arcángel Miguel a través de Celia Fenn: Año Nuevo Julio/Agosto 2014 - Yendo a lo Interno al Poder del Núcleo: un Planeta y Población en Transición
Once again you have reached the "New Year" of your planet. As you approach the end of July 2014, a turbulent month filled with challenges, you are now ready to cross the threshold and enter into a New Year of Light, Time and Experience. Will you choose to move with the rising light and into a new level of experiences, or will you simply continue to repeat the same experiences again and again in the coming year?
Ángeles de Crystal
Aisha North - A short update on the energies - Jul 26, 2014
As many of you have already noticed, these undulations of incoming energy will serve to push more and more to the forefront, and that also includes the resistance to the light. For as these underground reservoirs of light have started to empty their contents on to the surface of this planet, the room for those less inclined to step out into the Sun as it were will continue to shrink at an ever more rapid rate, and as such, their propensity to put up a fight will become more and more apparent to all. In other words, as the space to maneuver continues to shrink for these forces of fear, the amount of noise they will make will only increase, until it will be like a veritable shriek from a dying animal.
Ángeles de Crystal
Suzanne Lie – Antarian And Arcturian – Timeless Conversations – 26 July 2014
Timeless Conversations With the Higher Dimensions
July 20, 2014
Dear Arcturians and/or Antarians,
I am addressing you both so that either or both of you can assist me. I am in the midst of a huge transition. I know enough to know what I don’t know, and right now I feel like I am stepping over a cliff and into a bottomless canyon. Of course that is an exaggeration in terms of physical reality, but pretty correct in terms of emotions. It is not that I am having a lot of negative emotions, but I am definitely not having a lot of positive ones either.
Ángeles de Crystal
DL Zeta – Setting Our Internal GPS For Timelines Of The New Earth – 26 July 2014
We can begin amplifying our experience of the new time at any point we wish to have a greater experience of love, peace and spiritual connection in our lives. Those who have already begun this process are finding the energies of the new earth readily available to be woven into the fabric of new beginnings.
With the July 26 New Moon in Leo joining forces with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, this is truly a time to begin anew. This is an excellent time to begin a new spiritual practice, expand our creative horizons, forge new connections with others, start new health regimens and re-invent ourselves in some new and daring way. Our efforts toward expansion are greatly supported now. For lightworkers, this holds special significance as we allow the gentle winds of this time to speed us along on our journey of self-realization.
Ángeles de Crystal
Lauren C. Gorgo - Benefactor to Beneficiary: bestowal of blessings - July 26, 2014
Ok people…even if it feels otherwise, we are finally at a very long-awaited and super significant turning point.
It definitely took me ALL of July to
be-lie-ve this to be true…and btw, thank you in advance for your
patience so I could get to a more expanded place personally before I
wrote this report…had I not waited, this would have been a VERY
different article
The unrelenting force of compression
that was required to get to where we are right now, to turn the last of
our carbon into diamond…to rid ourselves of those final patterns of self
destructive limitations…was straight-up Crazyville. But thru all of it,
the unseens kept assuring me that we were grounding into a major
earth-bound crossroads…put into place by the cosmic (grand) cross-roads
reflected in the skies back in May…and that the intensified pressure we
have been feeling the entire month of July was the actual pressure
created/needed to outgrow and break free from our metamorphic cocoon.
Ángeles de Crystal
Georgi Stankov - The Threshold of Confrontation Between Light and Darkness is Reached - July 26, 2014
The last few days were full of massive cleansing of all timelines of Gaia – crucial adjustments and spectacular ascension shifts took place. There were so many processes running simultaneously that it is probably impossible to get a proper overview on them. But there is no doubt that we have just finished one of the most critical phases in the ascension process of the new galaxy and Gaia as its focal point.
During this time we did not receive any information from our sources. The Elohim were waiting for the final result to come up, before they can give us an update. We descended in the last few days to some very lower, dense and dark timelines to cleanse them from all pecuniary and other patterns of separation and duality, which were associated with severe symptoms and inhuman energy intensities. This has been confirmed today by other true members of the PAT.
Ángeles de Crystal
viernes, julio 25, 2014
The End of Time for the Matrix / written by the Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan on 25th of July 2014
The End of Time for the Matrix
It is difficult to transfer events that occur in the higher realm of consciousness which depends on the depth of consciousness and understanding to the lower layers of consciousness which rely on information… The difficulty lies in the big disparity in consciousness among the masses of mankind, that’s why we have decided to put these new developments in the form of simple points to be a beacon for all researchers in the path of consciousness and for those who are waiting for the New Era {The Golden Age} in order to seek the facts out of it … and these developments were summary of a deep journey for us in the higher realms of consciousness and an inner journey in the last 3 months..
Ángeles de Crystal
Judith Dagley – “We Cannot Go Anywhere Unless We Bring ALL Of OurSELF With Us.”- From July’s Energy Tele-Gathering, Recording Available NOW! – 25 July 2014
“We cannot go anywhere unless we bring all of ourSELF with us.”
– Through Me to YOU, July Energy Tele-Gathering, 7.20.2014
That is the theme of 2014, our Year of Integration. This integration process is increasing in intensity and so power, and will continue to through the rest of the year, at least. Already, it has become a veritable vortex, spinning so fast that nothing is either “here or there, past or present” anymore. All of everywhere is spinning into NOW.
Which is, of course, so that we can integrate ourselves whole and get on with it. Which, nonetheless, is also making our heads spin and knocking our socks off (mine included, please note). So, it is no surprise that it quickly unfolded as the theme of our July Energy Tele-Gathering– the recording of which is NOW available!
Ángeles de Crystal
Tomorrow the crystal that is being delivered from Iceland will be placed underneath israel/Palestine, it’s almost there. Isis is in Egypt starting today. The energy is going to be amplified, it’s important to tune into the crystal to assist the energy to be properly distributed among everyone, calling out to their higher selves and helping in shifting the consciousness towards PEACE. It is important to use the GOLDEN light.
Ángeles de Crystal
Ángeles de Crystal