
jueves, mayo 29, 2014

Wes Annac - The Spirit World Chronicles: More on the Presence of Deceased Friends and Family – Part 7 – Conclusion - May 29, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Concluded from Part 6
We live for a long time here on earth, but when we’re back in a higher state of consciousness, our time here will seem miniscule.
We’ll have far more interesting and amazing experiences in the realms beyond than we do on earth, and before we know it, centuries of earth time will have gone by, which we’ll have used to explore our spirituality. By this time, we’ll be much, much further along our growth, and we’ll be able to look back on our lower-dimensional experiences with love and appreciation.

Helen Salter tells us about her initially frightful but eventually relieving death experience.
“My turn to make what some believe is a long journey. But for me it was such a short journey. Oh, it was so incredibly easy and painless. There was only one very brief nightmare, when I wanted to get back into my body in order to return to you. An instant’s bad dream.
“That’s all death was to me. After it, almost immediately, there came the unimaginable moment – a welcoming mother and father. You can’t imagine what a feeling of safety they gave me. Freedom at once from that inert thing, my body – freedom from the fear of the Unknown. …” (1)
After the ‘nightmare’ of wanting to return to her body, Helen was able to greet her departed parents and realize that she never had any real reason to fear death. Her parents, and I’d imagine a few other family members, were there to quell her fears and reassure her that everything was okay; that her fear would soon be replaced with awe-inspiring bliss.
The same can be said for a plethora of other people who fear death before moving on and realizing that in reality, their fears are unjustified. However justifiable they seem on earth, when we’re out of this dense and heavy state of consciousness, livelihood returns and reminds us that consciousness is infinite and that we only ‘die’ in the physical sense.
Helen then tells us about death’s simplicity, comparing it to the complicated event we’ve made it out to be.
“In the past, we, you and I, have wondered what our arrival to this level would be like. But nothing we supposed came up to that beautiful, surprising, homely feeling I had with these two protectors waiting for me. That’s why I have called it the unimaginable moment.
“Death’s exit is so simple and all our lives we have made it intrinsically complicated.” (2)
It’s unfortunate that most of the planet is still unaware of death’s benevolence, and even though it’s seen as a monster that we should fear, it actually releases us from the heavy pain of a physical body and reintroduces us to the liberated, wholesome spirit life that awaits.
When their experiences here are over, most people depart into the joyous realms of the fourth dimension where they’re able to meet up with their friends and family and, eventually, take on an occupation they can use to find the wholeness they’ve always sought.
It all starts with the departure from the physical body, however dark or fearful we’ve made it out to be. Most people probably feel more liberated in spirit than they ever did on earth, and like I said earlier, someone who struggled immensely on earth might find it much easier to work hard at something they enjoy in the fourth dimension.
Liberation from pain is the name of the fourth-dimensional game, and instead of being weighed down by pain, fear, and myriad other earthly qualities, we’re able to enjoy a smooth and free-flowing existence as we open ourselves to the influence of spirit and work for the development and progression of everyone who’s still in a lower state of consciousness.
I don’t know what we’ll examine in our next Spirit World Chronicles installment, but it, like everything else we’ve examined, will be related to death’s benevolence and the conditions of the fourth dimension. We still haven’t even scratched the surface, and we still have a lot to learn about the fourth dimension and the benevolent process that leads us to it.
I’ve seen death up close, and it’s very daunting and scary from a physical perspective. However, from a spiritual perspective, consciousness lives on forever and, as such, we have no real reason to hate, fear, or avoid death.
It’s a natural part of life, and it’s apparently less hazardous than birth (as we learned in a previous report), so I think we should do our best to accept when someone’s time comes and keep in mind that they’re still around – they’re just in a different place.
I look forward to writing plenty more reports on life after death, because we haven’t yet learned most of what’s been said about it – through mediums or from incarnate observers who’ve witnessed it firsthand.
For now, I hope this report has been able to satisfy our collective hunger for knowledge regarding death, the fourth dimension, and every other related subject that’s intended to raise our awareness of the spiritual nature of our existence.
Wes Annac – A seeker with a lot of time and energy on my hands, which I intend to put to good use.


  1. Paul Beard, Living On. How Consciousness Continues and Evolves After Death. New York: Continuum, 1981, 58-9.
  2. Loc. cit.
Photo Credit: LifeHelp.org
I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter.