
lunes, junio 02, 2014

Lee Harris - June 2014 Energy Forecast - What's new, and what's possible now?

Lee Harris

Hi everybody and welcome to the June 2014 Energy Forecast.
It’s beautiful out here today. It’s warm. It’s sunny.

And yet, the strongest energy I feel to start this forecast with is to address grief. Because this is an energy that is coming up collectively for everybody, and I‘ve noticed this is very much at the forefront of people’s issues right now.
Each month I hold a live Q and A broadcast which is available to members of The Portal, and since last month, to everybody. And in the last three months of holding these broadcasts, I have noticed an enormous amount of grief and panic is the ongoing theme through people’s questions.
So certainly, the last few months have been more intense than we’ve experienced before. But as I have repeatedly said over the last year or so, the key for all of us is that the intensity outside of us is not going to die down. So the only way that we can actually improve our experience of it is to learn to better work with it or to work with our innerselves – and often it’s both that are required.
So for example, those of you who are feeling grief around what you’re seeing going on on the planet, you will want to look at activism around those areas – conscious activism. So that you’re bringing your voice, your energy towards the area that you are most grieved about.

And many of you will say to that "Well, where do I start? There are so many options." And what I always say is if you are feeling overwhelmed by everything, but there is one key area that you are more passionate about, walk there. Now, the issue you might have is you might feel, “Well how is that enough? How is that enough in these times?”
I think all of us are feeling how is what we are doing enough; particularly the sensitive among you who are looking at the world and seeing multiple areas of need kicking off all at the same time.
I personally have that thought all of the time with the work that I’m doing in the world. I’m sure many of you have it with your work, or the way that you’re living your life or the role that you are holding within your family. This 'thought' is part of the collective response to all we are seeing around us.
There is an overwhelming urgency going on everywhere 'outside' at the moment. And yet, what I have come to find, is that the only way I can be of most use to what's going on around me in these times, is to be as centered as I can. And some days that’s easier than others.
So for those of you who are not yet consciously making changes around the way you are working with your body, the way you’re working with your personal patterns, it’s really time to do that.
So for example, if you’re feeling over stimulated by everything you’re seeing in the world, are you on the computer too much? Because at the moment there are a wealth of terrifying headlines on the computer. For example, even some of the great petition websites that I regularly sign things for, will often send me emails with headlines saying, “Terrifying new news!”.
So every day in my inbox I’m seeing words such as “terrifying”, “horrific”, “urgent”. Now even if the writers of those emails all believe that there cause and their case is true, what this does to the nervous system when this is coming at you every single day is it fires off all sorts of signals in you. So you have to be discerning, and you have to be mindful of what you are 'taking in' from the outside world.
So the odd thing about this time is that the very reason that consciousness is awakening faster, and people are having deepening experiences with themselves, is because they are having to back away from everything that’s going on outside them. And you either get pushed into backing away; illness/catastrophe or some other circumstance that forces you to stop your regular pattern. OR, you consciously and deliberately invite yourself there.
So, I’m aware lots of you are still spinning out inside yourselves, and still spinning and ricocheting off what’s going on in the world energetically.
For example, those of you that are maybe single parents holding down two jobs, that’s very difficult for you to try and carve out space for yourselves, compared to those of us who perhaps aren’t parents. At least when our job is over, all we have to deal with is our friends and our family and ourselves. We’re not also care-taking and guiding kids. I’ve always said that parenting is the hardest, most hours exhausting job on the planet. Even though all the parents I know will say it’s the most rewarding.
But particularly those of you that are parents, you might be struggling a bit with your kids at the moment.
You’re going through a lot of stress both in your role as a parent, but also your own relationship to this world; because kids who are say, 20 and under, they aren’t grieving in the way that the generations who are in their mid to late twenties and beyond are grieving.

And they are able to take high and multiple stimulation in the world - something you are still adjusting to. So if you notice yourselves finding an energy gap with you and your kids right now, just remember you are still connected. You are just going through these intense shifts from very different perspectives, on top of your generational differences.
There is a lot of stress and grief going on for people. And several months ago in a forecast I said to you all 'It isn’t the 80's anymore'. I was kind of joking about it but I was also making a true point. Those of us who remember how life was in the 80s, the 90s and the early 2000s, it is completely different now. And that’s an enormous adjustment to still be coming to terms with and one that is not going to slow down.

So, we are being brought truly into the present as the only place we can find ourselves, even as past energies ride through us to release themselves.
Because even though if you speak to an 80 or a 90-year-old, they will speak to you about the amount of changes they’ve gone through in a lifetime (and I always find that a fascinating conversation), the amount of changes they’ve gone through compared to what our generation is having to go through is rapidly fast.

And we did come through coded with our parents DNA. Yes, we also came through coded with our own soul patterns, but we also came through a family that had existing patterns running which we agreed to try on for size and for growth and healing purposes.
So people’s patterns right now are either going into crisis mode or they are going into liberation mode.

And what’s really important to encourage is liberation mode.
So if you’re watching this and you’re in crisis mode, know that you have to make some changes. And you may immediately come back at me from the comfort of your living room, come back at me on the screen and say, “But Lee, I can’t make any changes.”

And that’s not actually true.
So I’m not saying that your circumstances might not be horrendously stressful for you or the worst situation that you’ve ever been in in your life, but there are ALWAYS small subtle changes we can make. Because the problem is we do run on patterns as humans, which I’ve reminded us many times, and only we can shift the patterns.
The other thing that you might want to ask yourself is, how can you support your body if your mind and your emotions are highly wayward right now? What does your physical body need?
So to the many of you who do have a high nervous system, which will be quite common among the sensitive, look into supplements that you can take that can help calm the nervous system. For example, Magnesium is one that is known to help the nervous system calm down. You can Google this kind of thing and find fairly inexpensive natural supplements online – and these things can and do make a big difference to how you feel.

Supporting the body as much as you support soul, spirit and mind is vital in these times.

So too can taking time alone be.
But for many of you this month, there will be an ongoing feeling of;

"I have got to change something; I have got to change something".

And part of that is coming from the urgency and the headlessness that you are feeling in the world; because lots of people are spinning off everything that’s going on and the enormous outer changes occurring daily.
This is why last month, in the May Energy Forecast, I focused very specifically on asking you to see how much are you picking up on other people's chaos energies and needs? How much are you picking up on their panic and their fear that they are circulating, that you can’t help be knocked off balance by or be affected by?
So hopefully many of you managed to be more successful with this in the last month, and you managed to voice your opinion. I explained that voicing your opinion is a very powerful thing. It’s something that many of you will have learned to stop doing years ago because you didn’t enjoy being the catalyst for others, or the one that everyone reacted badly to because of your truth being different to the mainstream.
But as I said last month, generally, people are more open now than they were.

So not only will you speaking your truth redirect their energy and attention, you might also help people to start to see and understand things that they perhaps aren’t understanding yet.
Many of you bemoan the fact (I see this online a lot); “Why aren’t people more awake? Why aren’t people more awake?”

If this is your feeling I would suggest then that you need to turn that into “I want to help people wake up.”
So if you think people are asleep to the truth about Fracking, and other actions that are basically destructive to the planet, there is no way around that. There is no politician’s story or payout that can make that a truth to them. Instead, you need to go and work in the areas of educating people to that, or just bring it up in social conversation, rather than fight or be angry at those people for not knowing. Help them to see if you are frustrated at them.
We’re all in this together and yes, we all have our areas of limitation; we all have our blind spots. That’s why we’re a tribe. We’re one world tribe who has been very successfully divided from each other through cultural programming, and through the control at the top that we’ve all lived under for so long.

And the reason so many of you that are sensitive are finding this time particularly horrifying at moments is because all of this darkness is coming to light.
You only have to look at what’s going on in certain countries and the atrocities that are supposedly 'justifiable' in the name of war or in the name of power.
So as much as these things are going on, you have to remember that the rate at which we are seeing them is very new to us. So if you just spin off out into them and you start panicking about what you’re seeing, you’re just going in to a panic. If you address the fact that it is an enormous amount for us to take in at the moment, and it IS spinning people out, your panic will have a little more perspective.

But as with any feeling, if you notice you feel fear, go into the fear.
Don’t just go into panic thoughts about it, which is bypassing the emotion and going into the mind.

Really go there with the feeling of the fear..
This is something I said several months ago. If I am feeling afraid about something I am seeing going on in the world, the best thing I can do as a human being is, rather than panic or talk to everyone about it, it is to actually sit there and feel the enormous fear running through my body. Because at a certain point, when you feel these feelings that willingly and deeply, they will pop, and leave you.

You may say, 'well I’m tired of feeling feelings'. To which I would say, then you need to go further down and deeper into the feeling.
And it’s very different, by the way, if you have something physical going on. If you’re feeling drained from a physical illness, that’s a whole other story. Physical illness and limitation can make it harder to feel your spirit, or have enough space in yourself to work with some of these principles.

But there are some of you watching and listening today who are caught in the middle place - hovering between mind and deep feelings.
And that’s the final energy I want to address today: the middle place that we are caught in as a collective right now.
I mentioned earlier that the grief of the past is something that those of us of a certain generation are processing. It is odd to look back, at say the 90s, and go, wow - that was such a different feeling and a way of being.
However, I personally can also look back at the 90s and see that there are things around us now and certain levels of consciousness in conversation, in action and in people’s opening that wasn’t there in the 90s. In the 90's that wider consciousness was just beginning to birth in some ways.
So it’s easy to look at the past and to feel the past in your body and to yearn for it. But remember, perhaps in ten years you will be yearning for this moment in time.
And the reasons I love the teachings of non-duality and people such as Toni Packer or Pema Chodron, who speak about the moment is everything we have, is because what I notice is that when we come back to the present moment, we emanate, our energy re-aligns, and we are no longer stuck in externals.
And it’s not easy for us to let go of externals. So don’t give yourself a hard time about this process we are in - instead, be aware it is occurring and be kind to yourself. Use it to understand why you feel confused at times so you can let confusion be there, without adding a pressure or need to solve confusion.
The spiritual community is a very interesting community because while you would presume that all of those in the spiritual community are aligned, they really are not. And if you really look at this you will see a vast difference in people’s idea of what it is to be spiritual.
So there are some people who want to live outside their body and they choose to live very much in the ether. And they enjoy things like channeling or meditations but they don’t necessarily want to go deeply into their body.

And conversely, there are other people who only want to stay in their body and don’t necessarily want to open their crown chakra, their spirit.

And the meeting point between these two is the perfect place for all of us.
The balance of the two, but grounding that can be more challenging than we presume.
That's the work we are all doing right now - grounding the middle place.
This is a very strange time because even though we are growing in consciousness all of the time, that growth also requires constant death inside us.
So we have to let go of how we felt about something.
We have to let go of how we thought about something.

And when the world is screaming to you; "everything’s a little unsafe, resources are running out, we should panic about this, we should panic about that " if you’re seeing that in your outer world while your inner world is concurrently going, “I don’t know who I am anymore!”, it can be scary.

Unless you plant your feet on the ground, take it day by day, and start going, ok I’m here, I’m breathing. Here’s this moment. THIS is where I am living now.
This is why I always say remember that we could be dead tomorrow, because that truth and unknown to us, helps you come back to you, stop planning and worrying about the future, and come back to now.
You see this very much with people who have been given a terminal illness. They suddenly open up. They suddenly start looking at things that they didn’t have time to look at before. And that’s one of the greatest myths of our current society.
Part of the reason we’re kept so busy right now is it helps distract us from the key issues in place. So our world is designed to keep most of us on the 'hamster wheel'. The hamster wheel of work, activity, and stimulation, all of which can confuse our inner senses.

Maybe the spoken of '1%' that we hear about, aren’t on the hamster wheel or maybe they’re on the hamster wheel too, but in a very different paradigm of reality because of their power and their financial support. Who knows? I don’t know anyone in the 1%, so I can’t speak about that.
But understand that we are in a time where we have to not just go with the flow of everything that’s going on outside us.
Come back to yourself.
Make your own decisions even if they aren't in agreement with the herd.
Take time alone.

Recognize the spiritual-human dance is a constantly moving one. You’re not just living in the ether and you’re not just living in the body. You’re trying to bring more consciousness from the ether down into the body. And as you do that, you are not only moving things for yourself, you’re moving things in past generations on this planet.
So with all of that said, attending to wellness and attending to how you feel is vital. And if you are noticing you feel too 'sped-up', know you need to make some adjustments.
Otherwise you’re just going to get carried away with the fast-moving current.
When you do come back to a sense of 'inner-home', and you do start to do the things that help you slow down and feel calm, you will come back to a place where you go, “Ah, I can breathe”.

Energetically you calming down has a huge effect on everyone around you. So energetically, you will be creating a template of calm that the world really needs at the moment.
So yes, it’s a crazy time and no, it’s not going to slow down, which is why we have to work with our inner selves more than ever.
This period in time was always predicted by my channels as being a 2012 – 2020 journey.

So those of you who are angry and waiting for it to calm down outside, please start working with yourselves; otherwise you’re going to remain angry and that anger is going to fester and you’re going to be brought down.
It’s time to liberate yourself from in here (Lee touches his heart). And it might mean you’re living in a way that you’ve never lived before. But that’s what we’re here for, every single day - to see what’s new and what's possible.
So, in peace and in love to all of you.  I hope you have a good month.
The latest sound recording I did was actually sound healing. It's ten years this month since I began doing this work publicly and I have spent the last ten years working with words to help move energy for others. Recently I’ve forayed into sound healing, which after using words as the energy carrier, has been a joy for me and people have been really enjoying it.
So if you’re interested in experiencing a shift in yourself using sound and tone rather than words, you can check out the trailer for Adventures in Sound here.
Take care everybody and see you next month.
(c) copyright 2013 - all rights reserved by Lee Harris Energy